Ocen Nekyon


I hate fairly tells as well but can we all stand up as adults, and set up a 
commission of inquiry on the death of Jonan Luwum? Yes let us all call all that 
know what happened and they testify under oath  so that we move on. I am just 
sick tired of this UPC crap crying everyone is lying about this Pig when they 
have no balls to call for an inquiry. Yoweri Museveni is your man for you were 
with him in Tanzania, he is in power, stand up and ask him for a firkin 
commission of inquiry on why Jonana Luwum  was killed. This will hand everyone 
a chance to speak under oath and in front a judge, and the final report be 
posted as a true reason why Luwum was killed.


When you and Museveni are budgeting for that commission, we will please pay our 
own fare and board.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of ocennek...@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 3:16 PM
To: Ahmed Musaazi; UAH
Subject: Re: {UAH} Luwum Story - New Vision


This is another 'Fairy tale!'





Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

From: Ahmed Musaazi

Sent: Friday, February 13, 2015 13:11


Reply To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: {UAH} Luwum Story - New Vision


Joseph, you can not admit that the late Arch Bishop was involved in politics 
and military activities as early as 1966 where Israelis used him and Amin to 
arm ANyanya. When Amin fell out with the Israelis the Arch Bishop continue 
collaborating with the Israelis.

The late Arch Bishop was one of political guides of Amin since 1966 and even 
incited him to take over from Obote claiming that the latter was anti-Acholi.

Amin takes responsibility for killing people in cold blood but they were not 
innocent. Yona Kanyomozi should tell us (unfortunately is hospitalized) ow he 
leaked the plot to Idi Amin in order to preempt Obote from taking over from A 
Min, a plot that was only known to Luo community in the army, police, prisons 
and civil service.

A retired parliamentarian yesterday told me how the Bible and "enjatula" were 
put in cpontainers despited to Uganda but underneath were arms, and were 
destined to  a store whether at Nmairembe or else where, which was manned by 
Southern Sudanese who were in collaboration with the Israelis.

According to this parliamentarian, who is a civil servant again as it was the 
case in seventies, Luwum may not have been personally involved but it was true 
that arms had been smuggled into the country under cover of the  Bible copies 
for Centenary celebration.

Even the late Bishop Festo Kivengere (l love idi amin 1977) WROTE THAT THERE 

In a Tuesday press conference, Ambassador Olara Otunnu accepted all that and 
even said that the late Abdullah Anyur knew of the plot if not master minded 
it, but defended the arch bishop saying that though outspoken, he did not 
believe in violence and blood shed.


On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 6:34 PM, Gwokto La'Kitgum <lakit...@gmail.com 
<mailto:lakit...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Hussein, it appears you know a lot about your father's doings. What I want to 
believe is that he trusted no one but himself - not even Mulindwa who must have 
barely missed the firing squad for knowing all about your father. Kindly tell 
us the circumstances under which each of the individuals below were butchered 
and this is just a short list. Unless, of course, you have appointed Mulindwa 
to concoct his versions for truths. Being that closest to your "Dad" you must 
have been privy to several eye-witness accounts of severd heads brought to your 
"Dad" as proof an innocent soul has been delivered for his refrigerated cooler 
"Amin's Museum of Severed Heads" - the only museum a visitor had to dress as an 
Eskimo for a tour inside.


Talking about sons, how come you have suddenly turned out the most popular 
amongst all your siblings whereas growing up we used to hear and see 
black/white fotos of only a one Moses and a one Muwanga. To be honest, first 
time I got to know you even existed was here in Abbey's forest - UAH. Before 
that I had read about some unknown rudimentary Xerox of your father named 
Faisal Wangita facing GOPO behind the Queen's bench for bludgeoning one Mahir 
Osman in London to DEATH. Wangita? Inst tha a Kikuyu name?


Yikesss.... ! Their are so many undisputed "Like Father Like Son" in your 
family that entering your crib alone must be an eerie, hair-raising, spooky, 
frightening and weird all-in-one experience.


So if I may ask, where are Moses and Muwanga and if both deceased how did they 
meet the "advance" to Golan Heights before your "Dad" or can some Baboon here 
teell me where they are?. You Baboons have been breeding like pigs in farmer 
Leah Kalanguka's pigsty and you never know, one of your tentacles could be 
right near me here in my hood.


Moses and Muwanga in military uniforms also made me realize one other thing. 
That besides being the first corrupt government official right before the 
independence ink dried, Amin was also first to recruit child soldiers. 
Incidentally all in your family were soldiers bcos while my improvised leather 
catapult retaliated by snapping and reddening my eyes your toys were assorted 
arsenals of bang-bang live pistols and Uzi guns for an army inside an army. Had 
your father been prez for life he would have had a complete army battalion of 
none other than pieces from his ever excited groin.


So, Baboons, while Hussein recounts events leading to the murders of 
individuals below, where are Moses and Muwanga?

Oboth Ofumbi left of Amin





Gwokto La'Kitgum

"Even a small dog can piss on a tall Building", Jim Hightower


On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Hussein Amin <husseinjur...@gmail.com 
<mailto:husseinjur...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Picture 1: (1977) Idi Amin walking with Janan Luwum. By this time, Luwum was 
already plotting to kill Idi Amin.

Picture 2: (1980) Journalist Dan Wooding pointing at non-existent crocodiles at 
Karuma bridge.

Dear Editor.

I found it amazing when I read the New Vision story (Luwum Murder: What 
Witnesses Said, published February 12th) about the late Archbishop Janan Luwum 
It appears that the story was based on the Commission of Inquiry instituted by 
the government in 1987.
The first "witness" in the report is one Daniel Mulemezi, purportedly a police 
officer who claims to have been privy to events. In another article from the 
Daily Monitor (How Amin killed Ben Kiwanuka), the same Daniel Mulemezi claims 
to have also saw what happened there as well.
To me, Mr. Mulemezi seemed to be everywhere to so as to expediate the process 
and satisfy a kangaroo court but provides no shred of evidence, nor any police 
investigation report, no mention of colleagues, nor meetings with superiors who 
sanctioned/supervized his investigations. Something very unlikely in any police 
force especially for major cases.
In his testimony he appears as some lone element just telling stories to 
satisfy the government of the day.
I also say Kangaroo court because this commission of inquiry actually failed to 
include crimes committed by the geurilla NRA who according to a confession by a 
Col. Kahinda Otafiire in 1994, was involved in possible war crimes against 
civilian populations. Actions that they would then make sure were blamed on the 
UPC government by wearing UPC T-shirts during their attacks on villages.
Such atrocities are surprisingly not included in the commissions report yet 
they were committed in the time frame covered by the commission, and Mr. 
Kahinda Otafiire was and still is part of the goverment that set up that 
commission of inquiry. Why then isn't such testimony included in the 
commissions proceedings? Was their a deliberate effort to blame others while 
sweeping their own dirt under the rag?
A kangaroo court is one set up to satisfy political ends. And more importantly, 
it helps to validate false claims made against political foes.
After the Amin regime, the survival formula for all was: "Blame Amin and 
survive, or praise him and die at the hands of wakombozi".
So every Ugandan prepared a horrendous story in case they needed to use it.
Many European journalists have fallen prey to this, including Dan Wooding whose 
picture shows  him standing on Karuma bridge pointing at non-existent 
crocodiles that Amin had alledgedly thrown his foes at. Some Ugandan took the 
journalist there and the mzungu swallowed the story evrn without seeing a 
Those of us who have always used that bridge on our way to and from West Nile, 
know that there have never been crocodiles in that place. The simple reason is 
that the waters are so tremendously rough that nothing can live in those 
waters. It is so dangerous that even a sport like rafting is impossible. Nobody 
has ever seen any crocodiles at Karuma. Period.
So this survival formula explains Mustafa Adrisi's testimony in the inquiry. He 
was a detainee possibly seeking a way out of his predicament when he faced the 
inquiry. Following his damning testimonies, he has lived freely with the 
goverment until his recent death where he was even accorded a State funeral. We 
are talking about Idi Amins Vice President here. There was no way that could 
happen if he had stuck to the official narrative of the government he had 
previously served.
The late Mustapha Adrisi says that the guns Janan Luwum was found with were 
brought from Amins State Research armoury. But those who have read the book 
"Sowing the mustard seed", have heard Museveni talk about the subversive 
operation he organized at the time from Tanzania with the help of a reluctant 
Nyerere. Museveni actually mentions by name the people who drove the very 
vehicles that were carrying the weapons. He explains that the plan was to have 
guns inside the country ready to start a popular uprising.
So to say that the Archbishop was an innocent lamb is either wishful thinking, 
a cover up, or selective amnesia at work. Because Luwum was part of a real plan 
to topple the government.
The Archbishop knelt down in front of the whole diplomatic community at Nile 
Mansions and confessed to the plot. Incredibly, he is the one who actually 
pointed at Erinayo Oryema and Oboth Ofumbi (RIP) as his accomplices?
That is first hand testimony from soldiers who were present, and some still 
As for the actual death of Janan Luwum, the commission of inquiry seems to say 
that he was killed in two different places. 
At first the report says the Archbishops death occured at Makindye Military 
Police barracks where he was alledgedly taken. Then the same report changes the 
story towards the end and says he was also killed at State Research Bureau, 
Which one is it?
I have discussed my own research findings surrounding the death of Janan Luwum. 
It tells a completely different story. One that analyses inconsistencies in the 
current narrative and also investigates those events from both political sides. 
The Amin government and the rest.
It is a research that I hope to make public in due course.
In the meantime, a commission of inquiry has the powers of a high court but 
only in terms of summoning persons of interest to appear before it. They don't 
issue any judgement. And that's the reason why it is inappropriate to even 
start publicly saying "Luwums murder". Because the other side says it was a car 
collision and that has never been proved wrong in a trial.
Basically there hasn't been any judgement here.
Allegations are allegations until a satisfactory independent investigation is 
conducted and its findings presented in a proper court that is mandated to make 
a ruling.

Hussein Juruga Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda.

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