先ほどuim 1.8.6をリリースしました。




MD5:  7cfb7ce60d462bbada2f87d6bf17b8ce  uim-1.8.6.tar.gz
MD5:  ecea4c597bab1fd4ba98ea84edcece59  uim-1.8.6.tar.bz2
SHA1: 409c30b31b9e58e3c18cb7862933487b0585cd1d  uim-1.8.6.tar.gz
SHA1: 43b9dbdead6797880e6cfc9c032ecb2d37d42777  uim-1.8.6.tar.bz2

uim 1.8.6 Release Note

About This Release

This distribution of uim 1.8.6 is the latest stable release of uim.

Please report any problem with uim.

Homepage:            http://code.google.com/p/uim/
Mailinglist:         uim...@googlegroups.com
Bug tracking system: https://github.com/uim/uim/issues?state=open

What's New

  - Add XDG_RUNTIME_DIR support
  - Avoid a crash when a Canna server name is specified
  - Add an option to uim-m17nlib
  - Update trycode composition table

See NEWS for the fully detailed changes.

What's New in 1.8.5

  - Avoid an infinite recursion in uim-gtk when no preedit is started
  - Fix uim-tutcode behavior of postfix katakana conversion

What's New in 1.8.4

  - Add Hungarian locale support to uim-xim
  - Improved uim-tutcode

What's New in 1.8.3

  - Avoid SEGV in uim-toolbar-gtk-systray
  - Fix behavior of uim-tutcode on Google Chrome

What's New in 1.8.2

  - Support sticky key for uim-skk
  - Fix GTK+3 bridge behavior
  - Improved uim-tutcode

What's New in 1.8.1

  - Bug fix for uim-notify with recent versions of glib
  - Improved uim-tutcode

What's New in 1.8.0

 - New IM uim-google-cgiapi-jp
 - New IM uim-baidu-olime-jp
 - Delay showing candidate window
 - Horizontal candidate window
 - Japanese Romaji-Kana composing rule in uim-pref
 - Many new features in uim-tutcode

Notes for Packagers and System Integrators

  - The option "--enable-debug" and/or "--enable-backtrace" makes uim (in
    accurately, underlying SigScheme interpreter) quite heavy. Please keep them
    unspecified for normal library

  - Use the bundled SigScheme, and do not depend on external SigScheme
    package. Since the SigScheme interpreter is completely embedded into
    libuim without linking to libsscm, and exposing no SigScheme-specific
    symbols regardless of environment-dependent symbol exportation control
    existence such as -export-symbols of libtool or version script of ld,
    no conflict with libsscm occurs

  - libuim links to libgcroots although SigScheme is embedded into
    libuim. Although libgcroots is also bundled in uim, it should be
    managed as a separated package since both libsscm and libuim which
    provided by separated package depends on it. Add
    '--with-libgcroots=installed' to configure options for uim to disable
    build and install of the bundled version of libgcroots


  - uim 1.9.0 and later

    The time for drastic reconstruction. Many user-visible changes.

    The composer framework will be introduced for extensible IM

  - uim 2.0.0

    Overall uim API will be revised.

Muneyuki Noguchi

Google Groups "uim-ja" group
このメールは Google グループのグループ「uim-ja」の登録者に送られています。
このグループから退会し、メールの受信を停止するには、uim-ja+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com にメールを送信します。
その他のオプションについては、https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out にアクセスしてください。
