

This is one of the very many appeals that were made when violence was
running Northern Uganda. Jan Egeland is in class of Kilgour that I posted
yesterday. It is very unwise for anyone to stand out there and state that we
do not have violence in Uganda. All these people simply cannot be liars.


Ugandans we need to discuss Acholi violence candidly.




As the world turns its gaze toward the horrors in Darfur, an equally
terrible situation in northern Uganda

continues virtually unnoticed: the actions of a fanatical rebel movement,
the Lord's Resistance Army

(LRA), have displaced over 1.6 million people, even more than in Darfur. The
conflict has destroyed lives,

communities and rich cultural traditions.This conflict, surrounded by an
inexplicable international

silence, cannot be allowed to continue. The international community must
help to end it and staunch

the haemorrhage of human suffering.

Where else in the world do we see boys and girls kidnapped in attacks
directly targeting them? Not long

ago, I witnessed first-hand the suffering of families in northern Uganda. I
was more shocked by what I

saw there than on any other visit to conflict areas. More than 20,000
children have been kidnapped,

including 12,000 since 2002 alone. This is a conflict fought by, with and
against children. More than 80

percent of the LRA forces are minors, forced to become child soldiers or sex
slaves to their

commanders.In the town of Gulu, I met a young girl who had escaped from the
LRA. She told me how

she had been forced to club and bite another child to death. Like this girl,
thousands of other children

have been raped, brutalized, drugged and forced to inflict unspeakable
violence on others. The result: a

generation whose childhood has been forever stolen from them.

Where else do we see the phenomenon of "night commuters?" Each night in
northern Uganda, more

than 40,000 mothers, grandmothers and children leave their homes and travel
many miles on foot to

the main towns, seeking refuge from abduction by the LRA. When the sun
rises, they trek back to their

villages, usually on an empty stomach.

This brutal conflict takes place in a country once heralded as the "Pearl of
Africa," a country that earned

praise for its efforts to combat AIDS, one that receives significant
development aid from donors. Yet the

horrors in the north grind on. No one knows how many people have died, but
thousands of homes,

schools and clinics have been destroyed and countless communities and
livelihoods have been torn

asunder by violence.

The conflict has reached a peak in the last two years. In response, UN
agencies and their NGO

partners have scaled up their activities, expanding vitally needed food and
health care to key towns

and camps in the north, where more than 90 percent of the population has
been forced to flee.

Living in crowded, poorly protected camps, thousands of families now depend
on humanitarian 

aid for their sustenance in regions once known as the breadbasket of Uganda.
Today, these same

families dare not venture out of the camps to till their land for fear of
LRA attacks. Rebel attacks

also make it difficult for aid workers to deliver more than the bare
necessities to those who

desperately need them.

Uganda's Government has taken steps to improve protection, but it can do
more to meet its

responsibilities to protect its citizens. Civilians in northern Uganda are
still at too great a risk. The

international community must shed light on and condemn the LRA's atrocities.
The international

donor community must complement the Government's increased efforts by giving

humanitarian aid for those in need. So far, less than two-thirds of the $127
million requested in the

UN appeal for Uganda has been received.

It is time to step up actions to end the abuses, end the conflict, and help
rebuild northern Uganda.

Under a Government amnesty, more LRA fighters are renouncing violence. A

demobilization and reintegration programme must be created. Children who
escape from the LRA

do not receive the help they need, and live in fear of re-abduction.

There is no military solution. Dialogue is needed to end the conflict and
enable child combatants to

reclaim a life of peace and dignity. Uganda's Government should apply the
same determination and

wisdom it has shown in tackling HIV/AIDS and revitalizing the economy in the
south to peacefully

resolving the war in the north. If the LRA members take advantage of the
amnesty and international

donors increase their assistance, we can help those in desperate need, and
prepare for the safe

return of 1.6 million people to their lands. These steps will provide the
platform for local civil society

to continue its valuable work of pursuing reconciliation and lasting peace.

We cannot allow this conflict to remain unnoticed and unresolved. Its cruel
consequences are too

pervasive, and the human casualties too high, for the world to continue to
turn a blind eye to them.

The future of Uganda's children depends on it.

Jan Egeland

UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and

Emergency Relief Coordinator


Stay in the forum for Series two hundred and seventy nine is on the way



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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