On 2010年05月24日 15:56, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
>     the system behave as if there is no input method installed.
Finally I solved the problem myself, after several hours of research.

This is actually two separate problems. First:
> ar...@jamaica:~> locale
> LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8
> ...
> ar...@jamaica:~> grep uim /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules 
> "/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-uim.so" 
> "uim" "uim" "uim" "/usr/share/localec" "ja:ko:zh:*" 
Should update "ja:ko:zh:*" to "ja:ko:zh_CN:*".

Second problem is this:
> Although not mentioned by the official document, I also tried to add
> uim-toolbar-gtk to X session start script (on openSuSE is ~/.xim) to
> see if it helps. It resulted a tiny tool-bar of a size if a single
> ideograph with only one un-clickable button on it. The button has a
> "X" on it as if it is the "close" button. In general adding the
> toolbar does not alter system behavior and the tool bar appear during
> session start, last a few seconds, and disappears (or covered) when
> gnome-panel showed itself. 

This can be workarounded by replacing uim-toolbar-gtk with
uim-toolbar-gtk-systray. For some unknown reason uim-toolbar-gtk
wouldn't properly work after gnome-panel appear.

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