

I intended to send out this piece a couple of days ago, but my time has been
very hectic as we are moving on. I need to talk to anyone out there that is
pregnant/or expecting. So this piece is important to both the mother and the
father expecting. Take a time and read what I am writing for it is one of
those benefits some of us think can be gained out of forums like this one,
than allowing them to become what Edward Pojim has defined them to be.
Critical abusive centers.


When a woman becomes pregnant, there is an umbilical cord that God created
to connect the baby to the mother, through that cord, the baby feeds and the
baby excretes. But that cord has a specific issue that I need to raise to
you as fellow Africans, it owns the best cells of the mother. At birth the
blood/fluid in that umbilical cord becomes the richest bank in the mother’s
body of the cells that match the mother and the children. There are many
times you have heard of reports of there is a need to find a match of this
patient for the doctors to do the operation, this patient has a specific
disease and we need a match for the cells with this patient. Friends there
is no better match out there, than the cells extracted right from the
individual, and tonight I am raising the issue of mothers that are pregnant
to ask their doctors to save the cells from their umbilical cords so that at
a later time they can use them for themselves or their children.


For two and half years, we are holding a contract to work with cord blood
organizations, and on looking closely to the data collected, the first
customers were all whites. Today the Indians and Chines have kicked in. But
in the whole two and half years to today, I have not seen a  single firkin
blood kit from a black family, thus this writing. Why? Are we not educated
or we are just too poor to do it? Does your wife know about it? Do you as a
woman know about it? For the fact remain that everyone so collecting a blood
cord except blacks.  And it frightens critical thinkers for blacks make more
babies than whites Indians and Chinese combined. Why haven’t I got a single
blood kit from black family on the huge numbers we are banking? And that is
a straight question to you as a degree holder with a forum this powerful.
Now I agree that several jurisdictions do not pay for this service, for
example in Ontario we are still fighting to see that it is paid by the
government, so I do not know what is in your jurisdiction, but if you are to
pay out of your pocket, this is a very good investment for you and your
family. When the baby pops up, get the blood from the cord and save it to be
banked you will thank me come 30 years down the road.


I do not know what jurisdictions carry it out there, but I will tell you
that in this city we have three companies that I need you to research on,
(1) Progenics Cord Blood Cryobank {2} Create Cord Blood Bank and {3} Toronto
General Hospital has a cord blood bank as well. Research these institutions
if you or one of yours is pregnant, contact any of these institutions, and
they will guide you through. And talk to your doctor too on how you can save
your cord blood. You might get a cheaper way from your locals. After you
have discussed it with these companies , we will send you a collection kit,
and we will take it from you after it is collected. The kit will be
processed and banked. Now if you live out of North America and find that
this service does not exist where you are, still work with your doctor and
one of these companies, for I have seen kits flown from all over North
America to us here for banking. If it is important for you to save money for
your children future, save your blood cell for their future. Now I am done,
let the Edward Pojim degree holders continue with their identifying the
unredeemable that they want to murder this time around.


Trust me there is a whole lot we can gain out of these forums than what
degree holds have driven them to become.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 





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