

When you read the Uganda auditor general’s report, he states that while Amama 
Mbabazi was a prime minister of Uganda, his office diverted 13 million dollars 
US to un authorized bank accounts linked to the Prime Minister’s office. Now 
that is a direct accusation on Mbabazi as a Prime minister by The Uganda’s 
auditor General. This money was supposed to be used for reconstruction and 
resettlement of Uganda Northern Region. Because this report annoyed donor 
countries, they sliced the donation pie and the government lost the future 
donation. Amama Mbabazi continued to be a prime Minister and Uganda government 
through Maria Kiwanuka minister of finance,  announced how she was going to 
replace the donor money by introducing a 10% surcharge on all Mobil money 
transaction  to Uganda. So the solution we took was not to seal off the leakage 
of funds to The North but we looked at other ways of collecting it and handing 
it over to Amama Mbabazi.  Again  the questions I raised before stands.


1 These are huge amounts for a small region as Northern Uganda, what did it do 
that we can see today as an achievement from them?

2} Many of the people that died in The North died due to hunger, how did we 
fail to even feed them when we have such huge amounts at our hands?

3} If there was corruption in Uganda Government, where were all Acholi/Langi to 
raise the dust on mismanagement of these massive funds,  when their very own 
people are dying? Where was Olara Otunnu, where was Norbert Mao, where was 
George Okello, where was Ocen Nekyon but where was Lucima?

4} What income did such number of Acholi/Langi have to justify the numerous 
real estate they have established in Buganda especially in Kampala for men like 
Norbert Mao to have real estate’s worth to be rented by The Movement?


Fellow Ugandans let record show that since I started these numbers just last 
week, this posting makes the sum so far we have sent to Northern Uganda to 
821.50 Million US dollars. On top  of that we have another 5 billion shillings 
that was lost from the  Prime Minister’s office. On that we are adding all 
these funds in various currencies, and I am hereby adding on another 13,000,000 
US dollars.


Just how much money did The Kony war pump into Acholi land?            I am 
just asking !!!!!                          




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

[] On Behalf Of Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 1:11 PM




In continuing with the numbers of money pumped into Acholi land due to Kony 
war, here is another one. The organization I am going to target this time 
around is called Send a Cow Uganda or {SACU} as it was popularly known. This 
organization got money to be pumped into Northern Uganda and alleviate poverty. 
Here are some amounts it got that I managed to put my hands on. 


1} United Kingdom Department of International Development gave them 1M pounds

2} Heifer of Netherlands gave them 190,000 Euros

3} Oxfam Novib gave them 750,000 Euros

4} Self-help Africa gave them 155,000 Euros

5} SNV {I do not have the country it came from} but it gave them 40,000 
Starling pounds

6} Maitri Trust fund gave them 100,000 Starling pounds

7} Seeds for development gave them 12,500 Starling pounds

8} Western  Union foundation gave them 30,000 US dollars

9} EU gave them 121,000 US dollars

10} The British High Commissioner in Uganda gave them 19,000 US dollars

11} Danida gave them 32,000 US dollars.


There are more money that were thrown at this single organization to list but 
the amounts are lower than these ones thus I will ignore them. All these moneys 
were pumped into the region to alleviate poverty among people that died of 
sheer luck of food on their plate. Let me add as well that the organization 
executive director was called Esther Nalubwaama Ssempebwa, program funding 
manager was Elizabeth Okware. Again  the questions I raised before stands.


1 These are huge amounts for a small region as Northern Uganda, what did it do 
that we can see today as an achievement from them?

2} Many of the people that died in The North died due to hunger, how did we 
fail to even feed them when we have such huge amounts at our hands?

3} If there was corruption in Uganda Government, where were all Acholi/Langi to 
raise the dust on mismanagement of these massive funds,  when their very own 
people are dying? Where was Olara Otunnu, where was Norbert Mao, where was 
George Okello, where was Ocen Nekyon but where was Lucima?

4} What income did such number of Acholi/Langi have to justify the numerous 
real estate they have established in Buganda especially in Kampala for men like 
Norbert Mao to have real estate’s worth to be rented by The Movement?


Fellow Ugandans let record show that since I started these numbers just last 
week, this posting makes the sum so far we have sent to Northern Uganda to 
821.50 Million US dollars. On top  of that we have another 5 billion shillings 
that was lost from the  Prime Minister’s office. On that we are adding all 
these funds in various currencies.


Just how much money did The Kony war pump into Acholi land?            I am 
just asking !!!!!                          



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


[] On Behalf Of Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2015 9:26 AM
Cc: <> ; <> 




It is important  to recognize that in a single agreement signed by President 
Museveni and The United States Assistant Secretary of state Johnnie Carson, the 
American government gave Uganda government a whopping $246M US Dollars or an 
equivalent of Ush461b. This money was listed as a single largest amount from an 
outside government to help Uganda take care of the people of Acholi and Lango 
that were camped. This amount was as well directed to the prime Minister’s 
office. . Again  the questions I raised before stands.


1} $246M is a huge amount for a small region as Northern Uganda, what did it do 
that we can see today as an achievement from that debt?

2} Many of the people that died in The North died due to hunger, how did we 
fail to even feed them when we have such huge amounts at our hands?

3} If there was corruption in Uganda Government, where were all Acholi/Langi to 
raise the dust on mismanagement of this massive fund when their very own people 
are dying? Where was Olara Otunnu, where was Norbert Mao, where was George 
Okello, where was Ocen Nekyon but where was Lucima?

4} What income did such number of Acholi/Langi have to justify the numerous 
real estate they have established in Buganda especially in Kampala for men like 
Norbert Mao to have real estate’s worth to be rented by The Movement?


Fellow Ugandans let record show that since I started these numbers just last 
week, this posting makes the sum so far we have sent to Northern Uganda to 
821.50 Million US dollars. On top  of that we have another 5 billion shillings 
that was lost from the  Prime Minister’s office.


Just how much money did The Kony war pump into Acholi land?            I am 
just asking !!!!!                          



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


[] On Behalf Of Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 3:12 AM
Cc: <> ; <> 


John Ojok-Akona


Here are some of the bits and pieces I find very  interesting about Uganda 
government money and the office of The Prime  minister. And yet it is so 
complex to raise these issues in as much as we know that many people died in 
The camps due to sheer neglect,  I still have The Akonas that stand up and 
scream threats on why these matters should never be raised. EM remains the 
single largest hater of Acholi population for he has and continues to raise the 
Acholi violence, but the people that ate the money supposed to keep Acholi  
alive are not hating Acholi. Now watch also that in all documents raised the 
prime minister’s office becomes listed but not  the name of the prime Minister, 
so you have to go back and relate the year with who was in office. How does any 
intelligent Ugandan stand up and cover this nonsense still astounds my small 
heart. Again  the questions I raised before stands.


1} 5B Shillings is a huge amount for a small region as Northern Uganda, what 
did it do that we can see today as an achievement from that debt?

2} Many of the people that died in The North died due to hunger, how did we 
fail to even feed them when we have such huge amounts at our hands?

3} If there was corruption in Uganda Government, where were all Acholi/Langi to 
raise the dust on mismanagement of this massive fund when their very own people 
are dying? Where was Olara Otunnu, where was Norbert Mao, where was George 
Okello, where was Ocen Nekyon but where was Lucima?

4} What income did such number of Acholi/Langi have to justify the numerous 
real estate they have established in Buganda especially in Kampala for men like 
Norbert Mao to have real estate’s worth to be rented by The Movement?


Kindly read the last part that I have high lightened.


Nine corruption scandals to look back at

UGANDA - The cost of corruption is huge. We look back at nine graft scandals 
that have tossed Uganda here and there in the recent past.

Chogm 2007

This came to public attention last year (2011). Several ministers, including 
former Vice-President, Gilbert Bukenya, Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi and former 
state minister for works and transport, John Byabagambi, were implicated in the 
mismanagement of billions of public funds meant for the 2007 CHOGM summit.

Others implicated were ministers John Nasasira, Mwesigwa Rukutana and Isaac 
Musumba. Although Parliament allocated sh270b to the summit, the Auditor 
General discovered that more than sh370b was spent.

The figures went up to sh500b after parliamentary accounts committee grilled 
those who spent the funds.

The probe, commissioned by President Yoweri Museveni, found out that money was 
lost in irregular procurement of the CHOGM cars, road construction and repairs, 
and the renovation of Entebbe Airport, among other ventures.

Several permanent secretaries interrogated claimed they had acted on orders 
from former Vice-President Gilbert Bukenya, who was the chairman of the Cabinet 
sub-committee on CHOGM.

Prof. Bukenya was accused of influence-peddling in the sh19b CHOGM car deal, 
but later court acquitted him. 

Global Fund 2008

At the time of investigations, $10m (sh25b) was missing, although some sources 
put the figure at $37 (sh95.8b).

The money was meant for malaria and tuberculosis drugs programmes. The scandal 
sucked in former health minister Jim Muhwezi and his then deputies Mike Mukula 
and Alex Kamugisha.

Some of the known culprits include the director of economic affairs in the 
President’s Office, Teddy Cheeye and former production manager of Uganda 
Television, Fred Kavuma, who are currently on remand in Luzira Prison over the 

Although many of people have since been absolved of wrongdoing by court, Mike 
Mukula was told recently that he has a case to answer.

The scandal centered on a new unit within the Health Ministry, known as the 
Project Management Unit (PMU), through which the money was siphoned to about 
400 private organisations, many of which existed only on paper.

Investigations revealed that PMU paid grossly infl ated salaries to its 15 
professionals and 20 support staff, who often doubled their take home pay with 
generous and largely undocumented expense allowances.

Since its creation in 2002, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and 
Malaria has committed $5.1b in grants to more than 130 countries to fight the 
three diseases. 

Temangalo 2008

NSSF-Temangalo saga came to light in July 2008, when reports emerged that Prime 
Minister Amama Mbabazi, then security minister and Amos Nzeyi had been paid 
sh11b by the Fund for 414 acres of land, with each acre going for sh24m.

It was reported that the price was higher than that on the market, resulting 
into the Fund losing billions of shillings.

Knight Frank put the price of an acre in the area at sh18m, East African 
Consulting Surveyors at sh16m and Associated Consulting Surveyors at sh14m.

NSSF decided to go for what it called an open market price of sh24m. The 
Parliamentary probe found that Mbabazi used his clout as security minister to 
force NSSF to purchase his land.

In its majority report, the parliamentary committee investigating the matter 
concluded that indeed Mbabazi and Ezra Suruma had violated sections of the 
Leadership Code.

ID Scandal 2010

In February, 2010, the Government entered a deal with Mühlbauer, a German firm, 
to supply national IDs. Muhlbauer High Tech was allegedly contracted without 
open bidding as required by law.

The company was to supply and install equipment for production of the identity 
cards. The IDs were supposed to be used to identify eligible voters during the 
2011 elections.

But by February last year, the company had reportedly produced only 400 cards. 
Parliament learnt that the Government borrowed over sh150b to finance the 
project, which has never kicked off.

According to the PAC, contracting the firm resulted in a fi nancial loss of 

The ministers implicated include former general duties minister, Kiddu 
Makubuya, former internal affairs minister, Kirunda Kivejinja and the local 
government Permanent Secretary, Steven Kagoda. 

Bicycle 2011

Amman Industrial Tool and Equipment Ltd, a locally-registered company, was 
contracted by the Ministry of Local Government to supply 70,000 bicycles meant 
for LCs, but no single bicycle was delivered.

The company was reportedly paid $1.7 million (about sh4b).

Microfinance and Specioza Kazibwe ­ 2011

Sh60b went missing from Microfinance Support Centre in a record three months.

Former Vice-President Dr. Specioza Wandira Kazibwe, who was the board 
chairperson, was subsequently suspended over allegations of abuse of office and 
mismanagement in the office she assumed in 2008.

Others board members who were suspended are MP Tim Lwanga, Mutebi Kityo, 
Charles Ogol from the finance ministry and Twino Musinguzi.

President Yoweri Museveni started the institution in 2003, to ensure Ugandans 
accessed funds for poverty reduction in their households.

Hassan Basajjabalaba compensation scandal ­ 2011

Sh169b was ‘erroneously’ issued to city tycoon Hassan Basajjabalaba as 
compensation for the loss of business for the city markets last year.

Two ministers, Syda Bbumba of finance and attorney general Khiddu Makubuya, 
were axed alongside three members of staff at State House on the matter.

However, the Government exonerated the Bank of Uganda governor, Tumusiime 
Mutebile, of any wrongdoing in the compensation.

Pension’s scandal ­ 2012

Sh169b meant to clear outstanding pension claims of 1,018 former East African 
Community workers went missing between February and October last year.

The money is said to have been siphoned through Cairo International Bank, with 
connivance from top employees of the ministries of public service and finance.

Peter Sajjabi, the East African Community Beneficiaries Association general 
secretary, admitted to the Police that he had recommended the 1,018 names, 
which he said were passed on to him by the Ministry of Public Service, to Cairo 
International Bank for account opening.

Prime Minister’s Office ­ 2012

The principal accountant in the Prime Minister’s Office, Geoffrey Kazinda, was 
recently remanded to Luzira Prison in connection with the disappearance of sh5b.

The money, meant for the Peace Recovery and Development Plan for Northern 
Uganda, was reportedly transferred to the Crisis Management and Recovery 
account, from where it was siphoned.

Kazinda has been charged before the Anti-Corruption Court with abuse of office, 
causing fi nancial loss, embezzlement, false accounting and forgery.

Following the development, three donor countries cut aid. The British 
government, Denmark and Ireland have frozen development aid to the Offi ce of 
the Prime Minister.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 6:16 AM


Bwana Mulindwa,


If you have the facts, why are you asking other people to do the job for you? 
What are fearing?  Are you afraid that the NRM dogs will run after you?


We do thank you for giving us the information in case it is true.  Let 
individuals decide on what they want do.  For example if I decide to take up 
the case I will ask you for more papers.





On Thursday, 9 April 2015, 9:56, Herrn Edward Mulindwa < 
<> > wrote:


John Ojok-Akona


Corruption in Uganda is not only done by Museveni it is a pandemic surviving on 
trickling corruption. So the president that is corrupt goes to world bank and 
gets 100 million dollar loan into Uganda, he cuts off his clean 40 million as 
an example, his minister responsible gets the rest and he takes his cut then 
the rest of Ugandans share the rest of the money. I have argued that actually 
what is happening in Uganda is not corruption, you are all just thieves. 
Corrupt people do the project with cheaper materials, Ugandans do not do the 
project at all, they borrow and use the money for personal gain, then walk back 
into the lender’s office and borrow more and more and more.


As I continue with the amounts borrowed to look after Northerners, the figures 
I have seen so far make me sure that I will pass the mark of a billion dollars, 
and the question becomes very simple what was that money used for? And let me 
narrow this debate, these amounts of money were borrowed through the prime 
minister’s office. We have only six men that have held that office during 
Museveni’s government, namely Samson Kisekka, George Cosmas Adyebo, Kintu 
Musoke, Apollo Nsibambi, Amama Mbabazi and Ruhakana Rugunda. Now Kisekka and 
Adyebo are dead and they had very little to do with the borrowed money, the 
most interesting men are thus Kintu Musoke, Apollo Nsibambi, Amama Mbabazi and 
Ruhakana Rugunda. Those four men are directly responsible for the projects that 
were supposed to use these funds and take care of the people in the camps. Why 
is it a crime to go after them but  attack EM for raising these wrongs? John 
Akona at what point will you wake from your sleep and knock on the door of 
Ruhakana and  you ask him what that money was used for? Amama Mbabazi is in 
Uganda you probably live on the same street, hey how about raising your hand 
and you ask him why Acholi died that many in camps when money was availed to 


And the answer is very simple, when you read Edward Pojim closely he actually 
defines Ruhakana Rugunda as a great man and a nationalist. Right there you stop 
and wonder why a thief can ever be praised as such, because down through the 
trickling corruption of Uganda,  the moneys he stole reaches Pojim’s friend, a 
relative, a cousin, a parent or someone he knows. So EMs going after Ruhakana 
Rugunda directly affect that extended relative/friend of Edward Pojim. So the 
enemy now must be EM that must be shut down, sued let alone shot. But friends, 
Pojim rather investigates the deaths of Rwandese but not Ugandans, and if you 
are going to investigate the Uganda dead, you must limit it to Acholi but never 
Langis, hey also remember that you must limit those deaths to Museveni and 
Amin, full stop. Discussing Uganda issues then become a very hot potato for 
either way you touch it,  we have a forum full of past killers, that were 
either in UNLA or NRA, they themselves murdered people in Uganda or were a part 
of a very extensive corrupt scheme.


On  record the people that died in camps were Ugandans, it is going to be a 
responsibility of the coming government to investigate why they died of sheer 
hunger, how much was borrowed must be made public and who ate it must be made 
public but prosecuted. And such a bold call should have come from you because 
this affected you directly as a man that was in Uganda but from that region. 
Why am I burning on these deaths? Did you see any Muganda in camps? Heck no but 
when I keep quiet about the murder of Acholi, the next government is going to 
camp Baganda, so better raise up today and find out what went wrong and fix it 
but today. And all I am getting from many of you out there, that would have 
cared, is frustration for you need these deaths to die quietly, you start by 
keeping quite when they are dying, UN report states that they were dying at a 
rate of 146 a day. Just how many Acholi Langi died mercilessly? And you think 
that by working with Uganda government and you steal what you can is better 
than the lives of your fellow human beings? Who goes after any one raising a 
corruption scheme?


Many times I read comments from some of you,  and I simply wonder exactly where 
you people came from.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 12:09 PM


Dear Mulindwa,


Since you claim to be having documentary proof regarding the misused money for 
Northern Uganda, why can't you approach those who loaned the money and let them 
know the money was misused.  


You could also approach the Speaker of Uganda Parliament and let the matter 
debated in Parliament.  


I do not see how George Okello and co can be more effective than you in this 
matter.  If you really care about Uganda with all your heart why don't you take 
the challenge?


I believe a man of your stature can raise hell for Uganda government on 
International Forum until a part of that money is recovered from the culprits.  


Otherwise all you said on this matter will be treated as rumour mongering.


John Ojok-Akona



On Wednesday, 8 April 2015, 13:15, Herrn Edward Mulindwa < 
<> > wrote:


John Akona


With a all due respect sir come again !!!!!!


What can’t I prove? {a} That the money was borrowed by Uganda government? {b} 
That it was borrowed to be used in Northern Uganda after those in camps? {c} Or 
that they died massively due to luck of simple and very basics needs which 
included food?


What part do you need proof on sir?



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 5:07 AM


Bwana Mulindwa,


Thanks a lot for your information.  If indeed that money you are talking about 
is a loan then it means that every Uganda tax payer will be responsible in 
paying it back at some point. It will not be only George Okello and co to pay 
it back.


So if you have really Uganda at Heart why not raise the dust yourself since you 
seem to know even the names of those who benefited from the money.  It is no 
use making the claims you cannot prove.


John Ojok-Akona




On Wednesday, 8 April 2015, 9:49, Herrn Edward Mulindwa < 
<> > wrote:




When you look closely at the numbers I am throwing at my dear friends from 
Northern Uganda, even though every single NGO that was in The North at a time 
was pumping money in millions of dollars to look after the camped people, I 
have so far not included any of their money. I have not included money from 
International organizations, I have not included money from Ugandans ministry 
of finance that was budgeted for them, I have not included any money from  
outside governments that was pumped into Northern Uganda. What I am still 
limiting my numbers on is money that was borrowed outside of Uganda which we 
all as Ugandans, our children and our grandchildren are going to be responsible 
to pay back to the lenders. And that clarification is very important if you 
will understand how Uganda government, Acholi and Langi made The Kony war a 
single largest basket of money in Uganda history. Here is a third amount we 


Under a Northern Uganda Social Action Plan, we borrowed from The World Bank an 
amount of SDR 80.1 Million, an equivalent of US $100 Million dollars to take 
care of the people that were in camps. The Vice president of this project was 
Callisto Madavo, Country director of the project was Judy M O’Connor, Sector 
manager was Dzingai B. Mutumbuka and Task Team Leader was Norbert O. Mugwagwa. 
The Uganda government contact for this particular loan was Mr. Timothy Lubanga 
at 256 41 2510131. Which takes me back to the original questions :-


1} 100 Million US dollars is a huge amount for a small region as Northern 
Uganda, what did it do that we can see today as an achievement from that debt?

2} Many of the people that died in The North died due to hunger, how did we 
fail to even feed them when we have such huge amounts at our hands?

3} If there was corruption in Uganda Government, where were all Acholi/Langi to 
raise the dust on mismanagement of this massive fund when their very own people 
are dying? Where was Olara Otunnu, where was Norbert Mao, where was George 
Okello, where was Ocen Nekyon but where was Lucima?

4} What income did such number of Acholi/Langi have to justify the numerous 
real estate they have established in Buganda especially in Kampala for men like 
Norbert Mao to have real estate’s worth to be rented by The Movement?


Fellow Ugandans let record show that since I started these numbers 2 days ago, 
this posting makes the sum so far we have sent to Northern Uganda to 575.50 
Million US dollars. Just how much money did The Kony war pump into Acholi land? 
                                     Geez !!!!!!!!


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

[] On Behalf Of Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 3:57 AM
Cc: <> ; <> 




In continuation with the numbers that never lie, here is another number I need 
to throw at our dear friends from The North that decry Museveni corruption. We 
as Ugandans walked to The World bank and we again borrowed some little change 
to take care of our friends The Acholi Langi that were camped. This time around 
we borrowed US$ 124 Million. This amount was borrowed under a name of Second 
Northern Uganda Social Action Fund. This project was jointly financed by the 
department for international Development. Below are the dear pending questions 


1} 124 Million US dollars is a huge amount for a small region as Northern 
Uganda, what did it do that we can see today as an achievement from that debt?

2} Many of the people that died in The North died due to hunger, how did we 
fail to even feed them when we have such huge amounts at our hands?

3} If there was corruption in Uganda Government, where were all Acholi/Langi to 
raise the dust on mismanagement of this massive fund when their very own people 
are dying? Where was Olara Otunnu, where was Norbert Mao, where was George 
Okello, where was Lucima?

4} What income did such number of Acholi/Langi have to justify the numerous 
real estate they have established in Buganda especially in Kampala for men like 
Norbert Mao to have real estates worth to be rented by The Movement?


Fellow Ugandans let record show that since I started these numbers just 
yesterday, this posting makes the sum so far we have sent to Northern Uganda to 
457.50 Million US dollars. Just how much money did The Kony war pump into 
Acholi land?                                      Geez !!!!!!!!


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

[] On Behalf Of Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2015 3:30 AM
Cc: <> ; <> 




As many of our friends from The North continue to keep quiet and not answering 
questions, we need tonight to throw another figure in their faces. Among the so 
many millions of dollars that were pumped into The North during the Konny war, 
was another amount that we all as Ugandans borrowed to maintain the life styles 
of noncombatants that had been camped. Here is another figure I have for you 
tonight. As a country, we went to The World Bank and we borrowed a huge amount 
of money to maintain the lives of our fellow Ugandans that were camped, this 
amount was borrowed from the world bank under a project ID P002952, the amount 
borrowed this time around was a whopping 133.50 Million US dollars. The project 
manager of this particular project was Suleiman Namala. Below are the dear 
pending questions :-


1} 133.50 Million US dollars is a huge amount for a small region as Northern 
Uganda, what did it do that we can see today as an achievement from that debt?

2} Many of the people that died in The North died due to hunger, how did we 
fail to even feed them when we have such huge amounts at our hands?

3} If there was corruption in Uganda Government, where were all Acholi/Langi to 
raise the dust on mismanagement of this massive fund when their very own people 
are dying? Where was Olara Otunnu, where was Norbert Mao, where was George 
Okello, where was Lucima?

4} What income did such number of Acholi/Langi have to justify the numerous 
real estate they have established in Buganda especially in Kampala for men like 
Norbert Mao to have real estate’s worth to be rented by The Movement?


Fellow Ugandans let record show that since I started these numbers yesterday, 
this posting makes the sum so far we have sent to Northern Uganda to 233.50 
Million US dollars. Just how much money did The Kony war pump into Acholi land? 
                                     Geez !!!!!!!!


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

[] On Behalf Of Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2015 8:36 AM
Cc: <> ; <> 
Subject: RE: {UAH} Garissa could have been avoided if we had learned from past 




There are numbers that one can throw into this debate. When  you leave the 
entire money poured into Northern Uganda due to the Kony war, and only consider 
a single pump of money that was done under the Second Northern Uganda Social 
Action fund project {NUSAF2}.  This project  had a leader by the name of 
Ebdashaw Tadesse Gossa, we as Ugandans borrowed a total of 100 Million US 
dollars to run this single project in Northern Uganda. Below are the questions:-


1} 100 Million US dollars is a huge amount for a small region as Northern 
Uganda, what did it do that we can see today as an achievement?

2} If this money was borrowed by us as Ugandans and we are going to pay it with 
time, why was the project of a borrowed money headed by a  non-Ugandan?

3} Many of the people that died in The North died due to hunger, how did we 
fail to even feed them when we have such huge amounts at our hands?

4} If there was corruption in The prime minister’s office, where was all 
Acholi/Langi to raise the dust on mismanagement of this massive fund when their 
very own people are dying? Where was Olara Otunnu, whre was Norbert Mao, where 
was George Okello, where was Lucima?

5} What income did such number of Acholi/Langi have to justify the numerous 
real estate they have established in Buganda especially in Kampala?



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

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