

Every single country that I have seen developing, develop because it invests in 
its population. Those of us that have seen China become an economic giant have 
raised the number of its population as one of the cause. But United States 
economic woes started when it stopped to invest into its people. When United 
States stopped to create jobs the middle class became squashed out, and they 
developed a two class population, you are either too poor or too rich. That 
kind of economy that does not care about its middle-class is bound to struggle. 
When you look at The US numbers they have started to slowly Crip up,  jobs are 
starting to show but they need to work at it much harder than what why are 
doing today.


As Ugandans we have multiplied our population, but we have not invested into 
it, what we have done for many and many years is to  murder each other. Fellow 
Ugandans we have dug so many of these holes and I am simply too tired of seeing 
them. And all way from the 60’s to the 70’s to the 80’s to the 90’s and just 
last week a prosecutor joined the lined of graves. When are we going to stop 
murdering each other? What have we ever achieved by killing innocent  people? 
Is there a price in a grave? We drop them there and we remain as we so were,  
yet we go and murder someone else and burry him too, we hunt down another and 
we murder than one too, we go to the next one and we murder that one too. At 
what point do we actually stop and wonder about preserving lives as Ugandans? 
There is a hole dug in Uganda for some murdered Ugandan every day, not sick not 
suicide but one Ugandan killing another Ugandan.  And when I see the manner at 
which I am threatened because I speak on this very stupid violence, I get very 
sad for this country. A man claiming to be a lawyer in United Kingdom to stand 
up in a  public forum and challenge me to fly to Uganda so that he shoots me. 
Well  among all those you have murdered why is your firkin liver shrinking 
inside you, you fool? I am posting a hole that was dug in Atiak to burry a 
Ugandan that committed no crime and was not sick but he disagreed with another 
Ugandan and he was killed as George Okello wants to murder me. Below the 
photograph I am going to post a paragraph from a respondent that was in that 
massacre for you to read it and wonder if Uganda is not in a real trouble. We 
must stop to dig these holes for our fellow Ugandans.


We need to discuss Acholi violence candidly.






 Atiak Massacre Survivors Still Live in Fear over Ghostly Vengeance - Acholi 
Times - The voice of...

Survivors of thebloody April 1995 Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels’ massacre 
in Atiak Sub County in Amuru District have expressed fear over the increasing 
cases of ghostly vengeance. The survivors claim that they have registered 
increasing cases of ghostly attacks especially at night after

By James Owich



A two year old child of a woman called Esther started coughing incessantly. The 
coughing irritated the rebels to the point that one of them remarked, ‘this 
child will make us to be caught.’ Esther was ordered by the

commander of the rebels to ‘go and throw her child into the bush.’ As she moved 
to obey the command, the rebel chief changed his mind and told her to place the 
child on the veranda of a hut next to which the captives

had been gathered. Esther was told to rejoin the group of captives, and as she 
did so, the rebels flashed bright light into the eyes of the frightened child 
telling her, ‘if you cry right now we are going to kill you.’ The child

continued crying and was immediately picked up by a rebel soldier and battered 
to death against the post of the hut. The above incident was later to turn into 
a painful slaughter of 6 other children at the hands of their own mothers. One 
mother recalled being forced to participate in the killing of her own child;”  


{Respondents from the survivors of Atiak massacre}



Stay in the forum for Series two hundred and thirty five on the way   ------>


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





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