By the way let me get very clear here, it does not matter to me what tribe 
heads it all I need is a change of Uganda entire education from producing 
George Okellos to educated Ugandans. At the rate we are heading we are going to 
have half the country qualified as Lawyers.


May be that is not a good idea,  and just as a may be.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

[] On Behalf Of Frank Mujabi
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2015 4:10 AM


Which Maths Dept?


If its Makerere, it's most likely a half baked munyankole, with a fake first 
degree and equally fake master's degree from Nkumba or Gulu university.

Sent from my iPhone

On 8 Feb 2015, at 11:20, George Okello < 
<> > wrote:

"And if I may ask who heads the Mathematic department in Uganda today sir?"



On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 8:15 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa < 
<> > wrote:

Dr Kipenji


My writing is about the education system that was structured in our country to 
the one that should have been set in, and I am more than willing to follow your 
contribution at how we can change it to benefit our children and our country, 
than what was structured by the British that we have followed all these years 
that has failed to prepare our children to the next century. And if I may ask 
who heads the Mathematic department in Uganda today sir?


Thank you.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





<> ] 
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 10:36 PM 

Cc: <> ; <> 


Methinks you have missed the gist of your own self initiated discussion as you 
call it.

You can not spew mis-et dis-informations on a subject you appear to be least 

with and then turn around to hide in your usual confabulations about UPC 

The truth is Science subjects were taught in all schools throughout Uganda 
before Idi

Amin your hero came to be.

If I may ask,is there any difference between you who lionizes Amin and those 
who lionize

Adolf Hitler?

Though of the garb of critical thinking that you claim to be do ot act 
unconscionably like you

do unless as I have wondered aloud,you go be under a spell of something that 
would be of value

making us aware of so that we let you be.

A lie told a trillion times only becomes a trillion lies never a fact.




From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa < <> >
Cc: <> ; <>  
Sent: Saturday, 7 February 2015, 18:45


Dr Owori Kipenji


This discussion is about teaching Uganda kids arts or science subjects. You are 
a member of the party that has been running this very terrible educational 
system in our country for ion years, at this point one would suffice to believe 
that the victims befallen by it get a chance to debate it and how it has served 
them. May be you need to give them a chance. And on I am sniffing on something 
to post what I believed into, Is a bullying language of UPC that some of us 
have decided to go after head on. You see the moment anyone states anything 
wrong about the party,  the responses we get is you were in state research and 
we know you, we are saying you will be deported and you are sniffing crack, we 
wish you go to Uganda and we put a bullet in you or we will smoke you out. All 
those are UPC terminologies in violence so I am used. The violence that the 
party used Acholi as attack Dogs. It Is so complex to hold sensible discussions 
with UPC members to a point that I had a discussion last night with one of 
them,  that advised me to stop defining Konny as a violent man. And her 
explanation was very simply, Edward Konny is not a violent man, his hands yes 
may be but himself is a very good and soft man you only need to understand, and 
you know if you call him violent in a public forum you become a bully of his 
kids  for they read what you post.


Thank you God for keeping me on earth, can you please and very kindly recall me 



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 






Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2015 3:44 PM
Cc: <> ; <> 


Herrn Mulindwa:

What are you sniffing these days? It is always good to write on issues that are 
factually true and not based

on your understanding about them.

When you talk about the Education system in Uganda,are you truly telling us 
what was obtaining at the time

or you are solely relying on the Naluwide episodes that appears to be your 
principal bibliography?

First,if you ever remember my quarrel with the post Independent government,it 
was that at that time they should

have given all and sundry free and compulsory Universal education up to at 
least Grade VIII and thereafter the bursary

system that Districts used to admnister would kick in to help with post 
secondary education.

That was unfortunately not done,but instead we were offered free health care 
and this was greatly subsidized by investing

heavily on preventive medicine which was the right thing to do anyway.

Now on subjects that were being taught in schools,it is possible you actually 
never went to school as you keep stating given that you and me are agemates and 
yet I remember excelling in both the Sciences and arts subjects that you are 
talking about but chose to stick with sciences at HSC. 

People like the late Aryada incase you ever knew him,was a great 
mathematician,in the same way as JJ Okot was a physics teacher and yet these 
two fellows learnt those subjects and went on to teach them long before your 

buffonish Idi Amin ever dreamt of becoming President.

Judging from your writ,you remind me about that BBC program Mind your 
language,where the Chinese student in the English class whenever asked about 
who said what or did what,she always answered :"Chairman  Mao Zedong".

So,it is with you,you want people to believe that Idi Amin was the author of 
everything Ugandan and yet you know that that

is the greatest lie you are spewing here ad nauseum.

Please,stop this story of trying to be what you are not especially so age 
wise,given that at Independence you were barely in Grade One.




From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa < <> >
Cc: <> ; <>  
Sent: Saturday, 7 February 2015, 14:47




Let me burn a second to respond to the London nonsense that has been piled up 
all along on Uganda education, now that I have got a second to sit on a 
computer before I am sacrificed for the day. Foreign education has and needs to 
be undervalued because it is not to our interest, and George Okello with UPC as 
a party have stalled the country by forcing that education nonsense into Uganda 
and we need to pull it out. Let us go back to Obote one educational system, yes 
it was good for classrooms were running and The George Okello’s were blessed by 
it to get a free education for the rest of us were growing coffee which was 
paid in chicken droppings. But what were those schools actually teaching? And 
that is what critical thinkers kept on asking as we were passing them. They 
were teaching arts subjects. UPC stuck our country into teaching only arts 
subjects for when you turned around to teach physics Mathematics Chemistry, you 
were targeting the very jobs the Western countries never wanted Ugandans to do. 
So UPC sold our country out to them by also refusing to educate our children 
into sciences. 


Go back and look closely at the degree holders we have out of Uganda 
Universities they are mainly Lawyers and journalists. Their only education is 
to preach the beauty of The British government and how we must always be 
dependent on them, it was important for George Okello to list himself in UAH as 
a member of The Queen’s council. Tell me how does that help us as Ugandans? 
Because now we know they are important. When they come into these countries, 
they never function as lawyers to serious cases, they do cases we define as 
Legal Aid cases, a kid has weed they show up, a kid has a drinking and driving 
case they show up but as far as I know any serious case they have taken they 
have  lost it. Then the government as Ontario turned around and cut legal aid 
to the bones I think they pay a case after 8 months or a year. It is not 
justice but a welfare system to such lawyers. And that is how they were 
educated. To sell UK education but which is not of value to us as Africans. So 
understand why George Okello preaches the Western Education he is simply 
fulfilling the job he was trained to do.


When Amin came to power, { Mr Okuonzi, just like Edward Mulindwa, seems to be 
happy that Uganda had an illiterate buffoon like Idi Amin as leader,} The 
educateds define as an illiterate buffoon, his first mission was to reverse 
that. Amin wanted Uganda schools to teach Mathematics, Science and physics so 
that our children can be prepared for the next century.  There is a reason 
Ombachi and Mpoma satellite were built for Amin knew that where we are going we 
need data transmission, and  we need to prepare the country for it, that is why 
he built them than UPC. Amin went to Mecca where he met a leader of Pakistan, I 
forget the man’s name but he signed an agreement to bring into Uganda 5,000 
expatriates to revive the educational system from the UPC British based 
education system,  we were stuck into to a Mathematical system we actually 
needed. They arrived into Uganda, and among them was the leader of the 
Mathematics department Makerere University, Buddo I think got about two or 
three of them, and when I have time I will post more locations where they were 
allocated. Those mathematicians and physicist were working in nuclear 
departments in their country and came to Uganda for Amin wanted to change that 
system from the useless brains it was producing.  Men like Barbas Killi 
believed into that line of thinking,  and another one whose name I think was 
Rwandererire also believed into that educational transformation.


The moment Amin left power, the very first thing Western countries demanded was 
to stop that program immediately, UPC agreed and they were all fired but 
deported. Uganda started again to carry on with arts subjects. When Museveni 
came he maintained the arts, and men like Rwandererire either died in Western 
Uganda or still alive and never allowed to do anything concerning education. We 
are producing so many degree holders in Uganda but start to wonder why they are 
all lawyers and journalists. What don’t we have mathematicians, Physicists, 
Scientists why not? Because Lawyers suck the British and praise them a great 
deal as this man George Okello is doing. Our education system is that screwed. 
And that is why when Jim Muwanga complains that we have failed to wire the 
country and we need to transmit data, a call I have done many times in these 
forums, there is a catch to that claim. We will buy the systems and we will get 
them installed but they will be installed by French British and Americans 
because we only have piles of lawyers and journalists qualifying through our 
ass and their job is to praise western education than creating jobs for our 
children. Remember when Alcatel came to install the phones in Uganda, Uganda 
were only digging trenches for we are not educated to install the systems let 
alone maintain them. The education system of our country is structured to 
protect the jobs for The British and we in change  get “educated” Lawyers that 
are simply useless. These days kids tell you how they are in Makerere 
University ask them what they are studying, response Mass communication. What 
the heck is that? You are screwed but that is how they are educated from the 
ground coming up, and George Okello praises that Western Education for it is 
great. Tell me this, just how many Mathematician Ugandans do you know? And you 
think that is a coincidence? It is because we ae not allowed to educate them to 
such and UPC enforces that hold on Uganda brains.


The Mathematics teachers that were educated by the Pakistan’s to push the 
country forward are the very teachers that were rounded up and sent to John 
Ogole to fight with in LUwero and they all never came back. And I have stated 
that before. All that is to stand in London pub and praise western education 
which is a lie to you as Ugandans. Until when we start to educate our children 
into Mathematics and sciences we are long time fucked and George Okello is 
preaching to us to take exactly that path as UPC is pleading us to do.


I am an educated man and I a member of the Queen’s council my back side !!!!!!  
                          {Whoops sorry for my French}




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





[] On Behalf Of George Okello
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 6:42 AM
To: ugandans-at-heart
Subject: Re: {UAH} Guys did you know George even dreams in English?


Comrade Robukui,


It is frustrating when people like Ronald Okuonzi jump into discussions without 
understanding what they are all about?  He is talking about language in a 
totally different context, and has totally missed the drift. Negro who speaks 
English is not an Englishman!! Okuonzi is still rooted in the USA  politics of 
the 1960s, with its messages of black empowerment, negro upliftment, rejection 
of white cultural genocide, etc.  The message of black spiritual revival was 
relevant in politicising black America, but is  totally useless in reversing 
the effects of centuries of cultural genocide. How many blackAmericans speak 
African languages today? Is it not English that all of them speak? How many of 
them have returned to Africa, and do they actually want to do so?

In terms of Africa, it is pretty silly to say that speaking English or another 
foreign language is  a hindrance to the emancipation of the African continent. 
Ability to speak English is a huge advantage, after all English is now the 
language of the world. We have to adjust to changing reality.


Mr Okuonzi promotes such archaic ideas that people who speak English are 
somehow disqualified from taking leadership positions in Africa. His Lado 
dreamland has more than 50 ethnic languages. Which of them will he use to 
conduct business, assuming Lado becomes an independent state? How will he 
conduct  business internationally? Will he speak in kakwa before bodies like 
the UN, the International Atomic Energy Organisation, the World Bank, the 
International Monetary Fund etc? Idi Amin once addressed the UN in luganda and 
Swahili- did that really promote the interests of Uganda or confirmed its 
reputation as a basket case? 


Mr Okuonzi, just like Edward Mulindwa seems undervalue or to be against 
education and looks down on  foreign education. If these are the ideas he wants 
to use to run a future independent Lado State, then I am afraid the status quo 
will be much preferable for the peoples of Lado. Africa needs to develop. For 
this to happen, it needs a massive transfer of skills and technology from the 
west. The more highly educated people we train, the better for our country. 
Uganda needs to train more engineers, technicians, agriculturists, doctors and 
administrators. With the collapse of our educational system, most of these 
skills can now only be acquired from abroad. The first stage in Uganda's 
recovery will be in the return of the thousands of people who are currently 
living in the diaspora. Most of these people in the diaspora have acquired new 
skills and as well as practical experience which would be invaluable to 
rebuilding our country.


Mr Okuonzi, just like Edward Mulindwa, seems to be happy that Uganda had an 
illiterate buffoon like Idi Amin as leader, or that the semi-educated Museveni 
has been ensconced in power in Uganda for alost 30 years. I am afraid Ugandans 
beg to think differently. They want highly educated leaders  who have a clear 
grasp of the modern world and of policies than can work. Ugandans don't want 
bumbling fools like Idi Amin and Museveni. I am not bothered where Ugandan 
leaders get their education, so long as they are educated.


Speaking an ethnic language is an asset, but it is not a qualification for 
leadership. My nieces who have returned to to work as doctors in northern 
Uganda hardly  speak Luo or other local languages- how has that stopped them 
from being at the very front of the fight against diseases like Ebola, Nodding 
Disease etc? It is so silly for Mr Okuonzi to state that because they do not 
speak Ugandan languages, therefore they can not contribute to the health and 
well being of Ugandans.


George Okello



On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 2:11 PM, Ssalongo Ssennoga < 
<> > wrote:

George!!! You are hired! I am in for dual citizenship... How do I become a 
Filipino Cebuan??? 



On Sunday, February 1, 2015, Robukui < 
<> > wrote:

How long did you hesitate?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 31, 2015, at 9:30 PM, George Okello < 
> <> > wrote:
> Rajab Ali,
> I am not a patron of "ago-ago clubs", but I have visited some of them.
> Before I we

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