Hi all,

uim 1.8.3 has just been released.
In this release, several fixes against 1.8.2 are added as usual.
See the following note for the detailed changes.
Thanks to all who reported bugs and problems to us.

The source tarballs are available at:


MD5:  3c4e61b6dec51c57e7d3c534ae9d3514  uim-1.8.3.tar.gz
MD5:  918ce698765ea25b402a110b86b4d23c  uim-1.8.3.tar.bz2
SHA1: 4f63836935051d52b9194572afb904892fe89595  uim-1.8.3.tar.gz
SHA1: 75fcd5dcc285d2610282462dd467e1f334f14491  uim-1.8.3.tar.bz2

uim 1.8.3 Release Note

About This Release

This distribution of uim 1.8.3 is the latest stable release of uim.

Please report us if you find a problem.

Homepage:            http://code.google.com/p/uim/
Mailinglist:         uim-en@googlegroups.com
Bug tracking system: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/

What's New

  - Avoid SEGV in uim-toolbar-gtk-systray
  - Fix behavior of uim-tutcode on Google Chrome

See NEWS for the fully detailed changes.

What's New in 1.8.2

  - Support sticky key for uim-skk
  - Fix GTK+3 bridge behavior
  - Improved uim-tutcode

What's New in 1.8.1

  - Bug fix for uim-notify with recent versions of glib
  - Improved uim-tutcode

What's New in 1.8.0

 - New IM uim-google-cgiapi-jp
 - New IM uim-baidu-olime-jp
 - Delay showing candidate window
 - Horizontal candidate window
 - Japanese Romaji-Kana composing rule in uim-pref
 - Many new features in uim-tutcode

Notes for Packagers and System Integrators

  - The option "--enable-debug" and/or "--enable-backtrace" makes uim (in
    accurately, underlying SigScheme interpreter) quite heavy. Please keep them
    unspecified for normal library

  - Use the bundled SigScheme, and do not depend on external SigScheme
    package. Since the SigScheme interpreter is completely embedded into
    libuim without linking to libsscm, and exposing no SigScheme-specific
    symbols regardless of environment-dependent symbol exportation control
    existence such as -export-symbols of libtool or version script of ld,
    no conflict with libsscm occurs

  - libuim links to libgcroots although SigScheme is embedded into
    libuim. Although libgcroots is also bundled in uim, it should be
    managed as a separated package since both libsscm and libuim which
    provided by separated package depends on it. Add
    '--with-libgcroots=installed' to configure options for uim to disable
    build and install of the bundled version of libgcroots


  - uim 1.9.0 and later

    The time for drastic reconstruction. Many user-visible changes.

    The composer framework will be introduced for extensible IM

  - uim 2.0.0

    Overall uim API will be revised.

Muneyuki Noguchi

Google Groups "uim-en" group

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