Just for the education of the rest of society, a judge’s order can never be 
rejected for one party was not represented in the hearing. A judge can need you 
represented or he may not actually have a reason to need you in that hearing, 
if the prosecution make a good argument, those arguments can be enough for the 
order to be handed down. And that order must be represented for it has been 
handed down. What you can only do it to take that order to a higher court, and 
if that court Is convinced that the order was handed down un-justifiably they 
can squash it. It is  interesting that FDC as a political party is stating that 
it will not recognize the order for it was not represented.


That is a reasoning from a Ugandan on a street.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Gwokto La'Kitgum
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2016 5:46 AM
To: ugandans-at-heart <ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: {UAH} Uganda: Besigye Vows to Defy Court Defiance Ban


Uganda: Besigye Vows to Defy Court Defiance Ban
East AfricaGovernanceLegal AffairsUganda
By Urn
Rtd Col Kizza Besigye says he will defy the "political persecution" order 
issued yesterday by deputy Chief Justice Steven Kavuma because it is unfair.

Yesterday, Justice Kavuma issued an interim order stopping Besigye and his 
opposition political party, Forum for Democratic change (FDC) from holding 
planned peaceful demonstrations at Nakivubo Blue primary school on May 5.

The order also includes stopping the party's 'Free My Vote' Tuesday prayers 
that have been ongoing for over two months, as well as banning media houses 
from carrying any such message of the prayers.

Addressing the media this afternoon at his home in Kasangati in Wakiso 
district, Besigye said that it is absurd that the judgement was made without 
their representation in court.

Besigye says that the party is still moving on with their planned 
demonstration, their weekly prayers and that he will continue addressing the 
press because it is his constitutional right.

"This was an exparte (one-sided) judgment, an exparte judgment that had 
overwhelming impact on a party that was not in court. This is quite obviously 
unfair to say the least, it violates the fundamental tenet of justice which 
presupposes that you listen to another party especially where the effects of 
your pronouncements have such wide ranging and serious consequences to 
fundamental rights", he said.

"It is not like heaven was about to collapse on earth that there was a need for 
an emergency, people [Besigye and FDC representatives] who are in town can not 
be summoned and heard. So that is the first disappointment, the restriction on 
our rights is simply capricious, it does not answer to the dictates of the 
constitution and to what extent that ruling is unjust and is one of the things 
that will shall defy"

Besigye said the regime has set out to personally deny him and his party their 
constitutional rights.

"How can they block FDC from holding addressing the media yet their own and 
other political parties are doing so - political persecution. Orders from every 
allover - Besigye not allowed to do this and that. I think they are even about 
to come up with the 'Besigye Act'. Very soon we shall have the 'Besigye Act' 
targeting Besigye. Persecution which the constitution forbids"

Besigye says it a shame and unprecedented for court to ban prayers - more so in 
a country whose motto is "For God and My Country". Besigye says with the 
banning of FDC prayers, Kavuma probably wants it to read 'For Kavuma and My 

Besigye insists that they are seeking for an independent audit because they 
have proof that he won the 2016 presidential elections. He said that he is 
waiting to receive the formal ruling from the Constitutional court and then the 
party will scrutinize it and then they will make the specific actions to the 

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