Simon Peter Okurut


How the hell are you as Ugandans going to copy from these countries when you 
still believe that raping women must be left a secret, and you hold that belief 
in 2014. Seriously how can you as Ugandans expect to learn from any one when a 
whole bunch of women is raped as they have been raped in Uganda and talking 
about it qualifies to criminality? Do you need to copy from Canada that raping  
a woman is wrong or you learn that from your mother as a child growing up?  You 
know I was reading a report out of Northern Uganda few says ago, and the people 
that actually attacked Aboke school and raped the girls inside, were not NRA 
soldiers but Acholi themselves. Acholi actually attacked their very own school, 
built by the I think Combon fathers and raped their own children ending up 
destroying their very own school. People that behave as Ugandans are called 
savages sir. Savages never learn or copy from anyone but learn and copy from 
each other. When Acholi came to Luwero and raped girls as young as 8 years old, 
southerner also drove to Acholi land and raped the little ones.


And the defense rests its case.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





Sent: Thursday, January 01, 2015 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: {UAH} Thank you all for another year




Well observed. To be sincere, politics is the thread that joins all other human 
activities so it impossible to separate it from other sectors. I guess what I 
stated was the issue of abuse,  malign and sabotage in the name of politics.


For example, issues of climate change revolve around governments' (politics) 
willingness to implement resolutions passed at global environmental/climate 
change conferences; such as mitigating on carbon emission, renewable energy 
exploration/harnessing etc. Sometime back we saw King Museveni ordering the 
cutting down of millions of trees and destruction of biodiversity stuff in 
Mabira Forest in the name of creating employment and improvement of 
socio-economic development in the country. It was again Opposition parties 
(politics) and civil society organizations that prevailed against his wisdom, 
with kicks and slaps here and there (politics of the gun). Thus, in this simple 
example, we see politics, climate change, unemployment and socio-economic 
issues mixing and influencing one another. 


The challenge that forum members have is to discuss the matter weighing what 
can be gleaned from people's contributions since we are all looking for the 
best way our country can move forward remembering that the best development is 
yet to come because, we are lucky enough to see how some countries are far 
ahead of us, and that is where we want to be, how do we reach or attain such 
status, should be our focus.In this regards, we should have a model to follow: 
do we want to reach the standards of Britain, Canada, France, South Africa, 
Brazil, China Russia or do we want to be like Somalia or South Sudan? After 
making our choice, we then examine how that country attained its status, is 
there something we can borrow/learn from it that is suitable to our conditions? 
We then innovate. My choice would be a realistic one, move from a lower income 
/developing country (Uganda) status to a middle income/developed country (South 
Africa/Brail/China) before thinking of reaching the developed country 
(Canada/Britain/France) level but with eyes set for it.


Of course this does not mean we reject anything outside the selected country, 
all we need is to get something that would support our development plan. If 
management styles of Rwanda or Somalia bring good results while respecting 
human rights and democracy, learn from it and use it.


Peter Simon


From: 'Ssekajja' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community < 
To: " <>" < 
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: {UAH} Thank you all for another year


Peter Simon,


I don't know if you live in a family of football lovers! And if you do, have 
you tried watching netball, or snooker with a football match going on? Eyes 
become daggers, and those wanting to watch the most favourite of games usually 


Though the most interesting topics are those around politics, a variety of 
topics appears, and the members interested do contribute to them. We have 
discussed employment, minimum wage, wages, etc. In fact the wages topic seems 
to have been picked up in Kampala. Two weeks ago, MPS were speaking in 'UAH 
tongues', alluding to the reviewing of salary pay scales. They pointed at the 
KCCA C.E.O salary, and those of MPs, as we have been pointing out. Clearly they 
are reading UAH.


Another topic we touched on was fishing, in which the name of one Ponsiano 
Rwakataka was mentioned. Interesting a week later he was arrested!!!!!! 
Coincidence??!! Maybe!


BUT, we all need to understand that each and every sphere of Ugandan life has 
been touched by NRM/ Museveni influence. It is impossible to disassociate the 
dictatorship's influence from what goes on. He picks the Land Commissioner, 
Forest Commissioner,  Water Resources Commissioner, and so on. Museveni is at 
the centre of contracts of oil drilling, industrial agriculture, name it he is 
at the centre of it.


Unfortunately politics will remain at the centre of most discussions, for 
sometime to come!!



Sent from my iPad


On 31 Dec 2014, at 23:14, "'Simon Okurut' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) 
Community" < <>> wrote:



Great suggestion. Problem I suspect is that such topics as climate change, 
unemployment and/or socio-economic are very technical so some members do not 
want to be left out. Even politics which is equally technical is reduced to 
abuse, and/or maligning of others such that no clear line of discussion if 
attained. That is what makes some people think that some of us are paid with 
petro-dollars to sabotage meaningful discussions.

We need to come up with strategies to use to direct members to topical 
discussions and whoever specializes in digressing be guided back to the 
discussion as done in other organized debates everywhere. It is not control but 
guiding errant or abusive discussants otherwise members can spend much time on 
one topic especially it involves abusing others.


Peter Simon



From: 'Niyonzima Gastone' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community < 
To:  <> 
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 12:46 PM
Subject: Re: {UAH} Thank you all for another year

Thank you very much, may the year 2015 be fruitful to you all.

As we enter the new year 2015 I humbly request that the scope of discusion be 
expanded from politics to other issues that affect the country such as climate 
change, unemployment and other socio-economic issues. Imagine if we can get one 
of the 100s of bear hills across the country and forestate and name it UAH 
plantation forest!

God bless you all

On Wed, 12/31/14, 'Babirye Khadijah' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community < 

Subject: Re: {UAH} Thank you all for another year
To: " <>" < 
Date: Wednesday, December 31, 2014, 4:34 PM


'eCapitalFunds' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH)
Community < <>>
  To: Nyar Onyango
< <>> 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014 10:09 AM

Subject: {UAH}
Thank you all for another year
Since it all
started in the great land of our ancestors, our relentless
Odyssey continues unabated at full speed and in the process
we will have clocked another 584,387 km. As we sail through
the galaxy in the last segment of planet Earth's orbit,
I wish you all a salubrious festive season and a bountiful
2015 which loaded with infinite
As we cross into the new year, I acknowledge all of
you for your for making UAH a wonderful and an illuminating
extention of our connected compound. My deep appreciation
goes to all of you, nevertheless, it's with pleasure
that I have noted the following handful for their
inputs:Ocen for his generosity in
relentlessly feeding us real holistic Nyama Choma from
home.Gwokto for giving us
unique news and for telling it as it is. Henceforth, I
won't accept free rides from any lady in Zimbabwe
especially if they look at me while licking their
lips. Simon for always reminding
us to look beyond the obvious.Daktari Kipenji for always
striving to cut through the mustard with with
precision. Gook for his thoughtful
and wonderful cuisine which is flavored with
BBC. Rajab for his good and
precise inputs. WBK for pushing the
envelope with zeal.Abbey for being a fair
arbitrator.Daktari Ogwal for
extending his professional courtesy to patients in
Uganda. Cheers & best wishes,Hudson

Sent via the Samsung GALAXY S®
5, a 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message
From:  <> 
Date:12/30/2014  22:42  (GMT-05:00) 
To: Rajab Ali
< <>> 
Subject: Re: {UAH} Thank
you all for another year 

A smart Hunter uses his best

                                                        Sent from my BlackBerry 
10 smartphone.    
From: Rajab
AliSent: martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014
To:  <mailto:ugandans-at-heart@googlegroups.comCc> 
Rajab AliSubject: Re: {UAH} Thank you
all for another
What?? You
appoint a hyena as a tax collector in a meat market? Free
advice: leave the baboon out.

Sent from my iPhone
On 31 Dec 2014, at 02:59,  <>

Thanks for kind remarks. I am appointing the
Chief Baboons ‎(Gwokto) and Gook as my emissaries  in
negotiating the bride price.
I warn though that the two gents drive a hard

Unfortunately all I have is Goats due to
activities of "Cattle Rustlers" during the late
80's who for some strange reason were driving trucks
that ended up in  high profile homes and not

                                                        Sent from my Blackthose 
Berry 10
                                          From: Rajab
AliSent: martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014
21:27To:  <mailto:ugandans-at-heart@googlegroups.comReply> 
To:  <mailto:ugandans-at-heart@googlegroups.comCc> 
ugandans-at-heartSubject: Re: {UAH}
Thank you all for another
And happy
new year to you all, the wise men of UAH. The Ibos say, when
mother cow is chewing grass, the calf stands and watches in
silence, taking in all the tricks of the game. I am sure I
am speaking on behalf of all the other calves when I say,
thank you mother cows for the daily lessons. 
And I take the liberty to extend the
list to include GoPO & EM, whatever their
To you,
Moses Ocen, I bend forward a little more. Thank you for
being what you are and for your incise and clever comments.
You are one person I would be happy to see you in the
company of one of my most beautiful daughters. Yes, the
foreskin is long gone and you have kept the name, but the
heart has since changed and the soul darkened a bit;
otherwise I would invite you to take your pick! (Baboon
don't bother!)

new you guys!

On 31 Dec 2014, at
00:56, Abbey Semuwemba < <>>

it's no surprise at all that forumists are
speaking highly of Edward Pojim, Moses Nekyon, WBK,
Dr.Kipenji, Dr.Kayondo,Ssalongo, et al. These guys are real
class as you stated. I never miss reading their messages.
That said, everyone is making really good contributions to
make UAH what it is today, and we really appreciate.

Happy new year, guys!


On Tue,
Dec 30, 2014 at 9:53 PM, Gook < <>>

I join you and WBK to pass a vote of thanks to Pojim for his
wise and enriching contributions to this forum. Him you and
WBK are in A class of your own!

Thanks for enriching our us all and may the coming year see
more of you guys! May it be as enriching to you as you have
enriched us these past years!

Lubaga tye Gulu !

Sent from Gook's iPatch!

"What you are we once were, what we are   you shall

An inscription on the walls of a Roman catacomb.

On 30 dec 2014, at 22:36,  <>

> Pojim:


> You and WBK are a class act that makes UAH an enjoyable
place to be.



> I want wish ‎you and your Family good tidings for the
coming year!



> Ocen


> Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

>   Original Message

> From: 'edward pojim' via Ugandans at Heart
(UAH) Community

> Sent: martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014 15:42

> To:  <> 

> Reply To:  <> 

> Subject: {UAH} Thank you all for another year


> Folks;


> I want to close 2014 with some personal observations
that you have helped to create.


> Irrespective of your religious beliefs, I'm
grateful for your Maker for keeping you alive this year. And
I want to ask Him to continue watching over you in the new


> As usual, I learnt alot this year from all UAH
contributors: as is expected of any familiy, we've
fought, attacked, criticized, loved, but gnerally learnt to
live with one another.


> So, as we enter 2015, I think it's important to let
keep in mind that what we say here has some direct impact
back home. They won't admit it, but some government
actions have been taken as a direct challenge arising from
UAH contributions.


> And not only in Uganda; in Kenya, UAH is a daily stop
by members of the presidential media team.


> I didn't know this until a few weeks ago, when WBK,
Ocen and I were discussing insecurity in Kenya, when, out of
the blue, a presidential media team member, who happens to
be a former colleague, emailed me to give me a headsup about
a pending appointment!


> That appointment was sworn in the other day as Internal
Security minister.


> Lastly, I want to join members in thanking Abbey for
his continued stewardship of the forum; great job.


> Pojim


> --

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> --

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agree to this disclaimer and pledge to abide by our Rules
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Abbey Kibirige
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  is never an accident.  It is always the result of a
commitment to 
excellence, intelligent planning and focused
effort” – Paul


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