Now that America has come calling, let’s put the Look East policy on hold


Former US president Bill Clinton (left) received by Deputy President William
Ruto at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on May 1, 2015. PHOTO | DPPS  


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Kenyan officials are no doubt rubbing their hands with glee on the visit of
US Secretary of State John Kerry, hot on the heels of former President Bill
Clinton, and both ahead of the much-awaited July homecoming of “our” US
President Barack Obama.

The level of Kenyan hypocrisy will be on full display. Jubilee government
officials and leaders, party activists, and the usual cheering squads,
praise singers, and hatemongers will be screaming themselves hoarse. 

The series of visits will, for them, be an indication of the unmatched
esteem that President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government enjoys in Washington. 

Lofty speeches will be delivered on the undying and historical links between
Kenya and the United States and the usual begging bowl will be out, pleading
for more money to build roads and bridges, provide food and medicine for the
poor, and help in the fight against the Al-Shabaab terrorists.


Those currently genuflecting at the feet of Mr Kerry will be the very
characters who have spent the better part of the past two years hurling
brickbats and everything else, including the kitchen sink, at the US and
other Western nations. 

They will conveniently forget their puerile noises about Kenya not needing
the West because it can turn to China for development aid and tourists. 

They will suffer a sudden onset of amnesia on their shrill noises about
Kenyan sovereignty, their chest-thumping theatrics against imperialist,
neocolonial meddlers. 

For them, the succession of visits will not just be about renewal and
repairing of US-Kenya relations after the lull brought about by the unwise
“choices have consequences” warnings ahead of the 2013 elections, but
vindication of President Kenyatta’s “wise and sagacious” leadership.

It will be a reaffirmation that the anti-Western stance pursued by the
Jubilee coalition of President Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto
has brought to heel the countries that were openly uncomfortable about Kenya
electing crimes-against-humanity suspects. 

The praise singers and sycophants will not see the thawing of relations as a
natural consequence of Mr Kenyatta winning his case, in a fashion, at the
International Criminal Court and Mr Ruto also very likely to secure his

They will see it, instead, as a triumph of the fake nationalism and
patriotism they have cloaked themselves with. 


The truth of the matter, in any case, is that the Look East policy was all a
big ruse. Yes, they looked to Chinese largesse to fund big development
projects, but neglected the simple detail that the Easterners were not
holding out freebies. What they offered was very expensive loans designed
primarily to expand Chinese economic interests. 

The hypocrisy of the Look East brigade can also be seen in personal choices
and investments. President Kenyatta, Mr Ruto, and their retinues do not look
to China for their designer suits and watches. They look to Paris, Milan,
London, and Zurich.


They do not send their children to school in China — since they do not trust
the public school system they manage for the rest of us — but to the
priciest Tony and Ivy League academies in the US, Britain, and Switzerland. 

When they catch the common cold, the facilities they turn to, since the
Kenyatta National Hospital cannot be entrusted with their delicate
constitutions, are not in Beijing, but the UK, US, Germany, and other such

And of course when they have dirty money to squirrel away from the Kenyan
taxman and anti-fraud investigators, it is banks and properties in the
Cayman Islands, Switzerland, UK, US, Australia, Bahamas, and other such
places that win their favour. Not China.

Mr Kerry comes calling at a time when African solutions to African problems
are sorely needed. Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram are causing immense suffering
to innocents in Kenya, Somalia, and Nigeria. 

Desperate Africans freeing African misrule are dying in their hundreds on
those perilous boats to freedom and liberty in Europe. Misguided South
African Afrophobes are raining terror on their African kith and kin. Just
around the corner, Burundi might be on the verge of another ethnic

Kenya is silent. The East African Community is impotent. The African Union
is sterile. And we will ask for Western aid and intervention, while
proclaiming our sovereignty and telling off Western meddlers. @MachariaGaitho on Twitter



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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