

The reports cites an example from May last year in which three Congolese girls 
who had escaped the LRA in South Sudan and were reunited with their families in 
DR Congo, later returned to South Sudan 
<>  because they were ostracised by 
the community. "While the number of children killed or maimed by LRA in 2010-11 
appears to have decreased compared to previous years, the ongoing abduction and 
forced recruitment of children, as well as the systematic rape and sexual 
exploitation of captive girls, is egregious and unacceptable." 

It continues to frustrate many of us that Ugandans as Peter Simon Okurut 
classify what happened in Northern Uganda as acts of a few criminals. 
International organisations tend to defer from  that educative stand. When you 
see saved children running back into Kony camp you realize the danger our 
people live through. David Smith who was stationed in Johannesburg went into 
Uganda and wrote a piece titled Joseph Kony kidnaped 591 children in  past 
three years, UN reveals. It was published by The Guardian of London.

Ugandans we need to discuss Acholi violence but candidly.

Joseph Kony kidnapped 591 children in past three years, UN report reveals 

Ugandan warlord used some of under-age recruits as fighters, human shields or 
spies for his Lord's Resistance Army 

Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army. Photograph: Stuart Price/AP 

David Smith <>  in Johannesburg

The Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony <>  
has kidnapped nearly 600 children in the past three years, forcing boys to take 
"magical potions" and turning girls into sex slaves, the UN has found.

Some of the under-age recruits were used as fighters, human shields or spies 
for Kony's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), according to a report presented to the 
UN security council 

Kony has evaded capture for nearly three decades, kidnapping thousands of 
children to fill the ranks of the LRA and terrorising local populations. He 
achieved global notoriety earlier this year when a US-based charity, Invisible 
Children, launched the Kony 2012 <>  
viral video campaign.

On Wednesday, Ban Ki-moon <> , the 
UN secretary general, submitted his first report to the security council 
detailing the LRA's crimes against children.

Between July 2009 and February 2012, Kony's group kidnapped at least 591 
children – 268 girls and 323 boys – in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 
<> , South Sudan and the Central African 
Republic (CAR), the report found.

"Children reported that they were used in various capacities, as cooks, 
porters, guards, spies or directly in hostilities as combatants or human 
shields," Ban said.

"Girls who spent a substantial period of time associated with the group 
reported to have been subject to sexual slavery and exploitation, including by 
being forcibly 'married' to combatants. Some children were forced to use 
violence, including to kill their friends or other children in the armed group.

"Numerous children abducted, especially boys, reported to have received 
so-called magical potions from LRA leaders, which they were told would increase 
their physical capacities and make it possible to trace and reabduct them if 
they escaped."

Stigmatisation remains a major challenge for survivors of sexual violence 
perpetrated by the LRA, especially for girls returning with babies, Ban added. 
"Families that take in such LRA victims are often accused by their community of 
supporting LRA and the girls or young women escaping LRA with babies are often 
seen as bringing bad luck."

The reports cites an example from May last year in which three Congolese girls 
who had escaped the LRA in South Sudan and were reunited with their families in 
DR Congo, later returned to South Sudan 
<>  because they were ostracised by 
the community.

The LRA continues to perpetrate grave violations against children some nine 
years after it was listed in the UN's report on children and armed conflict. 
"LRA continues to pose a significant threat not only to children, but also to 
the civilian population at large and has forced 45,000 persons in the region to 
leave their homes.

"While the number of children killed or maimed by LRA in 2010-11 appears to 
have decreased compared to previous years, the ongoing abduction and forced 
recruitment of children, as well as the systematic rape and sexual exploitation 
of captive girls, is egregious and unacceptable."

The long manhunt for Kony continues. Late last year the United States deployed 
100 special forces personnel as advisers to help Ugandan soldiers track Kony 
and his senior commanders in dense jungle across a region spanning several 

Three countries – DR Congo, South Sudan and the CAR – are preparing to join an 
African Union coalition to intensify efforts to capture Kony and hand him to 
the international criminal court, which has issued a warrant for his arrest.

The UN has said that Kony appears to be increasingly nervous as a result and is 
now changing his location every few days.

A self-styled mystic leader who at one time was bent on ruling Uganda by the 
Ten Commandments, Kony and his combatants‚ "estimated to number between 200 and 
500"‚ are assumed to be in the CAR, though the UN has said it has information 
that Kony might have recently slipped over the porous border into Sudan's 
troubled western Darfur region. Last month the Ugandan army captured Caesar 
Acellam Otto 
<> , one of 
the LRA's top military leaders, in the CAR.

A recent report by Human Rights Watch said the LRA has increased its attacks in 
the CAR since the beginning of 2012, putting civilians in affected areas in 
need of urgent protection. "The increase in LRA attacks shows that the rebel 
group is not a spent force and remains a serious threat to civilians,"


Stay in the forum for Series two hundred and twenty three on the way   ------>


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





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