Leaders Urged Ending of Economic Sanctions on Zimbabwe 


“The United States and the European Union must end the sanctions against
Zimbabwe” declared Mr. Joe Beasley as he called the White House to register
his disappointment to President Obama for allowing the decades long economic
sanctions on Zimbabwe to suppress the growth of the wealthy African nation.
His call came as the United States is feverishly engaged in ending economic
sanctions against Cuba. Mr. Beasley spoke as he prepares to attend the
meeting on the 8th Pan African Congress in Ghana. Joe Beasley is the head of
Africa Ascension, a key leader in RainbowPush Coalition and an Executive
Support leader in the World African Diaspora Union (WADU). 


Baba Beasley added that "Zimbabwe has been picked on too much and for too
long by imperialist powers” and pointed that the "centuries of unfair,
racist, unjust, uncivilized and inhumane treatment of Black people by the
white world must be stopped." The sanctions were imposed by the West to
promote regime change in Zimbabwe after the liberation government reclaimed
land stolen by whites to be returned to their original owners, Black people.
All studies have shown that economic sanctions are inhumane tools of war and
have not had any major impact on regime change but have had negative effects
on the sustainable development of the world, including nations such as
Zimbabwe and Cuba. 


The President of Zimbabwe, legendary leader Baba Robert Mugabe was just
elected as the new chair of the African Union, and also as the head of the
Southern African Development Community. In his acceptance speech in Africa’s
Capital of Ethiopia, he expressed that members of the African Union have
recommitted themselves “to the Pan-African ideals of our founding fathers
for the Africa we want.” He also emphasized in his speech that "African
resources should belong to Africa and to no one else, except to those we
invite as friends," declaring "Friends we shall have, yes, but imperialists
and colonialists no more."  


The ardent Pan Africanist urged Africans to regain control over Africa’s
land and resources “as that is the only way for African states will leverage
their resources for the benefits of their people”. Mugabe was greatly
influenced by the great Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to work for the liberation and
unification of Africa. The AU is the continuation of this work for the
unfinished business of a United States of Africa recently pushed by the
unprecedented zeal of President Moumar Khaddafi.          


During the meetings, President Mugabe was praised by the AU leaders and
staff upon as the new head. Mr. Salah Hammad, head of the AU staff lauded
Baba Mugabe as “not just the chairperson of the Union but one of the
founding fathers…” He continued “We are also receiving one of the leaders
who liberated our continent, who made it possible for you and me, to be
employed today by the African Union, who made it possible for me to stand
before you to address you this afternoon…” 

As a consequence of the Summit, Dr. B. Chitunya, who served as the WADU lead
and official delegate to the AU Summit also called for the “burdensome
sanctions should be lifted from the backs of African women and children.”
Urging the American people to contact their government leaders to halt the
economic war on Zimbabwe, she said that the people of Zimbabwe like Black
people across the world have only known centuries of ubiquitous oppression.
“Black Lives Matter” everywhere, she declared. 


In respect for the theme of the African Union “Women Empowerment and
Development Towards Agenda 2063”, the new head of the AU, concluded that
women and youth of Africa are its greatest assets for the advancement of
Africans in the 21st century.  The Summit also focused on Security, Trade,
Ebola, Infrastructural Development, and the establishment of an African
Court. Other members of the African Diaspora delegation to the AU Summit
were Mr. David Josue and Mr. Gorken “Che” Wallen. 


The World African Diaspora Union (WADU) under the Presidency of Dr. Leonard
Jeffries congratulates President Robert Mugabe on behalf of the African
Diaspora. WADU thank him for his enduring legacy as a great leader of
African people, worldwide. Throughout 2015, WADU will continue its dedicated
service to Africa and African people in the work to forge a powerful Union
Government of Africa. To support WADU and its mission to unite all African
people for power, peace and prosperity, please go to http://www.wadupam.org/
or email us at wadu...@aol.com <mailto:wadu...@aol.com> . 


Min.  Menelik Harris 

amene...@aol.com <mailto:amene...@aol.com>  




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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