- Video: Randall Robinson speaks about Hillary Clinton's Tyranny in Haiti

- Obama's disgrace: Imperialism with a Black face up front

Regime Change throughout Latin America: The Monroe Doctrine Becomes the
“Obama Doctrine”

- Èzili Dantò update: Yep I'm still listening and watching Prince videos.
Still mourning the greatest musician in my lifetime. It will take at least
50 years and a project to transcribe the lyrics and music of everything in
his Vault of unreleased music for the world to began to imagine this
unknowable genius and cool ass Black man! Ever get off a plane from abroad
where you haven't seen a Black man for awhile and walked into a Prince
concert to just watch his strutting basketball player walk? He walked like
that off stage too. (See the selected videos below and enjoy.)

-This video if you're looking for inspiration today: EVERYBODY DIES, BUT NOT

Yeah I know, some of you want to know why I am not saying anything about how
Merten and Mulrean went, last week, to that fake Parliament to do the ol'
white men's colonial shakedown dance again; telling their stooges in
"Parliament" that the US needs an elected Haiti president or else US aid and
visas are on the chopping block. Yo. Because I can't stop laughing. 

Who's advising Merten and Mulrean about their comedy act? The House Negroes
who weren't elected but put into Parliament? The white billionaire
bloodsuckers in Haiti who live off Black pain? The Fruit of the Loom
corporations selling Haiti HELP Act import quotas to South Asian companies,
getting their poor women to make the goods they're passing off at customs as
"made-in-Haiti?" Must be those clowns.

For, I know Desalin's descendants won't play along the scripted Merten terms
at all. Merten/Murean's desperate attempts to stop the newly installed
Privert verification committee is THEATER people. Privert owes his position
to Merten-Mulrean and the white vampires living off Haiti. He's not for
real. Get a clue y'all. This verification committee is also a sham - a
Privert, PHTK and USAID/US Embassy hooting gig, from the same playbook that
created the February 6 comedy. The ending of this play calls for this fake
Parliament to stay in office over the objections of the Haitian people and
for a Martelly replica to be lauded in as our new president. But it won't
work. It's like that Ted Cruz theater last week, when he announced he'd
chosen a woman, Carli Fiorina, as his losing (running) mate. They're all
losers. Our people will win and the white saviors will leave Haiti this
year. Don't forget I predicted this, ok? Merten and Mulrean are as important
to Haiti's next choice for president as Carly Fiorina is on the Ted Cruz
ticket for the U.S. presidency. They mean something only in their own
wrapped minds and to the corporate media outlets gobbling it up to keep the
sheeple distracted. Master's house is burning. 2016 is not 2010. Obama, stop
being such a mentally-colonized, melanated embarrassment and pull Merten and
Mulrean out of Haiti. They're persona non grata and truly annoying. There
won't be a new Haiti selected president on May 14, 2016. We've said this,
since the February 6 Trojan Horse disgrace - signed by an ousted Michel
Martelly and an un-elected Parliament. ---Èzili Dantò of HLLN, April 30,




Èzili Dantò's Note: In this video, the featured speaker is Randall Robinson,
lawyer, author, activist, founder and past president of TransAfrica, Inc.,
and Professor of Law at Penn State Law School. Randall Robinson outlines the
details of Aristide's kidnapping by U.S. special forces on February 29, 2016
and tells of Secretary Hillary Clinton's role in oppressing Haiti to
maintain white wealth and control.

RIGWAYZ POU HILLARY - Randall Robinson speaks about Hillary Clinton's
Tyranny in Haiti

A few snippets:
"There's a radio show host in New York who has helped organize protests
against the Clintons. (Dahoud Andre, says) --"A vote for Hillary Clinton
means further corruption, further death and destruction for our
people."(13:40). Black people in South Carolina did not know that. The
Clintons are the most avaricious and greedy people I've know in recent
memory...She has also installed her brother, Tony Rodham, in Haiti, on board
of a company that holds and produces gold. They raised billions of
dollars...nobody knows where the money went. All we do know is that it
didn't go to Haiti." -- Randall Robinson 

"You do what you have to do where you are...Our responsibility is to remove
America as a part of the problem. Let them fight the fight they have to
fight at home. But let us take away their allies: once we got the
corporations to begin leaving South Africa, the deal was done. Money will
run if you scare it...Haiti is so much like apartheid South Africa. It's the
same thing. 

But nobody seems to know we're talking about the maintenance of white wealth
and control; and the sustaining of just the awfulest poverty and those who
produce for that white minority that kind of wealth...This is the first time
I have seen in a film a picture of that class. They are wealthy beyond
belief and Aristide stood up to them.... And she (Hillary Clinton) played a
part (in 2010) in banning his (Fanmi) Lavalas party - the largest party in
the country - from participating in any new presidential elections. How can
it be a democracy if you ban the largest political party in the country from
participating? And she installed, a man in the presidency - Michel 'Sweet
Mickey' Martelly. A musician. A lewd musician who wears a woman's bikini on
stage when he performs. This is what Hillary Clinton wanted as the face of
Haiti. But not this proud, brilliant man who speaks seven languages. What
they do to one of us, they do to all of us...This is a crime against
humanity."  -- Randall Robinson, Speaking on President Aristide, Haiti, and
Hillary Clinton - 04/24/2016 - Snippet




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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