Also I don't get a .ignore file - should this have been generated from
mvn eclipse:eclipse?

When you re-checked did you start from a fresh SVN extract and apply
your patches?

No, I did not find out how to a apply the patch. If I use eclipse for it
does not work.
It only adds new folders and files to my project e.g
(bit this file is empty)

But I again checked it careful manually.

So the important difference is in the pom.xml.

At the begin the packaging must be changed from pom to jar
and then it adds the maven-eclipse-plugin pde option.
Did you see this ?




How do you apply the patch ? With eclipse ?

The .ignore file will not be generated but I get a warning which
says that it does not exist and cannot be changed:

[WARNING] The references manifest file doesn't exist, plugin dependencies will not be
updated: /Users/joern/Documents/uima-dev/uimaj-ep-runtime/.ignore

There is also an info which says that it runs in pde mode:
[INFO] The Maven Eclipse plugin runs in 'pde'-mode.

Hope this helps,

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