Allan Barigye


Yes federate with Acholi. And on record let me post this as well, the only 
people going to replace Museveni are Acholi. Do not think that the series was 
started at this time for we had nothing beter to do  with our lives, but 
Ugandans need to understand who an Acholi is and what are his/her capabilities, 
before Uganda goes into its next phase of mass graves. I will buy a cigar and 
smoke it drinking a Napoleon Remy for I stood publicly in a public forum to 
pull the attention of Ugandans on why we need to look at Acholi population, but 
worry about their violence and no one cared.  Allan Barigye told you that 
Acholi are not violent and they’re very good people. Ugandans on issue coming 
up on our country, I am going to come back come 10 years after today, and will 
remind you to look for Barigye and ask him why he gave you a false comfort,  
for Acholi are coming back and they are going to be very and very violent 
against you.


At minimum the series has educated you on what to expect when Gwokto commands 
Kireka barracks. Ignore it to your funeral peril.




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


[] On Behalf Of Allan
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 3:16 PM


Federate with Acholi?


On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 3:13 PM, 'Ssekajja' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) 
Community < 
<> > wrote:



The fruits if good government organisation/ stream-lining are not a sole 
benefit for Buganda. We think big for what is the best for the whole of the 
country. The Banyoro will benefit from this arrangement, as will the Karamajong.


You, Mr Mulindwa, enjoy the benefits of good government in Federal Canada, 
think the same for Uganda.



Sent from my iPad

On 26 Apr 2015, at 18:41, "Herrn Edward Mulindwa" < 
<> > wrote:



The Katikiro should be more asking of the 99 Buganda MPs to unite in demanding 
that powers return to regions/ kingdoms. The Katikiro should be having an 
arms-length working relation with the dictator, and not be seen as enjoying the 
freebies that the latter throws in, as a result of complete conformity.


The MPs should be advising Katikiro what they can do for Buganda in parliament, 
when you see that they do absolutely nothing for Buganda, understand your 
dilemma. With that back ground it is futile for anyone to think that katikiro 
is able to direct Baganda MPs on what to achieve from the government.


May be the entire Federalism talk is sheer Wolokoso !!!!!!                      
                          Just a may be.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





From:  <> [ 
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 1:30 PM
To:  <>




Buganda should not continue to play the stooge role by laying an egg, for the 
sole purpose of endearing themselves to the dictatorship. It is this role 
perfected by Mengo, that nurtures this one-man rule, inevitably kicking the 
important issue of federalism in long grass.


The constitution (and parliament) you refer to, is a fudge instituted through 
corruption, and therefore not something we can rely on to create a nation that 
our future children will be proud to inherent.


The Katikiro should be more asking of the 99 Buganda MPs to unite in demanding 
that powers return to regions/ kingdoms. The Katikiro should be having an 
arms-length working relation with the dictator, and not be seen as enjoying the 
freebies that the latter throws in, as a result of complete conformity.



Sent from my iPad

On 26 Apr 2015, at 14:34, john kwitonda < 
<> > wrote:

I think we have done too much politics already and nothing much has been 
achieved.suspicions is always the problem.why cant guys give a chance to 
everyones approach? we tried the confrontational, nothing has been achieved.

i know everyone has an opion about this, but for me I looking at a different 
approach and see how itc omes out.this federal cannot be asked from the 
dictator alone, it must be a national consus and gone through parliament.but 
surely do you think if it was tabled tomorrow it would go through?  your answer 
is a good as, better to educate the masses for now while other areas 
too catch up with reality than rushing and asking one individual to give uganda <>  will never happen. so, WHAT DO U WANT THE 

when it comes to voting, ugandans vote for different reasons and prefer to sell 
their votes and souls for so little.

the constitution of Uganda too, is another problem that give the president too 
much power and they want to increase that power.all that ugandans want can only 
be done if they have real legislators in the parliament and not sending there 
potato growers to support NRM for jobs.


On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 3:21 PM, 'Ssekajja' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) 
Community < 
<> > wrote:



The more I look at Owekitibwa Moses Gayi Mayanja, I can't help thinking that 
Buganda too, is dressed in a similar fashion - straightjacket. There is no room 
to manoeuvre, let alone breath.


Forced in a straightjacket, with Mayiga zipping and buttoning the unfavourable 
garment with his "etofaali", Buganda has been forced into a position of being 
compromised, to the advantage of the dictator. Some may refer to this as "good 
working relationship between Mengo and central government", but sadly it's an 
attempt to suffocate the kingdom.



Sent from my iPad

On 25 Apr 2015, at 22:57, Gook < <> 
> wrote:

I think black pple should never wear this outfit. Makes us look like penguins ! 
Kitalo nyo!


Sent from Gook's iPatch!



"What you are we once were, what we are   you shall be!"

An inscription on the walls of a Roman catacomb.

On 25 apr 2015, at 11:34, Abbey Semuwemba < 
<> > wrote:


Ssaabasajja Kabaka appointed one of the UAH veteran members, Mr. Moses Gayi 
Mayanja to be his Representative in the States of Washington, Idaho and Oregon. 
Moses lives in Seattle,WA, for those who wish to contact him about anything. 
His email address is:  <> 
He welcomes any suggestions or donations that could help move Buganda to the 
next level. In turn,he should keep us updated on the good and bad in Mengo,and 
also give members a direct line to the Kabaka of Buganda,God willing. We wish 
him nothing but the best for him in this new appointment!


Abbey Kibirige  Semuwemba

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