The Perpetrators

The main perpetrator of the violence was the state and its agencies,
specifically the military, paramilitary organizations, the civil
intelligence organizations, specifically the National Security Agency
(NASA), local and national officials of the ruling UPC and members of the
party’s Youth Wing. Most massacres were carried out by the military in zones
of counterinsurgency operations as in West Nile and Luwero Triangle, where
the role of the military and its dominant ethnic group is still evidenced by
such graffiti as “You will never forget that boys from Gulu were here!”

The roadblock as the point of interaction between the populace and the
state’s terror machine was to many an “institution” and, if indeed accepted
as such, probably the only single effective institution in the Uganda of the
1980s (Kasozi, 1995:151). At the roadblock, the ill-provisioned,
ill-trained, underpaid, and quite often drunken government soldiers would
rob, rape and murder and humiliate the citizenry unhampered.15
<>   In his
autobiography, Museveni recounts an incident when together with his family
he faced near death at a roadblock in the outskirts of Kampala—had it not
been for “some comrades [who] used force to rescue us” after a five hour
detention, as the soldiers manning the roadblock consulted on how to dispose
of him (Museveni, 1997:123). He was then the Vice-Chairman of the ruling
Military Commission, effectively making him the country’s Vice-President. In
such circumstances, the ordinary wayfarer never stood any chance.

The secret police, the National Security Agency (NASA), like its
predecessors, the General Service Unit (GSU) of Obote I and Idi Amin’s State
Research Bureau (SRB), operated above the little that was left of the law
and were manned by individuals whose “powers sometimes exceeded their
talents” (Makubuya, 1989). The Gestapo-like NASA agents were active in all
sectors of Uganda’s national life especially where anti-UPC sentiment was
rife. They operated in schools, factories, churches, hospitals and other
institutions, with every UPC branch office being collocated with a NASA
bureau. Operatives in guerrilla-infested areas like Luwero Triangle or in
the ethnic base of the guerrilla leadership in Mbarara were also nicknamed
the “computer men” as they often read off their victims’ names from piles of
computer printouts generated from a central database. The agency also
carried out kidnap and assassination operations outside the country,
especially in neighboring Kenya where most rebel groups had their external
wings.16 <>  

Party functionaries at all levels, from constituency through parish and
village and ordinary party members all over the country, collaborated with
the military and the spy agency. There are innumerable instances in which
even local administration officials and civil servants, who were generally
required to be members of the ruling party, participated in human rights
abuses and massacres, with some running private prisons in their homes
(Uganda government, 1995).

How the Violence Ended

Commenting on the events in Uganda in the 1980s is as much the decrying of
hemorrhage of a beleaguered nation as it is an exercise in scripting the
political fortunes of Milton Obote, especially so in his relations with the
populace of Buganda. Obote viewed the military as his primary constituency
and mainstay of his hold on power, and therefore Buganda was to remain the
principal object of the actions of that power. Upon regaining office in
1980, Obote “tried encircling Buganda, a strategy which had paid off in the
1960s,” as a result of which “Buganda had been forced to break out of the
encirclement by seeking an alliance with the UPC—an alliance which at the
time was tactical but eventually proved disastrous for Buganda and,
eventually for Uganda” (Mudoola, 1989).

The Buganda—and indeed Uganda—of the 1980s was radically different from the
one of the 1960s. As a consequence of the turmoil that occasioned the reign
and dethronement of Idi Amin, Ugandans had not only been brutalized, but
other than doubling in number, they were now hardened and ultra-militant.
Over the years, force had become too dispersed for any single politician to
wield it successfully to hold sections of the country to ransom. As Mudoola
notes, “With the fall of Idi Amin, political forces in Uganda generally—and
Buganda specifically—came to realize that force was a highly critical
element in the jungle that was Uganda. In the 1980s Buganda not only steered
away from any affiliation with Obote and the UPC, but it also sought to
break out of a state of being roped off as in earlier times, hence the
various armed uprisings that followed the UPC “victory” in the 1980 poll.
Naturally, Obote swallowed the bait by opting for the military resolution of
the uprisings. And the desire to do so did not have to wait for the
mushrooming insurgent groups to declare intent to take on the UPC government
militarily. Throughout the 1980 election campaigns, Obote constantly
challenged other contestants to show the public their generals.

The UPC government’s attempt to reconstitute an ethnically homogenous
military force along the lines of the 1960s came to naught. With all its
inherent defects, the military of Obote’s first reign was, though prone to
be being misused, less ill-disciplined. It was easy to provision and
therefore non-predatory. Additionally, the government was presiding over a
docile populace. The UNLA was a far cry from this, especially as the
traditional Lwo politico-military axis of the Acholi and Langi steadily
yielded to the strain of the counterinsurgency in Buganda.

Weaknesses within government were deepened by differences between the
President and Vice President Paulo Muwanga. The latter disagreed with
Obote’s nepotism and his strategy to deal with the escalating insurgency.
Critical was the death of the Army Chief of Staff and overall operational
commander in Luwero Triangle, Maj-Gen David Oyite Ojok, in a helicopter
crash in December 1983. This dealt the Obote government a triple blow by
first of all depriving the military of an individual who had helped to give
it the semblance of professional leadership and a sense of purpose. Secondly
and probably more important, Ojok’s death precipitated a succession crisis
that was to hasten the disintegration of the military and the regime as the
antagonism between the Acholi and Langi within the UNLA was to demonstrate.
Muwanga silently opposed and undermined Obote’s nomination for Ojok’s

Thirdly, the manner in which the leadership of the NRA conducted itself in
the wake of Ojok’s death in their zone of operations also served as a
catalyst for the crisis within the ruling UPC. There were no claims
whatsoever made by the NRA that it had shot down the helicopter, very much
in keeping with strict Maoist discipline of never claiming cheap victories;
or victories one had not scored. For a force under so much pressure at the
time it would have been almost a reflex to announce the downing of the
helicopter as an achievement, if for anything else, then at least to boost
the morale of the hard pressed fighting force. Apart from being clear
testimony to the extraordinary confidence of the guerrilla leadership, the
NRA effectively deflected the death of Ojok to the UPC government itself, as
senior military and political leaders started pointing accusing fingers at
each other for planning the mishap. These accusations and counteractions
were to create an atmosphere of mutual suspicion within the UPC leadership
that only hastened the atrophy of the regime.

On the strategy to combat the guerrillas, Vice President Muwanga came to
realize the futility of the military option in resolving the now escalating
insurgency particularly in Buganda, and started favoring a negotiated
settlement, as the government forces’ inability to diminish the efficacy of
the NRA became increasingly evident. Obote, elated that the relocation of a
sizeable contingent of the NRA to the west of the country was a sign of
defeat and their search for an exit to Zaire,17
<>   still hoped that
the government forces would regain the initiative. Museveni was able to meet
Muwanga in Germany and make an attempt to initiate negotiations (Museveni,
1997: 165). Of course the shrewd Muwanga was being motivated more by
opportunism than by pacifism: he had read the signs of the times and was
attempting to position himself for the emerging new order.

The state of the commitment and cohesion of the demoralized military was a
further blow to the Obote regime. Over time, the Acholi members of the
military felt, with justification, that the President was favoring his
fellow Langi in promotions, appointments and opportunities for training
abroad; and above all else by keeping them out of harm’s way by ensuring
that were never deployed in battle zones. Conflict heightened in August
1984, when after almost a year of indecision, Obote promoted one of his kin,
Opon Acak and appointed him to replace Ojok as chief of staff. The Acholi
who were the majority communal group in the force had hoped that, Basilio
Olara Okello, their co-ethnic, was best qualified to take over as Chief of
Staff. In time, they would directly disobey the Chief of Staff’s orders, as
happened in June 1985 when the mainly Acholi troops stationed at Maga Maga,
near Jinja, directly disobeyed the order to move to western Uganda to fight
the increasingly bold NRA, engaging the Langi officers who had gone to
transmit the orders in a shootout.

There was, in fact, open communal conflict within the military and
widespread insubordination by Acholi officers who suspected that Obote was
ordering their arrest, detention and elimination. A struggle over which
ethnic faction of the army would control armored assets led to further
shootouts in the outskirts of the capital, worsening the schisms within
Obote’s military and setting the stage for his eventual overthrow.

The disarray within the military also took the pressure off Museveni’s NRA,
which was better able to sustain its military threat and capitalize on
discontent within Uganda. During 1985, the NRA spread its operations to the
West of the country and after grinding down the will of the UNLA in the
Luwero triangle was now in a position to hold territory and to switch their
operations to the third phase of the guerrilla campaign of frontal
engagements with government forces and holding territory. By this time, the
military had lost the will to fight and was experiencing mass defections to
the NRA; the government was growing increasingly fractious just as the
ruling party was racked by divisions. Obote could not even count on his
closest political ally hailing from Buganda, Paulo Muwanga. Such was the
isolation and desperation of the president that he initiated efforts to
enlist the support of the pro-Amin UNRF (Sathyamurthy, 1986:715).
International isolation further hastened the regime’s demise as the Western
aid donors and close regional allies like Julius Nyerere of Tanzania grew
increasingly weary of the atrocities in Luwero and West Nile. In July 1985,
Acholi elements within the UNLA, led by Lieutenant General Basilio
Olara-Okello, himself an Acholi and a candidate for arrest on Obote’s
orders, overturned the government. General Tito Okello Lutwa, also an
Acholi, became President.

Once again, Lango region, the home of the deposed president, was targeted
for widespread looting and massacres just as it was after Amin’s overthrow
of the Obote I government. General Okello invited several anti-Obote forces
to join his government, including two organizations comprised mainly of
ex-Amin soldiers in exile in Sudan. The return of pro-Amin elements into the
Uganda armed forces only served to increase the general population’s feeling
of distaste and revulsion for the Okello government.

Shortly after the Okello junta took over, President Moi of Kenya initiated
the Nairobi Peace Talks, (dubbed the “Peace Jokes”) between the Okello
forces and the NRA, which despite appeals to abandon the guerrilla campaign,
remained in the countryside. Four months of negotiations for power-sharing
were conducted in Nairobi, culminating in the signing of a December 1985
agreement signed by General Okello, NRA leader Museveni and President Moi.
The Agreement was not to hold since even the most preliminary steps beyond
signing were never to be implemented. The government in Kampala referred to
the NRA as “snakes” whose fangs had to first and foremost be extirpated.

In the meantime, fighting went on between the UNLA, now reinforced by a
large contingent of ex-Amin soldiers and Karimojong warriors who had been
lured with promises of acquiring herds of cattle from south western Uganda
after assisting in defeating the NRA. Massacres of civilians did not relent
either. Six months after General Okello’s coup, and just one month after the
execution of the Nairobi power-sharing agreement, the capital city was
overrun by the NRA as government forces gradually disintegrated, leaving the
Acholi component to flee northwards in an exodus that was marked by looting
and civilian massacres. As they crossed Acholiland, they warned Acholi
civilians that the NRA was coming for “revenge” and would massacre many of
them upon arrival in Gulu and Kitgum. Many civilians followed the fleeing
soldiers across the border to Sudan. By March 1986, the NRA had achieved
complete military control of Gulu and Kitgum relatively peacefully, though
later on in August of the same year, remnants of the deposed military were
to launch a counterattack that sparked off a civil war that still continues
to haunt the country.


The episodes of genocidal killing in Uganda in the period under examination,
namely from 1980-85, came to an end when the Obote regime fell apart under
the strains of its own internal contradictions. Whether that brought to an
end the structural vulnerability of Uganda to future episodes of genocidal
violence is a different question. The answer is not optimistic.

The passing of Milton Obote’s second reign, and in its wake, the routing of
the Okellos by the NRA, was viewed by many as a watershed in Ugandan
politics; heralding the first decisive shift of political pre-eminence from
the elites of the north of the country to those of the south. The years that
have followed the NRA’s victory, though marked by a relative upswing of
fortunes for the better part of the country, have also been characterized by
an explosion of armed rebellion, as Ugandans increasingly perceived Yoweri
Museveni’s exploits almost as a re-branding of insurgency as an enterprise,
if not elevating it to the level of an institution. No less than fifteen
rebel groups and movements have since emerged18
<> , the
longest-surviving being the exclusively Acholi Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)
which, with its enigmatic leader Joseph Kony, has dragged the country into
what may probably be the most brutal, if purposeless, episode of
insurrection Africa may yet see. It may not be far-fetched to suppose that,
in the fullness of time, the dire effects of the rebellion in central
northern Uganda might call for the kind of examination that is the subject
of this paper, albeit for a different era and principal culprit.

What ought to be sounded as a caution, though, is however much the loci of
collective violence shall shift within Uganda, the enduring problem in the
national politics of Uganda shall remain the stalemate in the relationship
between Uganda’s national authorities and Buganda’s traditional elite with
respect to the status of the Kingdom of Buganda. It is this stalemate that
set the stage, however remotely in history, for the events discussed in much
of this paper. The selective restoration of traditional political
institutions in the 1990s may have helped to ease the longstanding
bitterness of sections of Buganda over the abolition of their monarchy but
it may be too early to hope that pro-monarchist groups have outgrown their
revanchist proclivities. If not, then any future divergence of visions
between Buganda insular nationalism and pan-Ugandan designs of nationalist
elites at the centre will undoubtedly generate animosities that may
precipitate conditions that will lead to scenes the world witnessed in
Luwero in the 1980s.

At the national level, Uganda is still a divided and underdeveloped society
whose multi-ethnic character will, for years to come, continue to tempt the
country’s office-seeking political elites to manipulate the otherwise
neutral social diversity for personal ends, especially in light of the
continuing low level of institutionalization of political participation. The
persistent use of military force as the principal arbiter in political
contests in this short-fused polity remains a risk factor for mass murder.
As Helen Fein posits, “Perpetrators of genocide are often repeat offenders,
because elites and security forces may become habituated to mass killing as
a strategic response to challenges to state security and also because
targeted groups are never destroyed in their entirety” (Fein, 1993). The
1980s may have seen the country stepping back from the brink, but old habits
die hard. Much of the same reality that spawned the sad events of the period
being discussed still obtain. As such it may not be imprudent to nominate
Uganda for inclusion on the list of countries on which genocide watchers
should vigilantly keep tabs.





On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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