
 I do cross-compilation of UIM to ARM (running Ubuntu) and am having 
problems with uim-module-manager. First, make tries to invoke 
uim-module-manager on host during scm directory building, which obviously 
fails. I excluded this step and compiled the package, however when I 
execute uim-module-manager on target, it fails because it looks for 
sigscheme-init.scm at path specified by host's configure's --prefix 
argument, which obviously does not make any sense on target. How do I force 
uim-module-manager (and perhaps other uim tools and libs) to look for 
sigscheme-init.scm at correct destinantion? I setted 
LIBUIM_SYSTEM_SCM_FILES and LIBUIM_SCM_FILES environmental variables, but 
without effect.

Can you give me some insight how can I force lookup path for 
sigscheme-init.scm and probably other required files?

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards,
 Sergey Eliseev

Google Groups "uim-en" group

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