September 2012

This section of DiscoverTheNetworks examines the promises that Barack Obama 
made during the 2008 presidential campaign and early in his presidency, but 
subsequently broke. 


* “There is not a liberal America and a conservative America. There is a United 
States of America. There is not a black America and a white America, a Latino 
America, an Asian America, There is a United States of America.” -- Obama 
addressing the Democratic national convention in 2004 ( 
<> here and 

* “[Too often] we’re distracted from our real failures and told to blame the 
other party, or gay people, or immigrants.” -- Obama's announcement speech 
declaring his presidential candidacy ( 
 February 10, 2007)

* “I don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America. I want to be the 
 of the United States of America.” -- Obama at the  
 2007 Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Iowa

* “We have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds 
division and conflict and cynicism…. That is one option. Or, at this moment, in 
this election, we can come together and say, ‘Not this time….’” -- Obama speech 
in Philadelphia, addressing the controversy over Jeremiah Wright ( 
<> March 
18, 2008) 

* Candidate Obama told Jann Wenner of  
<> Rolling Stone 
in 2008 that he would put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division 
and conflict and cynicism,” and that he would help Americans “rediscover our 
bonds to each other and to get out of this constant petty bickering that’s come 
to characterize our politics.” 

* “If you don’t have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare 
voters. If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint
 your opponent as 
someone people should run from.” -- Obama, implicitly rejecting political scare 
tactics, during his presidential acceptance speech ( 
<> August 28, 2008) 

* “You [voters] said the time has come to move beyond the bitterness and ager 
and pettiness that's consumed Washington; to end the political strategy that's 
been all about division. And instead make it about addition; to build a 
coalition for change that stretches through red states and blue states.” -- 
Obama, after winning the Iowa Caucus ( 
 January 1, 2008) 

* “The time has come for a president … who will listen to you and learn from 
you even when we disagree.... I will be that president for America.” -- Obama, 
after winning the Iowa Caucus ( 
 January 1, 2008) 

* “I'll be a president who finally makes health care affordable and available 
to every single American, the same way I expanded health care in Illinois. By 
bringing Democrats and Republicans together to get the job done.” -- Obama, 
after winning the Iowa Caucus ( 
 January 1, 2008) 

* “This [victory in Iowa] was the moment when we finally beat back the politics 
of fear and doubt and cynicism, the politics where we tear each other down 
instead of lifting this country up.” -- Obama, after winning the Iowa Caucus ( 
 January 1, 2008) 

* “We are not a collection of red states and blue state. We are the United 
States of America.” -- Obama, after winning the Iowa Caucus ( 
 January 1, 2008)

* “I will listen to you,
 especially when we disagree… Let us resist the 
temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity 
that has poisoned our politics
for too long.” -- Obama in Grant Park, Chicago, 
on the night of his election ( 
Nov. 4, 2008) 

END RESULT: Obama has consistently sought to divide Americans along lines of 
class, race, ethnicity, and sex. For details and documentation of this, 
<> click here.


* "If the Republicans have ideas for how to improve our healthcare system, if 
they want to suggest modifications that would deliver faster, more effective 
reform ... I am happy to consider some of those ideas," Obama told a news 
conference at the White House. -- Obama during the healthcare debate ( 
 Nov. 3, 2010) 

* “[T]he Republicans say that they've got a better way of doing it. So I want 
them to put it on the table because as I told them -- as I told them a while 
back, look, I mean, I'm not a -- I'm not an unreasonable guy. If you show me 
that you can do the things we just talked about -- protect people from 
insurance problems, make sure that the costs are controlled, and people who 
don't have health insurance are covered -- and you can do it cheaper than me, 
then why wouldn’t I do that? I'll just grab your idea and say, great, and take 
all the credit. I'd be happy to do it.” -- Obama at a healthcare town hall 
meeting in Henderson, NV ( 
 Feb. 19, 2010) 

* “If next week senators have additional ideas that will put people back to 
work right now and meet the challenges of -- of the current economy, we are 
happy to consider them.... I am happy to negotiate with them [Republicans] on a 
whole host of issues.” -- Obama at a news conference, pressing for a vote on 
his jobs bill ( <> Oct. 6, 2011) 

END RESULT: Obama has consistently refused to take Republican ideas seriously. 
For example:

*       The Washington Post  
<> reported on 1/23/09: 
"President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus package 
during a meeting with congressional leaders Friday morning - but he also left 
no doubt about who's in charge of these negotiations. 'I won,' Obama noted 
matter-of-factly, according to sources familiar with the conversation."
*       In  <> October 2010, Obama 
said: These are the folks whose policies help devastate our middle class. They 
drove our economy into a ditch. And we got in there and put on our boots. We 
pushed and we shoved and we were sweating. These guys were standing, watching 
us, sipping on a Slurpee. And they were pointing at us saying, ‘How come you’re 
not pushing harder? How com you’re not pushing faster?’ And then when we 
finally got the car up–and it’s got a few dings and a few dents. It’s got some 
mud on it. We’re going to have to do some work on it. They point out to 
everybody else and say: ‘Look what these guys did to your car!’ After we got it 
out of the ditch, and then they got the nerve to ask for the keys back. I don’t 
want to give them the keys back. They don’t know how to drive.... We don’t mind 
the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta  
 sit in back.”


* In an October 2008 presidential debate with McCain, Obama  
<> said: 
“But there is no doubt that we've been living beyond our means and we're going 
to have to make some adjustments. Now, what I've done throughout this campaign 
is to propose a net spending cut.” 

* Also in 2008, Obama said it was “ 
 unpatriotic” for the Bush administration to have added $4 trillion to the 
national debt in eight years.)

* “[T]oday I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of 
my first term in office. This will not be easy. It will require us to make 
difficult decisions and face challenges we've long neglected. But I refuse to 
leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay – and that means taking 
responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending 
under control.” – President Barack Obama,  
 Remarks, 2/23/09

* “This is big – the President today promised that by the end of his first 
term, he will cut in half the massive federal deficit we've inherited. And 
we'll do it in a new way: honestly and candidly.” – Macon Phillips,  
<> The White 
House Blog, 2/23/09

END RESULT: From 2009 through 2012, President Obama presided over a $5 trillion 
increase to the U.S. national debt.


* To Promote His Health Care Package, President Obama said the following: “If 
you like your doctor, you will be able to  
<> keep 
your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep 
your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” 

* “Americans must have the freedom to keep whatever doctor and health care plan 
they have…” – Barack Obama,  
 Remarks On Health Care, Washington, D.C., 5/11/09

* “The plans you are discussing embody my core belief that Americans should 
have better choices for health insurance, building on the principle that if 
they like the coverage they have now, they can keep it, …” – Barack Obama,  
 Letter To Senate Democrat Leaders, 6/2/09

* “There's no doubt that we have to preserve what's best in the health care 
system, and that means allowing Americans who like their doctor and like their 
health care plan to keep their plan. And that's going to be a priority for us.” 
– Barack Obama,  
 Remarks At Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, VA, 7/1/09

* “I know a lot of Americans who are satisfied with their health care right now 
are wondering what reform would mean for them, so let me be clear: If you like 
your doctor or health care provider, you can keep them. If you like your health 
care plan, you can keep that too.” – Barack Obama,  
 Remarks On Health Care, Washington, D.C., 7/15/09

* “Those who oppose reform will also tell you that under our plan, you won't 
get to choose your doctor, that some bureaucrat will choose for you. That's 
also not true. Michelle and I don't want anyone telling us who our family's 
doctor should be, and no one should decide that for you either. Under our 
proposals, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor. If you like your 
current insurance, you keep that insurance. Period. End of story.” – President 
Barack Obama,  
 Weekly Address, 7/18/09


 In February 2010, President Obama said: “... For example, we said from the 
start that it was going to be important for us to be consistent in saying to 
people if you can have your — if you want to keep the health insurance you got, 
you can keep it, that you’re not going to have anybody getting in between you 
and your doctor in your decision making. And I think that some of the 
provisions that got snuck in might have violated that pledge.”

* The Heritage Foundation reports that  
 at least 30 percent of employers say they will definitely or probably stop 
offering insurance once the law’s main provisions go into effect in 2014, and 
that the number could rise above 50% once employers become fully aware of all 
of the law's implications.  
 Investors Business Daily places the figure at 51% for all employers, and 66% 
among small business employers.

* In Crimes Against Liberty,  
 David Limbaugh writes: “Obama said ObamaCare 'would preserve the right of 
Americans who have insurance to keep their doctor and their plan.' But he knew 
his plan had no such guarantee, and he also knew his plan would likely crowd 
out private insurers. The chief actuary of the Medicare program estimates 14 
million people will lose their employer coverage under ObamaCare, even though 
many will want to keep it. In fact, many companies are now evaluating whether 
they can save money by paying the penalty in lieu of providing their employees 
healthcare coverage. AT&T, Caterpillar, John Deere, and Verizon have all made 
their internal calculations, and those results don't portend well for their 


* During the 2008 campaign, Obama repeatedly promised that all the negotiations 
would be televised on CSPAN, so that all Americans could see exactly what was 
being said and done.  
 This page cites the following Obama quotes on this subject:

*       "You know I respect what the Clintons tried to do in 1993 in moving 
health reform forward. But they made one really big mistake, and that is they 
took all their people and all their experts into a room and then they closed 
the door. We will work on this process publicly. It'll be on C-SPAN. It will be 
streaming over the net." -November 2008, Google Q & A
*       "Not negotiating behind closed doors, but bringing all parties 
together, and broadcasting those negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American 
people can see what the choices are. 'Cause part of what we have to do is 
enlist the American people in this process." -January 2008, CNN Debate
*       "But these negotiations will be on C-SPAN. And so the public will be 
part of the conversation, and will see the choices being made." -January 2008, 
San Francisco Chronicle
*       "We will have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN so people can see 
who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making 
arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies." -August 
2008, Virginia Town Hall
*       "And we will have a public process for forming this plan. It'll be 
televised on C-SPAN. I can't guarantee it'll be exciting so not everybody's 
gonna be watching. But it will be transparent and accountable to the American 
people." -November 2007, Keene Sentinel

END RESULT: When Senator John McCain pointed out to Obama (in February 2010) 
that the proceedings had not been televised, Obama  
 said, disparagingly: “We're not campaigning anymore, the election's over.” 


* During the 2008 campaign, President Obama  
 promised to “sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of [his] 
first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a 
typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.” 

* During the healthcare debate, Obama  
 said: "We agree on reforms that will finally reduce the costs of health care. 
Families will save on their premiums; businesses that will see their costs rise 
if we do nothing will save money now and in the future.  This plan will 
strengthen Medicare and extend the life of that program.  And because it gets 
rid of the waste and inefficiencies in our health care system, this will be the 
largest deficit reduction plan in over a decade.”

* In October 2008,  
<> Obama 
said: “Here’s what I would do. If you’ve got health care already, and probably 
the majority of you do, then you can keep your plan if you are satisfied with 
it. You can keep your choice of doctor. We’re going to work with your employer 
to lower the cost of your premiums by up to $2,500 a year.”

* MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, the chief architect of Obamacare, also  
 saidin 2009 that costs would drop sharply.

* On September 22, 2010, Obama  
 reiterated that “as a consequence of the Affordable Care Act, premiums are 
going to be lower than they would be otherwise; health care costs overall are 
going to be lower than they would be otherwise. And that means, by the way, 
that the deficit is going to be lower than it would be otherwise.” 


 Exactly the opposite has happened, as the Heritage Foundation reported in 
2011: “Health care spending increased by 7.5 percent in 2010 and will grow by 8 
percent this year. In 2012, it will rise again by 8.5 percent. This is  
 exactly the opposite of the President’s promise ...”

* In February 2012, Obamacare's Jonathan Gruber  
 backtracked on his previous analysis. He now told officials in Wisconsin, 
Minnesota and Colorado the price of insurance premiums would “dramatically 
increase” under the reforms.

* The Heritage Foundation projects that the average cost of employer-provided 
insurance will rise by  
 $5.51 per hour for each full-time employee.

* Obama initially stated that his plan would cost no more than $940 billion 
over a ten-year period. But a subsequent CBO report found that the actual cost 
to taxpayers would be  
 $1.8 trillion.


When running for president, Obama consistently portrayed Guantanamo Bay as a 
moral stain on America's reputation abroad. Here are four of his statements 
about it:

June 2007: “Why don't we close Guantanamo and restore the right of habeas 
corpus, because that's how we lead, not with the might of our military, but the 
power of our ideals and the power of our values? It's time to show the world 
we're not a country that ships prisoners in the dead of night to be tortured in 
far off countries.”
 August 2007: "As President, I will close Guantanamo, reject the Military 
Commissions Act and adhere to the Geneva Conventions. Our Constitution and our 
Uniform Code of Military Justice provide a framework for dealing with the 
*        <> 
December 13, 2007: “If you were a Muslim overseas listening to Rudy Giuliani 
say 'they are coming here to try to kill you,' which is the tenor of many of 
the speeches that are delivered by Republicans, you would get an impression 
that they are not interested in talking and resolving issues peacefully. Now, 
what we need to do [to reach Muslims] is we need to close Guantanamo. We need 
to restore habeas corpus. We need to send a strong signal that we are going to 
talk directly to not just our friends but also to our enemies.”
 November 16, 2008: "I have said repeatedly that I will close Guantanamo, and I 
will follow through on that."

END RESULT: On January 22, 2009, President Obama signed an executive order that 
 <> stated: 
“The detention facilities at Guantanamo for individuals covered by this order 
shall be closed as soon as practicable and no later than one year from the date 
of this order.” Guantanamo remains open to this day. In March 2011 Obama  
<> signed an 
executive order to create a formal system of indefinite detention for the 
captives still kept at Guantanamo.

During the campaign, Obama made “ 
 a firm pledge”: “No family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax 
increase – not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains 
taxes, not any of your taxes.” 


* In February 2010 Obama  
<> said he 
was “agnostic” about raising taxes on such households: “The whole point of it 
is to make sure that all ideas are on the table. So what I want to do is to be 
completely agnostic, in terms of solutions.”

* A case can be made that Obama's support for Cap & Trade was support for an 
energy tax on every American regardless of income, and that only the Senate's 
failure to pass the bill spared Americans from that tax. 

* A case can also be made for the claim that Obamacare, and the increased 
healthcare costs it imposes on people through the individual mandate as well as 
its higher costs in general, also constitutes a heavy tax on millions of 
middle-class people. Indeed the Supreme Court in 2012 definitively called it a 

* According to  
 Americans for Tax Reform, here are some other items related to Obama's pledge 
not to raise taxes on those earning under $250,000:

*       Feb. 4, 2009 – Just sixteen days into his presidency, Obama signed into 
law a 156 percent increase in the federal excise tax on tobacco – a hike of 62 
cents per pack. The median income of smokers is just over $36,000.
*       March 23, 2010 – Obama’s health care bill enacted two dozen new or 
higher taxes (at least seven of which violated his “firm pledge” on taxes), 
-- Individual Mandate Excise Tax
-- Employer Mandate Excise Tax
-- Small business 1099-MISC Information Reporting
-- Surtax on Investment Income
-- Excise Tax on Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans
-- Hike in Medicare Payroll Tax
-- Medicine Cabinet Tax
-- HSA Withdrawal Tax Hike
-- Flexible Spending Account Cap – aka “Special Needs Kids Tax”
-- Tax on Medical Device Manufacturers
-- "Haircut" for Medical Itemized Deduction from 7.5% to 10% of Adjusted Gross 
-- Tax on Indoor Tanning Services
-- Elimination of tax deduction for employer-provided retirement Rx drug 
-- Blue Cross/Blue Shield Tax Hike
-- Excise Tax on Charitable Hospitals
-- Tax on Innovator Drug Companies
-- Tax on Health Insurers
-- Biofuel “black liquor” tax hike
-- Codification of the “economic substance doctrine”

<> Aug 7, 2007
AFL-CIO Democratic primary forum, candidate Obama was asked, “Would you scrap 
NAFTA or fix it?” He replied: “I would immediately call the president of 
Mexico, the president of Canada to try to amend NAFTA because I think that we 
can get labor agreements in that agreement right now. And it should reflect the 
basic principle that our trade agreements should not just be good for Wall 
Street, it should also be good for Main Street.”  
<> Here is video of several times 
Obama pledged to renegotiate NAFTA.

 April 2009, Obama broke his campaign pledge to renegotiate NAFTA.

campaign, Obama  <> said 
that lobbyists “won’t work in my White House.” “They are not going to dominate 
my White House,” he said at a rally. 

END RESULT: Obama broke this pledge immediately upon taking office in January 
2009, when he nominated William Lynn as deputy to Defense Secretary Robert 
Gates. At the time, Lynn was a senior vice president at Raytheon, which has 
billions of dollars in Defense Department contracts. Obama’s transition office 
explained the decision: “Because Mr. Lynn came so highly recommended from 
experts across the political spectrum, the president-elect felt it was critical 
that he fill this position.” During his first two weeks in office, Obama 
 17 lobbyists for Administration posts. There were 
many others after that.  
 This source says that by January 2012, Obama had appointed  
 nearly 100 lobbyists.


* In June 2007, Obama  <> announced his 
“Sunlight Before Signing” promise: “When there is a bill that ends up on my 
desk as the president, you the public will have five days to look online and 
find out what’s in it before I sign it.” 

* Obama  <> 
repeated that promise on his campaign website: “Too often bills are rushed 
through Congress and to the president before the public has the opportunity to 
review them. As president, Obama will not sign any non-emergency bill without 
giving the American public an opportunity to review and comment on the White 
House website for five days.”

END RESULT: Obama signed his first bill, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay 
Restoration Act, on Jan. 20, 2009 – only two days after its passage. He signed 
a second bill expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program just 
three hours after Congress passed it. And on Feb. 17, 2009, he signed his 
1,000-page $787 billion stimulus bill only one business day after it passed 
through Congress.


In June 2008, Obama made a  
<> speech to 
AIPAC, where he said: 

* “... as president I will never compromise when it comes to Israel's security. 
Not when there are still voices that deny the Holocaust. Not when there are 
terrorist groups and political leaders committed to Israel's destruction. Not 
when there are maps across the Middle East that don't even acknowledge Israel's 
existence, and government-funded textbooks filled with hatred toward Jews. Not 
when there are rockets raining down on Sderot, and Israeli children have to 
take a deep breath and summon uncommon courage every time they board a bus or 
walk to school.” 

* “But part of our commitment must be speaking up when Israel's security is at 
risk, and I don't think any of us can be satisfied that America's recent 
foreign policy has made Israel more secure.” 

* “Our alliance is based on shared interests and shared values. Those who 
threaten Israel threaten us. Israel has always faced these threats on the front 
lines. And I will bring to the White House an unshakeable commitment to 
Israel's security. That starts with ensuring Israel's qualitative military 
advantage. I will ensure that Israel can defend itself from any threat — from 
Gaza to Tehran. Defense cooperation between the United States and Israel is a 
model of success, and must be deepened.” 

* “Let me be clear. Israel's security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. The 
Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them 
to prosper — but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve 
Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized and defensible 
borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain 


* Two days after his inauguration, President Obama placed his first phone call 
to a foreign leader -- Palestinian Authority President  
<> Mahmoud 
Abbas. Abbas had repeatedly  
<> emphasized the 
importance of "implementing the principles of 
<> Yasser 

* On June 4, 2009, President Obama went to Cairo, Egypt to deliver a 
much-anticipated address to the Muslim world. Drawing a moral equivalence 
between the historical experiences of the Jews and Middle Eastern Arabs, Obama  
<> said: "The Jewish 
people were persecuted.… [A]nti-Semitism … culminated in an unprecedented 
Holocaust…. Six million Jews were killed…. On the other hand, it is also 
undeniable that the Palestinian people — Muslims and Christians — have suffered 
in pursuit of a homeland."

“There has been a stalemate,” Obama  
<> elaborated. “Two 
peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history…. It's easy to 
point fingers — for Palestinians to point to the displacement brought about by 
Israel's founding, and for Israelis to point to the constant hostility and 

* In his first address to the United Nations General Assembly in September 
2009, President Obama drew a moral equivalence between the suffering of the 
Israelis and of the Palestinians:

*       "We continue to call on Palestinians to end incitement against Israel. 
And we continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of 
continued Israeli settlements."
*       "The United States does Israel no favors when we fail to couple an 
unwavering commitment to its security with an insistence that Israel respect 
the legitimate claims and rights of the Palestinians.

* In a January 2010 interview, President Obama  
 said -- despite Israel’s acceptance-in-principle of a Palestinian state, its 
readiness to negotiate, and its commitment to an unprecedented ten-month Jewish 
construction freeze in Judea and Samaria -- that Israel theretofore had made no 
“bold gestures” for peace.

* In November 2009, President Obama expressed displeasure over Israel's 
approval of  
 a plan to build 900 new homes in Gilo. Said Obama: "I think that additional 
settlement building does not contribute to Israel's security. I think it makes 
it harder for them to make peace with their neighbors. I think it embitters the 
Palestinians in a way that could end up being very dangerous."

* After IDF troops intercepted and boarded ships in the Free Gaza flotilla in 
2010, MSNBC  
<> reported 
that the Obama administration "wants to see a new approach that would allow 
more supplies into the impoverished Palestinian area while guaranteeing 
Israel's security"; that there was "a growing consensus within the 
administration that U.S. and Israeli policy toward Gaza must change"; that 
"White House officials said they had warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin 
Netanyahu's government to use 'caution and restraint' before the raid on the 
aid convoy"; that Vice President Joe Biden was in favor of putting "as much 
pressure and as much cajoling on Israel as we can to allow [the Palestinians] 
to get building materials and other designated humanitarian aid into Gaza"; and 
that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton supported a Security Council statement  
<> condemning the 
"acts" that had cost the lives of the activists aboard the Mavi Marmara.

* In an effort to contain the political fallout from the Mavi Marmara incident, 
in June 2010 President Obama  
 offered to send an extra $400 million in “humanitarian aid” to the 
Palestinians of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. (This was to be  
<> above and beyond the $600+ 
million in aid which the U.S. was already sending to the Palestinian Authority 
each year.) In remarks he made during a meeting with Palestinian President  
<> Mahmoud 
Abbas, Obama urged Israel to put a stop to its settlement activity and called 
on the Palestinians to avoid inciting further confrontation. He also called on 
Israel to reassess its blockade on Gaza.

* On May 19, 2011, Obama urged Israel to understand that it would never be able 
to achieve genuine peace if it persisted in seeking "permanent occupation." In 
issuing his call for the existence of “two states,” Obama said that “the 
borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually 
agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both 
states.” He was referring to the borders that existed before the 1967  
<> Six Day War in 
which Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

* Obama favored the fall of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, even though it was clear to 
many observers that he would be succeeded by Muslim Brotherhood extremists who 
would seek to discard Egypt's peace treaty with Israel.

* On November 3, 2011, President Obama conducted  
 what he thought was a private conversation about Israeli Prime Minister 
Benjamin Netanyahu with French President Nicolas Sarkozy in the aftermath of a 
G20 summit. However, the microphones which the two men were wearing from their 
earlier press conference had not been turned off. What ensued was a major 
public embarrassment after both Obama and Sarkozy disparaged Netanyahu. In the 
exchange, Sarkozy told Obama: “I cannot stand him [Netanyahu]. He is a liar.” 
Obama replied: “You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!”


December 2007: Obama said, “The creation of military commissions, without 
congressional authorization, was unlawful ... and a bad idea.”

* Immediately following his inauguration, Obama's  
<> first act as U.S. President was 
to  <> order the 
suspension of all  <> 
military tribunals that had been established to adjudicate the cases of terror 
suspects at the  
Guantanamo Bay detention center.

* The New York Times cited “the Obama administration’s effort to restore the 
role of the  
traditional criminal justice system in handling terrorism prosecutions.”

END RESULT: On November 13, 2009, the Obama administration announced that it 
would try five Guantanamo Bay detainees with alleged ties to the 9/11 
conspiracy, in a  
civilian court -- the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New 
York. The defendants were Ramzi Bin al-Shibh, Walid bin Attash, Ali Abdul Aziz 
Ali, Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi, and 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. But 
when this decision became politically radioactive, the Obama administration 
changed the venue to a military tribunal, as had been the Bush administration's 
original plan. 

presidential campaign, Obama spoke of the importance of maintaining “ 
<> border 
security,” saying: “We can’t just have hundreds of thousands of people coming 
into the country without knowing who they are.”


* In August 2010, CNS News  <> 
reported: “Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Ariz., says it is 'an outrage' 
the Obama administration has stopped building the double-fencing needed to 
assist the Border Patrol in securing the U.S.-Mexico border and says it is time 
for the United States to begin fighting illegal immigration and drug smuggling 
directly at the border instead of within the country where it harms American 
citizens and communities.”

* On August 24, 2010,  
<> the Houston 
Chronicle reported: “The Department of Homeland Security is systematically 
reviewing thousands of pending immigration cases and moving to dismiss those 
filed against suspected illegal immigrants who have no serious criminal 
records, according to several sources familiar with the efforts....
assailed the plan as another sign that the Obama administration is trying to 
create a kind of backdoor 'amnesty' program....”

* In August 2011, President Obama issued an  
 executive order to  
 preventpotentially thousands of cases in federal immigration court from moving 
forward if they did not involve criminals or people with flagrant immigration 

UNEMPLOYMENT RATE BELOW 8 PERCENT: This was a projection more than a promise in 
its truest sense. The Obama administration projected that the stimulus bill 
would keep unemployment below 8 percent. The source of this projection was a 
January 9, 2009  
 report authored by Christina Romer, the incoming chairwoman of the White House 
Council of Economic Advisers, and Jared Bernstein, chief economic adviser for 
incoming Vice President Joe Biden. 
The report contained a chart predicting 
unemployment rates in subsequent years. 
That chart showed that with the 
stimulus, unemployment was projected to top out at just under 8 percent towards 
the end of 2009. 

END RESULT: The reality was very different. As of this writing (September 
2012), unemployment had never been below 8% since Romer's comments.


* In a 2008 debate against Hillary, Obama  
<> said he was opposed 
to the individual mandate for healthcare: “We've got a philosophical 
difference, which we've debated repeatedly, and that is that Senator Clinton 
believes the only way to achieve universal health care is to force everybody to 
purchase it. And my belief is, the reason that people don't have it is not 
because they don't want it but because they can't afford it. And so I emphasize 
reducing costs.” 

* At a Feb. 26, 2008 debate against Hillary,  
<> Obama 
said: “Her [Hillary's] mandate is not a mandate for the government to provide 
coverage to everybody; it is a mandate that every individual purchase health 
care.... I believe that if ... people end up seeing a plan that is affordable 
for them, I promise you they are snatching it up because they are desperate to 
get health care. And that’s what I intend to provide as president of the United 

* At the same debate,  
<> Obama 
said: “But we don’t want to put adults in a situation in which, on the front 
end, we are mandating them, we are forcing them to purchase insurance, and if 
the subsidies are inadequate, the burden is on them, and they will be 
penalized. And that is what Sen. Clinton’s plan does.”

* On January 30, 2008,  
<> Obama 
said: “... I emphasize reducing costs. If we provide subsidies to those who 
can’t afford it, they will buy it. Sen. Clinton has a different approach. She 
believes that we have to force people who don’t have health insurance to buy 
it, or there will be a lot of people who don’t get it. But if you are going to 
mandate the purchase of insurance & it’s not affordable, then there’s going to 
have to be some enforcement mechanism that the government uses. And they may 
charge fines to people who already don’t have health care, or take it out of 
their paychecks. And that, I don’t think, is helping those without health 

END RESULT: The healthcare reform bill included an individual mandate.

Obama criticized President Bush’s recess appointment of UN Ambassador John 
 saying: “To some degree, he's damaged goods … somebody who couldn't get 
through a nomination in the Senate. And I think that that means that we will 
have less credibility.” 


* In March 2010 Obama made  
 15 recess appointments, saying: “If, in the interest of scoring political 
points, Republicans in the Senate refuse to exercise that responsibility 
[referring to approving Obama’s appointments], I must act in the interest of 
the American people and exercise my authority to fill these appointments on an 
interim basis.” 

* In January 2012, Obama made 4 more recess appointments: Richard Cordray as 
director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and 3 others to the NLRB. 
This brought the  
 total number of recess appointments Obama had made during his presidency to 32.




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





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