
Read this writing to understand why corruption leads Uganda, the terms that 
George Okello is using are the very root of why you will never beat it. And 
here is the sample the lawyer has just used :-

1} Every branch of the state is involved in the complex web.
2} From the administrators of the former employers
3} government fund pension managers,
4} corrupt foreign banks,
5} the police CID and the DPP
6} All of them are part of the web.

Note that he is using plural subjects and plural pronouns. Why? Because he 
needs to remain in that comfort zone. Every country has corrupt leaders but we 
always go after them, Uganda corruption has grown to this level because we 
start to talk about it by creating a comfort zone then through that comfort 
zone we try to raise it. And that is how we have discussed it in UAH. Every one 
remains on board till when you raise a name of a particular individual, then 
they all go wow!!!!!! Stop right there that man was holier than the heaven 
keeper himself, I know him so well that he used to shit in a toilet with the 
door open, My God how the hell can you raise that name?  It makes you wonder 
how George Okello knows that the entire judicial structure of Uganda is corrupt 
yet he cannot point out a single name of a corrupt official. Wow that is bad 
for come tomorrow and he needs to work in Uganda judicial system least he finds 
that individual holding an office. So he goes after the entire CID and DPP.

But that style of discussing Uganda hands George Okello as a UPC member, a very 
thesis to write how UPC exactly believes. You see when they came out of 
Tanzania come 1979, every Ugandan they found home was corrupt, stupid and did 
not have a clue on how to run a government, my God they got people with so much 
experience and either fired them, threatened them out of office,  or let alone 
simply blow their heads off. Very well trained institutions as Uganda Army and 
Uganda Police were all disbanded and replaced by 15 year old Acholi many of 
whom had never even stepped into Kampala. These friends never believed into 
proper hand over of power but in  Looting government institutions and handing 
our property to Tanzanians, as they were drinking  their brains out. You  do 
not believe what I have just written in this paragraph, do you? Well read this 
sentence from this so called lawyer.

{ How do we confront institutional corruption when all institutions that are 
supposed to check and balance themselves are part of the intricate web of 
criminality? WE need a new moral compass. Current employees of public bodies 
have totally lost moral compass and do not see anything wrong with corruption; 
they look at it as their entitlement, and something to be even proud of.} 
-George Okello

Well well, tell me how this man can work with these officials at the exit of 
Museveni. What George has done is to pull the exact sentence from the UPC 
manifest that they wrote when coming from Tanzania in 1979. His dream is very 
solid, go in and get all government employees fired arrested or killed then. 
Bus in new Acholi and Langi to replace them. At that point you will get a new 
system of people that will serve in "our" country. A country of Langi and 
Acholi. Do you remember the very black Acholi that were running the road blocks 
in Kampala who did not know any English let alone Swahili word? They actually 
asked for the graduated tax tickets by opening their palm in front of you with 
a term "Chiketi Ya Muchollo !!!!!"  Remember those savages? Yes they were 
savages and they were bussed into Kampala to replace the very well trained and 
very well paid members of Uganda Army. From the day UPC made that decision, we 
have never got a Uganda Army force structured out. Do you know who will replace 
UPDF if George Okello gets his way? Because he will have a problem getting 
enough Acholi and Langi to run Kampala for many have died in camps, he is going 
to bring Konny fighters that are still stuck in South Sudan and CAR. Because he 
will need the numbers of soldiers and Police Officers to replace what we have 
today, he will have no option but to bring in every Okello thing he gets his 
hand on. This time around they are not going to rape your women on road blocks 
as they so did during Obote two government, Tito Okello junta,  they are going 
to get your children that are coming from school, arrest them , kill them and 
cook them in Banda and Nagulu Acholi quarters.  {And you think they have cooked 
their own children but they will not cook yours?}

Ba Ssebo ne ba Nyabo ebintu bya'Uganda bya'Mpunna !!!!!!

On the 49th Parallel          
                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of George Okello
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 1:26 AM
Subject: Re: {UAH} George's Legal Opinion: ‘which money?’

Mr Dan Bwanika Lwero,

What we have here is institutional corruption. Every branch of the state is 
involved in the complex web. From the administartors of the former employers, 
government fund pension managers, corrupt foreign banks, the police CID and the 
DPP. All of them are part of the web.

This is really nolonger a "legal case" per se although the incompetence of the 
DPP is staggering. This is a clear case of a country in very deep malaise, 
totally dysfunctional, a classic FAILED STATE. Nothing can function anymore. 
Every little crumb of comfort, even the smallest attempt to unravel the web of 
corruption is smothered at the very next step. Uganda is a carcass with all 
these so-called government officials voraciously feeding off every bit of 
morsel their can get their paws and molars into.

How do we confront institutional corruption when all institutions that are 
supposed to check and balance themselves are part of the intricate web of 

WE need a new moral compass. Current employees of public bodies have totally 
lost moral compass and do not see anything wrong with corruption; they look at 
it as their entitlement, and something to be even proud of.

We need iron political will at the centre. But the verbes coming from the 
centre, from the President himself, send a message that corruption is an 
acceptable  way of life in our country. If a head of state goes around 
distributing brown envelopes at every nook and cranny, you have a President who 
is a petty cash controller to all intents and purposes, why should the 
officialdom and bureaucrats down the line have the moral turpitude and 
resilience not to accept bribes or be gratuitously or deliberately  incompetent 
in carrying out their functions?

Uganda is a failed state, so I do not expect the machinery of justice to 
perform. This pensioner corruption scandal will die a natural death, just like 
many others like the Northern Uganda Reconstruction Funds, Global Fund, 
Commonwealth Scandal etc. We know the people who embezzled these funds, but 
nearly all of them are walking the streets; one Jim Muhwezi, has even been 
rewarded with a cabinet post.

S long as the NRA is in power, do not expect any change to take place.
In fact the overall situation will get far worse. Museveni has the rare 
distinction of being the most corrupt leader per capita in Africa. We need to 
remove him from power as a matter of urgency. Only then can we begin the slow 
and painful process to national recovery.
We need to translate the disgust we have for the corrupt NRA establishment into 
a political will to change and to rescue our country from blood suckers who are 
determined to finish it off.

George Okello

On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 3:59 AM, Dan Bwanika <> wrote:
> George
> Thow light to this Government official evidence and the fate of due 
> process of the case:
> “They asked me why I had continued to arrest them yet they had sent me 
> money. I asked them, ‘which money?’ They told me that they had given 
> Shs100m to Kato and Komurubuga to bring to me and then $350,000 (about 
> Shs1 billion) to a journalist, who I will not name, to buy me a house 
> and bring the rest of the money to me,” Ms Akullo said.
> ‘
> 165b-pension-scam-case/-/688342/2693116/-/26ckmlz/-/index.html
> --
> _____________________________
> Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero
> --
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