George Okello

Thank you for uplifting me to a God fatherhood status that is what we all as 
Ugandans must do to kids of our past leaders, and I have watched how some of 
them are attacked and they are running in Ugandan as if it is not their 
country, it is bizarre. But as a man that was born in a stable family, and by a 
father that was not a punk, I was educated that people have feelings, and those 
feelings must always be up and front. One of the reasons that made me start the 
series on Acholi violence. And here is where I have a problem with the very 
intelligent suggestion you are raising. On Sunday April 19, 2015 at 6.00am GMT 
this is what you posted in UAH sir:-

[] On Behalf Of George Okello
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2015 6:00 AM
Subject: Re: {UAH} NORA AMIN

Mr Hussein Juruga Idi Amin Dada,

As you know, I manage the Uganda Human Rights Documentation Centre based in 
London. This Centre investigates, records, documents and archives human rights 
violations in Uganda for historical purposes as well as for use in future 
prosecutions, research and human rights education. For this purpose, I maintain 
Files on the perpetrators of some of the most egregious  human rights 
violations in the country.

In my file on Mrs Nora Amin, it is enterred that she was murdered by your 
father the late Idi Amin Dada in 1977, shortly after he publicly divorced Nora 
and his other wives in a TV address. The basis of this entry was a personal 
interview that I myself had with a younger sister of Nora who was a student at 
a secondary school in Dokolo, Lango. She reported to me and the headmaster of 
the school that she had been told by her family that her sister was dead, 
suspected to have been strangled by her husband Idi Amin Dada, and she said she 
was in terrible fear for own life and could not return to her home in Lira 
because Amin's soldiers were moving up and down on the streets adjacent to her 
home. Because of her extreme fear, my late late father decided to keep her in 
our home for two months until the situation cooled down.

Now George as you recognize, you came into a very public forum and made 
statements that were hurtful to both Norah Amin and Iddi Amin's family because 
they were untrue. One would have thought that now that we know that Norah 
actually sadly succumbed to cancer, it would have been a good time for you and 
Nyar' to publicly apologize to both families. And you do not have a clue how 
much damage your hate of Amin has damaged the families that you insulted, had 
you only had that basic understanding, if I were you I would have backed off 
Norah's issue, and simply posted a public apology.

But again you are a Langi and I am simply not.

On the 49th Parallel          
                 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of George Okello
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: {UAH} Watch URprogram - Documentary on Amin & Others

Mr  Edward Mulindwa,

As a God father to the late Mr Idi Amin Dada's children, you dont seem to be 
spending much time with them these days. I  am sure you did not sit  down with 
the girls and Jaffer Amin the son to advise them about the programmes they are 
appearing on in both the British and the Swedish media. I know you are in 
regular contact with Hussein Juruga, but dont you think you are being rather 
neglectful of your responsibility, especially towards the girls? I get the 
impression that your god-children need your help in order to come to terms 
psychologically from the abuse and trauma  they say they suffered at the hands 
of your late friend Idi Amin Dada. Another episode of their Recollections of 
their father Idi Amin Dada will be shown by Swedish TV next week. Perhaps you 
might care to talk to them before this is shown because I understand it is very 
moving. With all of our support, I think we can assist these children go 
through this painful period of their lives as they try to come to terms with 
the personality of the person  they knew as their father and whom they loved in 
their own ways. Coming to terms with the truth is a very traumatic experience 
for many people, especially if they have been in denial for many years.

Thank You.

George Okello

On 4/22/15, George Okello <> wrote:
> Edward Mulindwa,
> Okay. I accept your challenge. Dont say I did not warn you. I 
> guarantee you will have your Nubian arse whipped without mercy.
> George Okello
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 
> <>
> wrote:
>> George Okello,
>> What design and actual plan do you for Uganda that you claim I am 
>> disrupting other than you declared intention to kill Yoweri Museveni?  
>> If that is the plan you have, I have no intention at all to stop you 
>> from doing what you do best,  ending people's lives. After all, you 
>> learned this from your father's bedroom when it was used to recruit 
>> and train young men how to kill. After recruiting and training them 
>> you sent them to Owiny Kibul for more training after which they were 
>> shipped to Tanzania so that they can enter Uganda via Mutukula and the 
>> Kagera Salient.
>> Any other plan you have apart from the one mentioned above, I will 
>> sure disrupt, there is no way you should be allowed to screw Uganda a 
>> third time. You did it through Obote I and Obote II. There is no 
>> Obote III my friend. If you are thinking of creating Obote III in 
>> Dokolo as a village community project naming your garden of millet 
>> Obote III, then you have a great idea. As for Uganda as a country, 
>> Obote III or UPC III is not going to happen. It was a good thing that 
>> Obote was buried in Akokoro far away from the center of power. Even 
>> his ghost cannot cross Karuma Falls to haunt Ugandans down South. No 
>> one has ever risen from the dead and do not expect Obote to be the first.
>> Thank the Queen of England for giving you sanctuary and allowing you 
>> puke the kind of nonsense you are used to, "mbu" we have a plan for 
>> Uganda which EM is intent to ruin. No wonder your invasion of Uganda 
>> from Tanzania was turned into a laughing matter, for it was designed 
>> by your type who only think of killing the very people they claim 
>> they are going to liberate. This time around though, you are out of luck 
>> "twabategedde"
>> or "tukutegedde". Your time went up in flames when Okello & Okello 
>> chased Obote II like a little dog and inviting Museveni to Nairobi to 
>> hand him the key to State House Entebbe, and the Nakasero lodge,  
>> before heading to Khartoum for their second and last asylum. "byebyo 
>> munange omudokolo" If anyone ever questions our generational 
>> achievement in Uganda, the answer is very simply put "We ended the 
>> barbaric Northerners lead of Uganda for life"
>> And I am waiting for your next nonsense!!
>> EM
>> On the 49th Parallel
>>                  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri 
>> Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
>>                     Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na 
>> Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 
>> machafuko"
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of George 
>> Okello
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 5:09 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Watch URprogram - Documentary on Amin & Others
>> Edward Mulindwa,
>> I can feel your despair at missing out on quality education, but this 
>> should not lead you to demonise education. It can not be gainsaid 
>> that education is the engine of progress, even though  you are too 
>> embarrassed to admit it. My mother never had any formal education, 
>> but she is very proud of her role in giving her children high quality 
>> education that has turned them into valuable individuals in society.
>> The Budo motto is deeply instilled in me and in everything I have 
>> done since I left the school as their best student  as I have always 
>> strived to be the best in everything  I have  done.
>> You are a very obstinate person who is too damaged to be of any use 
>> to society. I try to engage most people here on this Forum because I 
>> feel I can inspire and change  them to make the best of their 
>> talents. But I have failed to make any impact on you, so I give up. 
>> You are totally lost in idiocy, kantankerous as an old goat and a 
>> waste of time to all those who want to build a New Uganda We want. It 
>> would have been better if you just stood aside and allowed us to 
>> struggle to achieve our dream, but unfortunately you keep obstructing 
>> our progress and you have become an enemy of the people. An elephant 
>> may be slow and cumbersome, but its memory is second to none, just like the 
>> people.
>> Never under-estimate the people because they have long memories.
>> Running Museveni's sleeper cells and hobnobbing with his hatchetmen 
>> are not such an innocuos activities as you imagine.
>> George Okello
>> On 4/21/15, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <> wrote:
>>> Ggwe George Okello,
>>> If a website is set up in honor of President Iddi Amin Dada, are you 
>>> going to set up one in memory of Obote for killing Ugandans starting 
>>> from 1964 (the Nakulabye massacre) to 1985 ending with the mayhem of 
>>> Luweero district, let alone having massacred the Ombaci people? 
>>> Don't you think relatives of those massacred by the Obote regime get 
>>> upset too when you praise Obote? My friend, I thought you are 
>>> educated and informed enough that when you point a finger at someone 
>>> four are pointing back at you.
>>> Obote like most post-colonial independent African leaders, 
>>> established a modern state on a false premise. The British should 
>>> have stayed, by now they would have termed these savages at least to 
>>> take care of themselves by 35%.
>>> It was a very common mistake Africans made to tell these white folks 
>>> to leave and hand over power to primitive people, as primitive as 
>>> Acholi.  And I say this straight from the heart because every 
>>> African leader has repeated the very same mistakes for the last 50 
>>> years. If we can't learn from this collective failure and disaster, 
>>> then truly, the White man wasted his education on George Okello, 
>>> Ocen Nekyon, Peter Gwokto and the rest who claim to have attended 
>>> some of the most prestigious colleges in Uganda and abroad.
>>> That is what happens when you copy other people's culture without 
>>> knowing its implications. Our parents broke their backs growing "pamba"
>>> and mwanyi"
>>> to send us to school in the hope that we would modernize their lives 
>>> and take them out of grass-thatched huts. 50 years down the road we 
>>> have made their lives more miserable, sitting in cafes in the White 
>>> man's country the very person who we told to get the hell out of us 
>>> pontificating. "mbu" we are thinking how to liberate Uganda, 
>>> liberate Uganda from who? Yourselves or colonizers have not yet 
>>> left? And I was reading a report out of Uganda few days ago which 
>>> stated that in 2015 75% of Dokolo people shit in the jungle, my God 
>>> what was the percentage by the time we got independence?
>>> As to Norah's death, George, the lady died, whether she was killed 
>>> by Amin or died of natural causes, that is none of your business. 
>>> Let Amin's family deal with its own situation. You have promised to 
>>> kill Museveni, that is a harder mission than exhuming  Norah's ghost.
>>> Norah's death is not at stake, it is the Uganda you screwed which is.
>>> Since you want to exhume Norah's ghost are you going to exhume those 
>>> massacred by John Ogole in Luweero too?
>>> How about those in Ombaci?  Look if you have run out of what to do 
>>> just shut the F...up and pay attention to what others who still have 
>>> enough to say are saying. Maybe and just maybe, you will one day 
>>> learn something.
>>> You went to Buddo too early when it was still "gakyali mabagga" You 
>>> learned absolutely nothing man !!!
>>> EM
>>> On the 49th Parallel
>>>                  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri 
>>> Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
>>>                     Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na 
>>> Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 
>>> machafuko"
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of George 
>>> Okello
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 4:55 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Watch URprogram - Documentary on Amin & Others
>>> Mr Edward Mulindwa,
>>> Why dont you and Hussein Juruga set up a Web Site in honour of your 
>>> hero Idi Amin Dada?  Many neo-fascists and supporters of the nazi 
>>> leader Adolf Hitler have set up numerous web sites in his memory 
>>> which they use to share their common admiration of him.  If you do 
>>> this, people who share your views would naturally feel obliged to 
>>> join or visit the web site without having to worry about annoying or 
>>> upsetting other people ( except the law, because many pro-Hitler web 
>>> sites are illegal). You and Juruga always want to drag Idi Amin into 
>>> this forum even though you know this upsets his millions of victims. 
>>> If instead you set up an Amin web site, his victims would not visit 
>>> it and so you would avoid the situation where Idi Amin is in this 
>>> forum 24/7 as you claim.
>>> George Okello
>>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 11:37 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 
>>> <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> George Okello,
>>>> This time I thought you would come up with something reasonable and 
>>>> not your usual BS, "mbu" advise Juruga many times to leave his 
>>>> father rest in peace. If you are such a good adviser, why did you 
>>>> not advise the late John Ogole to stop slaughtering people in 
>>>> Luweero and raping innocent women who had nothing with loosing 
>>>> power and loosing Obote II government?
>>>> Why don't you declare Obote a killer the same way you have declared 
>>>> Amin not only a killer but murderer? The day you do that not only 
>>>> Amin will rest in peace but every soul murdered by Obote I & II 
>>>> government. Amin had no ambition to become Uganda's president had 
>>>> Obote not ordered him to be arrested. Obote and his Acholi henchmen 
>>>> and his Langi hitmen were the genesis of Uganda's political crisis 
>>>> and military disaster. My God did you live in Uganda  when punks 
>>>> like Akena Adoko were marauding in Buganda?
>>>> Obote II was simply not worth the blood lost in his name. Look, you 
>>>> have been in exile since he was toppled for the second time and 
>>>> your chance of going back is none existence, because Museveni was 
>>>> the replacement to Okello and Okello and Obote had no sympathy sir, 
>>>> especially for someone who threatens to kill him as you have done.
>>>> You are the first Ugandan to put fatwa on people. Instead of 
>>>> parading here as the most intelligent man on this forum, take care 
>>>> of business first, declare Obote and his UPC party a killer. Doing 
>>>> that will gain you a bit of respect which you have lost sir.
>>>> EM
>>>> On the 49th Parallel
>>>>                  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri 
>>>> Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
>>>>                     Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja 
>>>> na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni 
>>>> katika machafuko"
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From:
>>>> [] On Behalf Of George 
>>>> Okello
>>>> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 6:10 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Watch URprogram - Documentary on Amin & Others
>>>> Mr Edward Mulindwa,
>>>> You state:
>>>> "t is quite puzzling that we have decided to spend 24/7 for I 
>>>> should say since late last year discussing Amin, as if he is on his 
>>>> way coming back and arriving tomorrow either to stand trial or to 
>>>> correct the wrongs he is being accused for"
>>>> Have you read Mr Owupoya's email from Sweden in which he gives 
>>>> further details and dates when Idi Amin's children will be talking 
>>>> about their father on national TV? A month ago, another of Amin's 
>>>> daughter's Khadija also took to the air waves on BBC Radio 4 
>>>> revealing the dirty secrets of her family. Just  a few minutes ago, 
>>>> Hussein Juruga Idi Amin Dada has been engaged in a debate about his 
>>>> father, and he seemed to be giving as well as he was taking.
>>>> Who has been keeping Mr Idi Amin Dada in the limelight 24/7, is it 
>>>> George Okello, or Idi Amin's children themselves, including Juruga 
>>>> himself. You yourself dont miss a day without posting one of your 
>>>> tedious praises of Amin. I advised Hussein Juruga more than two 
>>>> years ago to just let his father rest in peace, and nobody would bother 
>>>> him.
>>>> I told him constantly posting stupid articles about Amin in a 
>>>> doomed attempt to rehabiltate him will only annoy his victims and 
>>>> magnify their pain and suffering. Juruga, just like you yourself, 
>>>> has refused to accept my advice as you still persist in posting 
>>>> stupid articles about the mass murderer that most Ugandans would rather 
>>>> forget.
>>>> George Okello
>>>> On 4/20/15, Herrn Edward Mulindwa <> wrote:
>>>>> Friends,
>>>>> While I am one of you on this forum, it is quite puzzling that we 
>>>>> have decided to spend 24/7 for I should say since late last year 
>>>>> discussing Amin, as if he is on his way coming back and arriving 
>>>>> tomorrow either to stand trial or to correct the wrongs he is 
>>>>> being accused for.
>>>>> George Okello has even gone as far as saying Amin killed 1.5 
>>>>> million people as he counted the bodies one by one to have exact 
>>>>> numbers. If Amin killed mainly Langi and Acholi, what was the 
>>>>> population of these two tribes between 1971 and 1979?
>>>>> George Okello claims he works for Human Right organizations such 
>>>>> as Amnesty International. These same organizations he works for 
>>>>> and other International observers give an estimate of between 
>>>>> 100,000 and 500,000. Where and how does Okello come with 1.5M 
>>>>> people killed by Amin?
>>>>> When we talk about killings during Amin's regime, we must also 
>>>>> take into consideration that Anti-Amin groups based in Tanzania 
>>>>> were highly active in abducting and killing inside Uganda. The 
>>>>> question is, if we really want to focus on the past because we 
>>>>> have no solution to the present and future, of the 1.5 million 
>>>>> Ugandans killed, how many did Anti-Amin groups kill before they 
>>>>> carried out the Ombaci massacre in 1979-1980? These are questions 
>>>>> the so-called educated on this forum, if the forum has any value 
>>>>> should be asking and addressing since the past is more important 
>>>>> than the present but the future.
>>>>> The past, as far as I know is meant to be learned from so that 
>>>>> both the present and future do not do the same things. However, in 
>>>>> our case, it is being used to make the present and future worse. 
>>>>> Why, because we so intensely focused on the past, present rulers 
>>>>> are raping, looting and destroying everything Ugandan in broad day light.
>>>>> Why is this happening, because the same people who destroyed the 
>>>>> past are the same one in charge and have already designed the 
>>>>> future too in their own ways, since their ways are easier to 
>>>>> implement than orderly design. One does not need to plan anything 
>>>>> as long as they believe the gun and violence are the only way to 
>>>>> go. Peter Simon's pan for Libyan boarder refers.
>>>>> There you were George Okello, the way to the future is already 
>>>>> paved for you since you have already declared that you are ready 
>>>>> to kill Museveni and assume power, the same way Obote II, Tito 
>>>>> Okello, Amin and Museveni did.
>>>>> With visionaries like you, who need democracy anyways. To hell 
>>>>> with change through democratic means, the gun does it faster and 
>>>>> better, after all, you quickly get rid of your enemies and declare 
>>>>> yourself King of Kings.
>>>>> May Uganda rest in peace.
>>>>> EM
>>>>> On the 49th Parallel
>>>>>                  Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri 
>>>>> Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
>>>>>                     Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja 
>>>>> na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni 
>>>>> katika machafuko"
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From:
>>>>> [] On Behalf Of George 
>>>>> Okello
>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 10:06 AM
>>>>> To: ugandans-at-heart
>>>>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Watch URprogram - Documentary on Amin & Others
>>>>> Mr Owupoya,
>>>>> Thanks for the clarification. I am looking into  the circumstances 
>>>>> of Nora's death for entry into a Human Rights Documentation Centre 
>>>>> that I run in London, UK and currently have it in my records that 
>>>>> she was murdered by her husband Idi Amin Dada in 1977. This is 
>>>>> information I personally recorded from her relatives in 1977.  If 
>>>>> you indeed saw Nora  alive in Bern, Germany in 1978, then that 
>>>>> would go along way towards solving this mystery. I have sent a 
>>>>> legal investigatory team to Lira to try to clear up this confusion.
>>>>> Billie Okadamerie has also contacted some people in Lira, who 
>>>>> claim they attended her funeral.
>>>>> If you could give me the details of the hospital she attended in 
>>>>> Germany, I should be able  to cross-check your information with 
>>>>> the records they have and close this case altogether.
>>>>> Thank You.
>>>>> George Okello
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 3:30 PM, James <> wrote:
>>>>>> diktator......
>>>>>> Sorry I got the dates wrong!
>>>>>> re-run should be Monday, 20th April 2015 NOT Monday, 30th April 
>>>>>> 2015, likewise Tuesday, 21st April 2015, NOT Tuesday, 1st May 2015!
>>>>>> SORRY!!
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> From:
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: RE: {UAH} Watch URprogram - Documentary on Amin & Others
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2015 16:07:20 +0200
>>>>>> About this Documentary, the Swedish title is "LIVET SOM DIKTATOR 
>>>>>> ____ Stalin, Amin och Kadaffi". Roughly translated to English:
>>>>>> "Life as a dictator___ Stalin, Amin and Kadaffi".
>>>>>> It is in 2 parts and Part 1 was shown on Swedish TV2 on Tuesday, 
>>>>>> 14th April
>>>>>> 2015 at 22:45 CET and will be repeated on the same Channel on 
>>>>>> Monday, 30th April 2015 at 23:35 CET.
>>>>>> Part 2 will be shown on the same Channel on Tuesday, 1st May 
>>>>>> 2015, at
>>>>>> 22:45 CET, to be repeated most likely the following week (I don´t 
>>>>>> have the confirmed Programme for that week yet).
>>>>>> I watched Part 1 and Amin´s daughter who participated in the 
>>>>>> Programme identified herself as the daughter of MALYAMU, not 
>>>>>> daughter of NORA!
>>>>>> Secondly, Nora was not killed by Amin (as much is said in the
>>>>>> Programme:
>>>>>> they claim that since Amin had killed so many people from Nora´s 
>>>>>> ethnic group, it might have been good for Amin´s propaganda 
>>>>>> purposes not to kill Nora , like he did to Kay), but died after a 
>>>>>> long battle with cancer. In fact I happened to meet her in Bonn, 
>>>>>> then capital of West Germany where she was undergoing treatment 
>>>>>> fot the same in 1978.
>>>>>> Now whether Amin´s daughter and son (Jabbar) who participate in 
>>>>>> this Programme were already born when Amin was still president, I 
>>>>>> cannot tell, but if they were, then they must have been small 
>>>>>> kids by then.
>>>>>> Which makes me wonder why some of their sibblings who were 
>>>>>> already grown up by  then (like Tabban) do not participate in this 
>>>>>> Programme!
>>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>>> From:
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Subject: RE: {UAH} Watch URprogram - Documentary on Amin & Others
>>>>>> Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 00:59:57 +0200
>>>>>> Okello,
>>>>>> The program has just ended and I have checked it - it is not yet 
>>>>>> put
>>>>>> online- it normally takes a day or two. But it will be on this 
>>>>>> link below
>>>>>> And then click on DOKUMENTÄR.   I didn't see what the documentary is
>>>>>> called
>>>>>> - maybe somebody here will help post it here.
>>>>>> Nyar
>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 22:43:38 +0100
>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: {UAH} Watch URprogram - Documentary on Amin & 
>>>>>>> Others
>>>>>>> From:
>>>>>>> To:;
>>>>>>> John Kalulanga,
>>>>>>> Can you record this documentary on Idi Amin please? Dont miss it.
>>>>>>> I am sure it will be replayed later. When are you back?
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> George
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: eun Nyaronyango <>
>>>>>>> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2015 23:34:41 +0200
>>>>>>> Subject: {UAH} Watch URprogram - Documentary on Amin & Others
>>>>>>> To: ""
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> If you are in Sweden
>>>>>>> Amin's daughter (Norah Amin's daughter), and one of his sons are 
>>>>>>> one of those interviewed.
>>>>>>> The children are even talking about the public dismemberment of 
>>>>>>> Kay Amin's daughter. Sad story coming from Amin's own children. 
>>>>>>> A must watch. I wonder what Mulindwa will say because the 
>>>>>>> documentary is in english...
>>>>>>> Watch the havoc!
>>>>>>> If you miss it - watch on SVTplay later
>>>>>>> Nyar
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