

Most of the IDPs who died, the survivors said, were burned alive when the 
rebels set fire to their thatched huts after ordering them into their houses at 
gunpoint. Others trying to flee were shot, bludgeoned or hacked to death by 
rebels wielding clubs, machetes and AK-47s. Molly Auma, 26, told IRIN that the 
rebels had opened fire at her hut, forcing her to run outside with her 
10-months-old baby. Once outside, the rebels shot at her, hitting the child. 
She ran towards another hut, but the rebels fire-bombed that hut. "I survived 
because they thought I had died," she said. “The biggest LRA slaughter of 
civilians on record happened in 1995 in Atiak, north of Lira, when some 240 
people were herded into a corner and shot dead.”


As we continue with these atrocities, let us put ourselves into the situation 
these Ugandans passed through,  It is only that understanding that will help us 
build laws into our country to stop this kind of violence. It is understanding 
these atrocities that will help us resolve to create a country where a group of 
people does not have a right to terrorize us as Ugandans. When  you look 
closely at what Acholi did to their own people, it is exactly what they did in 
Luwero triangle, it is exactly what they did in Eastern Uganda, it is exactly 
what they did in West Nile and it is exactly what they did to their very own 
people. At what point of our lives do we stand up and denounce Acholi violence?


Ugandans we need to discuss Acholi violence but candidly.


Rebels massacre more than 200 in Lira IDPs camp


LIRA, 23 February 2004 (IRIN) – 


In the most devastating attack on civilians in northern Uganda for nearly 10 
years, rebels who have waged war in northern Uganda for 18 years, massacred at 
least 200 people in an internally displaced persons (IDPs) camp on Saturday, 
eyewitnesses said.

Three bodies of those who died later at Lira referral hospital were being 
loaded by relatives on to a small truck on Monday morning to be taken for 
burial, while other injured IDPs were being treated by medical staff. Sam 
Ekomu, a survivor of the massacre, told IRIN his three cousins were among the 

Father Sebhat Ayele, a Roman Catholic priest who visited the scene shortly 
after the attack told IRIN that about 300 Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels, 
dressed like regular Ugandan army soldiers and armed with assault rifles and 
artillery, had attacked the Barloonyo camp, 26 km north of Lira town, and 
overpowered the local Amuka militia posted there to protect it.

"The estimate of the dead that we have is now over 200," Fr Ayele told IRIN in 
Lira town, 380 km north of the capital, Kampala, on Monday morning.

Survivors of the massacre told IRIN at the hospital that the rebels, stormed 
the camp at about 17:00 GMT. They fired a recoilless gun into a barracks 
housing the 35 Amuka militiamen before moving into the camp, which houses 4,800 
IDPs and is sited in the bush off the main road.

Most of the IDPs who died, the survivors said, were burned alive when the 
rebels set fire to their thatched huts after ordering them into their houses at 
gunpoint. Others trying to flee were shot, bludgeoned or hacked to death by 
rebels wielding clubs, machetes and AK-47s.

Molly Auma, 26, told IRIN that the rebels had opened fire at her hut, forcing 
her to run outside with her 10-months-old baby. Once outside, the rebels shot 
at her, hitting the child. She ran towards another hut, but the rebels 
fire-bombed that hut. "I survived because they thought I had died," she said.

The rebels also reportedly abducted some IDPs, though it was unclear whether 
they were later killed or taken captive. Abductees, especially young children, 
are often taken by the LRA for forcible recruitment into their ranks as 
fighters, porters or sex-slaves.

A number of bodies remained burning in their huts by Sunday morning, 
eyewitnesses said, while 50, burned beyond recognition, were buried in a mass 
grave. Some 60 injured IDPs were evacuated to Lira Referral Hospital in 
critical condition.

The attack comes barely three weeks after rebels massacred around 50 people in 
Abia camp, also in Lira District. Like the Saturday incident, the Abia camp 
attack occurred at about 17:00 GMT. 

The army said the remaining IDPs were going to be evacuated and transferred to 
camps closer to Lira town. The army spokesman, Maj Shaban Bantariza, was unable 
to confirm the death toll, but said that "the rebels had superior weapons. The 
Amuka have not yet had the training to use similar firepower. They were 

Bantariza said the Uganda People’s Defence Forces in the area were tracking the 
rebels in the bush. The attack, he added, was "most likely an attempt to 
distract them back from there, as well as to intimidate the Amuka and terrorise 
the civilian population".

The cult-like LRA, led by a reclusive mystic, Joseph Kony, say they want to 
topple the government, which is dominated by southerners, and restore power to 
the Acholi people in the north. Yet most of the group’s atrocities are 
committed against defenceless civilians, usually fellow Acholis.

Kony claims to have magic powers derived from the Holy Spirit, and manipulates 
beliefs in witchcraft to instil fear in his followers. Virtually all LRA 
recruits are abducted children who are brainwashed by fear and forced to commit 
violent acts.

The biggest LRA slaughter of civilians on record happened in 1995 in Atiak, 
north of Lira, when some 240 people were herded into a corner and shot dead.

Stay in the forum for Series two hundred and thirty one on the way   ------>


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





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