Uganda’s first cabinet ministers in 1962

Posted  Friday, August 3  2012 at  08:24


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Chosen few. When Uganda attained independence in 1962, under the leadership
of Apollo Milton Obote as Prime Minister and Kabaka Muteesa II as President,
a cabinet was formed. The first cabinet had 17 ministers and 11
parliamentary secretaries (equivalent of ministers of state). Fifty years
later, Uganda ‘boasts’ of 30 Cabinet Ministers (with two vacant positions]
and 47 Cabinet ministers (two slots vacant). The size of the Cabinet has
grown but whether the number of ministers translate to performance is

Prime Minister, Apollo Milton Obote

The Lango North east MP led Uganda into independence in 1962 and served as
Prime Minister from 1962 to 1966. He was president from 1966 to 1971 and
again from 1980 to 1985. During his first reign as President, Obote
published a series of pamphlets which were supposed to outline his political
and economic policy. His government took over a 60 per cent share in major
private corporations and banks in the country in 1970 while food shortages
sent prices through the ceiling. Obote’s persecution of Indian traders
contributed to this. He was of Akokoro Village in Apac District, Northern
Uganda, Obote began his education in 1940 at the Protestant Missionary
School in Lira, and later attended Gulu Junior Secondary School, Busoga
College and eventually university at Makerere University. He was the leader
of UPC party that formed an alliance with Kabaka Yekka to lead a coalition
government into independence. After his ouster from power, Obote fled to
Tanzania and later to Zambia. He Obote died of kidney failure in South
Africa in 2005.

Akbar Adoko Nekyon, [Minister of Information Broadcasting and Tourism]. He
was MP for Lango Lango South East.

Dr Emmanuel B. Lumu, [Minister of Health]. He was the MP for Kyadondo North.

John K. Babiiha, [Minister of Animal Industry and Fisheries]. He was a
specially elected Member of Parliament.

Felix K. Onama, [Minister of Works and Labour ]. He was Minister of Defence
in the Obote government.

Mathias M. Ngobi, [Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives]. He was the MP
for Busoga South.

Dr Luyimbazi J. S. Zake, [Minister of Education]. He was also Masaka Central
Member of Parliament.

Kalule Settala, [Minister of Works and Labour ]. He was also MP Mengo-South

Cuthbert J. Obwangor, [Minister of Regional Administration ]. He was also
Member of Parliament for Teso East.

Minister of Justice, Grace K. Ibingira

Born on May 23,1932 in Ibanda, Ankole, Ibingira is the one who designed
Uganda’s national flag. He studied in Mbarara High School [1942-1950],
King’s College Budo, [1951-1953], University of Wales [1955 – 1958] and
University of London. He was a member the Legislative Council in 1960 and
was re-elected MP for Ankole West in 1962. Ibingira is a founder-member of
UPC . He was the Minister of Justice [1962-1966], Minister of State in the
Prime Minister’s Office in charge of Public Service [1964-1966] and
Secretary-General of UPC [1964-1966]. He was also the permanent
representative to the UN from August 1971 to 1974 and a supporter of the EAC
federation. Actively promoted the merger of the Uganda National Congress and
Ugandan People’s Union. He was a major figure in the formation of the Kabaka
Yekka-UPC alliance that Kabaka Muteesa become president and Obote Premier.




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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