Akim Odong


You are soliciting for solutions without understanding the disease sir, and I 
keep on pounding my head on a wall. Acholi and Langi do not need to secede what 
they need is to learn to respect human rights. Acholi and Langi need to stop 
being violent people for they themselves beat up their wives in the camps. Did 
they do that for we have a unitary government? No they beat them for they are 
violent people, no matter who leads Uganda, let alone under what system. I can 
bet you if Acholi get independence today, half the women and children will be 
dead. Look at how many people Konny killed, they were all Langi and Acholi. Who 
on God’s world runs a war on terrorizing those he is out to set free except 
when you own a brain of an Acholi?


But here is the other very important part. George Okello went to Luwero and 
investigated the atrocities committed to the people. He found out that even 
though NRA committed crimes in Luwero, but the vast of them were committed by 
Acholi and Langi soldiers. Okello wrote the report, but because he feared to 
expose his tribesmen, he sat on that report to today. We have never seen a 
report written by George Okello from his Luwero investigations, for he feared 
to expose the Acholi violence.  When Andrew Kayiira was murdered, Yoweri 
Museveni set up a commission of inquiry to find out who were the killers. The 
report was written and handed to DR. Kiiza Besigye who read it with Museveni. 
The report also indicated to them that Kayiira was murdered by NRA, and do you 
know what Besigye and Museveni did? Because they feared to expose NRA into this 
murder, they also as George Okello.  sat on the Andrew Kayiira report, that to 
today we have never read it either. Now the cruel joke in the UAH house today 
is that Okello wants to remove Museveni for Okello will be a more democratic 
man to replace Museveni. 


Are you firkin kidding me !!!!!!   Ge’ez



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of akim odong
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 1:39 PM
To: 'kaliro45' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community
{---*Series thirty four}




Acholi would be more than glad to sever ties with Uganda, after all, Uganda the 
country has milked us enough. Even our blood is not enough for you lot. If we 
mention Nile Republic, we are called sectarians, secessionistas etc. Achgoli is 
ready to turn its back on Uganda and with glee. We have everything we need 
including matooke for crying out loud. Buganda will have to import millet and 
sorghum now that they have developed taste for it.





Tolerance is a stage in civilisation!


On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <mulin...@look.ca 
<mailto:mulin...@look.ca> > wrote:



And that is what is so frustrating on discussing Uganda’s future, Acholi and 
Langi have stubbornly failed to understand that people forget bad politics, 
people forget corrupt governments but no one will ever forget a violent 
government. We lived when we had essential commodities, sugar is not available 
salt is not available but my God we were sleeping in our beds. Acholi and Langi 
educated us that power can push us out of our beds and throw us into forests, 
we slept with Rabbits for our own homes became a scare crow, for you had no 
idea when an Acholi with a gun will pop up. And you think we can forget that? 
No seriously how can an Acholi claim to go to West Nile today and plead for a 
political strategy? It is such a delusional apathy for any Acholi let alone 
Langi to think that he can stand anywhere in Uganda to plead for a new 
political path in our country. Ugandans will rather allow a Somali to lead them 
for he might be humane just a little. And that is why we never terrorize people 
for violence remains for generations. I am telling you as Akim Odong’s son will 
still be an Acholi and will still be a threat to every Ugandan. And why? 
Because when he will ever stand up in Uganda to make a political speech, 
Ugandans will remember his grandfather and how he terrorized the masses. And 
sitting in forums as this one and Akim pretends that all is alright, for we are 
going into Federalism, many Ugandans actually want Acholi land cut off Uganda 


Facts be told. No one needs to join hands with people that are violent, looters 
but rapists. Acholi are.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 
<mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com> ] On Behalf Of Abudul Semakula
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2015 3:20 AM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 
{---*Series thirty four}


Mr Akim Odong,


Your quest for federalism for Nothern Uganda is admirable.I could be reading 
you wrong but I get the impression you expect Baganda  to line up behind you in 
your federal quest or it could be an opportunist ploy to hijack the federo 
quest from Buganda.

Whichever the case methinks you are sadly mistaken in your belief.


A federal campaign led by a Notherner is dead from the outset.I know you are 
going to tell me that  DP and UPC are led by Notherners which is true.But I can 
also tell you with some degree of certainty that the chances of Uganda ever 
being ruled by Nobert Mao of DP or Olara Otunnu of UPC are zero.


There is no appetite for a leader from Nothern or Western Uganda  for Uganda in 
the foreseeable future.Those who are ready to call me a tribalist should save 
their breath because i plead guilty to the accusation.



Byebyange ssebo.









On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 2:47 AM, akim odong <akimod...@gmail.com 
<mailto:akimod...@gmail.com> > wrote:



Here you write; 

At least for in my case I know what he has for me in store: "by his decree, he 
has barred me from crossing Karuma Falls. That is the new border between Acholi 
and Uganda, since according to Akim's understanding of federalism, it is a 
declaration of an independent Acholi state. Which if happens, would be good 



This i a lot of hot air. We are federalist not separatists. We want a federated 
Uganda, we want devolution of power and yes! We have the right to demand that 
and that is what we will continue to do!  I am glad to report that alot of 
Ugandans are beginning to see the light in federalism. It's no longer obscure 
when  it used to be the Buganda question. 

Mulindwa why can't we in the greater north lock undesirable like you out? Did 
you have to walk into Canada without crying "hell in Uganda" to be allowed in? 

Listen, your hypocrisy can't stop oozing like some wound in Mulago hospital 
under your watch!



Tolerance is a stage in civilisation!


On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <mulin...@look.ca 
<mailto:mulin...@look.ca> > wrote:



The outburst, accusation, abusive language, death threats by George Okello and 
Peter Gwokto against me, vindictiveness, fabrication and denial make this 
series very important and a must continue project. If I am to loose friends 
such as Matek has done or be killed over this, so be it. Since 1971 we have 
been lied to that Amin and people of West Nile and Madi were responsible for 
all the miseries in particular of the Acholi and Langi and of Ugandans in 
general. It was accepted as the gospel truth of the day and we lived with it. 
Nubians and Moslems in Uganda were all labelled killers and the world accepted. 
I decided, at the risk of my life, that of my family and friends to search for 
real truth by asking myself one simple question: If truly Amin, Nubians and 
Moslems were the problems, how come these problems have not ended since Amin's 
departure more than 30 years ago? Instead, in the last 30 years these problems 
have been magnified and became part of Ugandan culture. Reason being one aspect 
of the problem was ignored: Our brothers from Acholi who want to dominate our 
hard earned freedom from colonialism. This effort to dominate everything 
political in Uganda by Acholi is exhibited by Akim Adong who has become the 
first known priest of "Federalism" in the whole of Uganda. He is attempting so 
hard to make the Baganda his altar boys and Betty Kamya the nun in residence. 
He does not ask but demands. Since yesterday, he has crowned A. Otunnu the 
Cardinal of federalism and as such all Ugandans must change their last names to 
"Federalism". Brothers and sisters what next does Akim has in store for us? At 
least for in my case I know what he has for me in store: "by his decree, he has 
barred me from crossing Karuma Falls. That is the new border between Acholi and 
Uganda, since according to Akim's understanding of federalism, it is a 
declaration of an independent Acholi state. Which if happens, would be good 


As you can see a lot has been written about Acholi and violence particularly 
against women. Just few days ago I posted a study where they were beating their 
wives inside the camps. Today I am posting a separate study again about Acholi 
violence against their wives, and how they rape them. This particular document 
available online is a thesis by Holly Porter of London School of Economics.  
Download - LSE Theses Online - London School of Economics and  
 ...  When one put together studies conducted in Luweero also on violence by 
Acholi in particular against women, it becomes clear that something is not 
right. With this kind of violence which looks almost cultural, could it be the 
reason why there is a system called 'Mato Oput" put in place? It seems if there 
is no system of forgiveness in Acholi-land, the entire tribe could risk being 
put behind bars. 


Friends we have a very serious problem with Acholi violence and we need to 
candidly address it.


Stay in the forum for Series thirty five on the way   ------>



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


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