On 1/8/07, Marshall Schor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Adam Lally wrote:
> Even if we do that, there's still the matter of the 3rd-party JARs
> needed to run docbook - I'm not sure if we're allowed to bundle them
> in our distribution even if we wanted to.

Don't include the things we're not allowed to redistribute.  Those
should not even be in SVN, I think.

The README in uima-docbook says to get JAI (Java Advanced Imaging
Library) from Sun.  Those jars aren't in SVN, and I'll exclude them
from the source distribution.

But can you confirm if the ones that are in SVN are OK to distribute?
According to the LICENSES file:
- avalon-framework, batik, fop, xercesImpl, xml-resolver are
distributed unter the
 Apache Software License 2.0. See APACHE.license for information

- saxon is distributed under the Mozilla Public License 1.0. See
 SAXON.license for information

Does that mean it's OK to have these jars in SVN and in the source distribution?


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