After looking again, it seems that the correct xmlns for XInclude is the 2001 one. There is a note in a book which says this was changed to 2003 at one point, but then changed back.

The Xerces impl has a FAQ which now says:

Will the XInclude processor process include elements from the '' namespace?

No. The namespace for XInclude was changed back to <code></code> in the <jump href="";>Candidate Recommendation (April 2004)</jump>. The <code></code> is no longer recognized.

So Java 5 recognizes the xerces-impl jar, but 1.4.2 apparently doesn't (this is IBM 1.4.2, haven't tried Sun's).

After several hours of unsuccessful looking for why, I'm giving up (for now) and saying you have to use Java 5 or some 1.4.2 Java (not IBM's) that recognizes xercesImpl, to build docbook.

If you run with Eclipse you can easily do this - just install Java 5.0 and select it as the JVM to use when running the external tool (in the launcher mechanism).

If others can solve this, that would be great :-)


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