From an interface point of view, does it matter?  As I understand it,
you can neither create nor access FSs in the CasContainer (I'm just
calling it that to avoid confusion, not because I think that's a good
name).  Or can you?  What is the division of labor here?

What I intended to propose was that the "CasContainer" as you call it
would basically have all of the CAS APIs except getIndexRepository()
and the ones related to Sofas (including getDocumentText()).

Essentially, this is what we already have implemented... except that
instead of not defining the methods on the CasConsumer (the "Base
CAS"), they are there but throw exceptions if you call them.

You're probably right, but I'm not there yet.  I'd like to get the
concepts sorted out in my head before I get to implementation details
like where the heap lives and how we do serialization.

I don't want to get into *how* we do serialization either, just what
the user can see.  And the fact that one CAS maps to one serialized
document is important.

I don't know about that.  I certainly wouldn't want to keep calling what
I call the CasContainer the CAS.  That may make sense from a 10.000ft
view, but if you look at the API/interface level, there is very little
the old CAS interface and the new CasContainer interface have in common.
  For somebody who hasn't been using views, a CasView is just like a
CAS, while the CasContainer is a new animal.  The fact that FSs can be
cross-reference doesn't bother me.  Do we keep all those FSs on a single
heap, or do we have one for each view?  That's an implementation detail
that may change tomorrow, and it should not affect our users at all.

This may be 10,000-foot, but I think of the CAS as being what's passed
between annotators as a basic UIMA concept that's worth preserving.


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