Uganda: Poverty driving child sex abuse in the north

from  <> PlusNews 


GULU, 21 July 2008 (PLUSNEWS) - Acute poverty is forcing girls as young as
14 into early marriage and sex work in parts of northern Uganda affected by
the war, says a new report by local NGOs. 

A combination of extreme poverty, a large number of child-headed households,
and the high mobility of internally displaced families are among the factors
that have led to girls being subjected to sexual abuse or engaging in sex
work, according to the Gulu Support the Children Organisation (GUSCO)
<> and the Acholi Community Empowerment

The two NGOs, both working to support children affected by armed conflict,
interviewed over 100 respondents between December 2007 and February 2008 in
a study prompted by a significant increase in the number of reported cases
of child sexual abuse in the districts of Gulu and Amuru in northern Uganda.

Statistics obtained from northern regional police records indicate around
1,300 reported cases of sexual abuse of girls between January and June 2008,
with Gulu and Amuru districts recording the highest number of incidents. 

Hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in northern
Uganda - who fled their homes during two decades of regional war between the
rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan government
<> - are
living in "satellite" camps in between official IDP camps and their home
villages as they try to regain their land. 

Many children have been left alone in the official IDP camps to continue
attending school. "Unguarded by their parents, they are vulnerable to sexual
abuse," the report said. 

Contrary to international legal standards that set adulthood at the age of
18, in many areas of northern Uganda girls are considered adult at the age
of 16. "Girls are forced into marriage by their families between the ages of
15 and 18 for economic gain, i.e. the bride price," the report said. "Beyond
18, they are in some communities referred to as "oruta" ['used' in the local
Acholi language] or "ogek" [wasted]." 

Study respondents also said men sought younger sexual partners in the belief
that they were less likely to be infected with HIV. According to the
ministry of health, HIV prevalence
<> in Uganda's central northern
region is 8.2 percent, compared with a national average of 6.4 percent. 

Many girls, struggling to keep themselves fed and clothed, have taken to
hanging around local bars, hoping to be picked up by soldiers or businessmen
looking for a good time. "My parents are dead; they were killed by the
rebels and this is the only way for my survival. I earn between 5,000
shillings [US$3] and 8,000 shillings [$5] a day from clients in night clubs
and bars," one 15-year-old girl in Gulu told IRIN/PlusNews. 

"We have cases where girls are being sold in bars for sex in exchange for
money, while other men exploit young girls working as baby-sitters in their
homes," said Joseph Kilama, Gulu district child protection officer. "Large
numbers of girls, working illegally as barmaids under the age of 18, are
reportedly sexually abused by inebriated customers." 

The study found that the perpetrators of child sex abuse included aid
workers, businessmen, farmers, teachers, relatives and armed personnel, such
as members of the LRA and soldiers of the national Uganda People's Defence

"This region has been under conflict and children have continued to be
sexually and psychologically abused," regional police commander Phenihensas
Arinaitwe told IRIN/PlusNews. He said the police received a minimum of five
reports of child sex abuse every day. 

Improved reporting mechanisms 

The researchers found that raising awareness of child sex abuse and HIV had
contributed to a recent increase in the reporting of these crimes, which are
traditionally underreported. 

"Continuous HIV/AIDS sensitisation campaigns, which include advertising
prevention services available for survivors of rape and sexual abuse, have
encouraged people to report cases more frequently," the report said. 

Many health practitioners require a police form before a patient is provided
with post-exposure prophylaxis, which has also increased the number of child
sexual abuse cases being reported to the police. 

"Respondents also noted the positive impact of grassroots participation in
the promotion of rights awareness and reporting procedures. This includes
the role of local leaders, past victim's parents and Special Police
Constables ... People are in many cases more likely to listen to those whom
they know and trust," the report added. 

Francis Odokorach, GUSCO's programme officer, pointed out a gap between
reported cases and those that made it to the courts. "Few cases reach the
judge," he said. "There are a variety of reasons for this, including parents
using the reported case as an opportunity to extort money from




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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