On 4/24/07, Lev Kozakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
We would like to submit the following talk:
Title: Towards an industrial modularization in Apache UIMA framework
Abstract:  This talk is focused on OSGi adaptation of the Apache UIMA
framework, in particular making UIMA components compatible with
industrial standards like OSGi and JSR 291. The talk also emphasizes
the effectiveness of this approach for integrating UIMA into OSGi
enabled software products and frameworks, such as WebSphere and other
J2EE containers, Eclipse and Spring framework.

What do you think?

This could be a second proposal, maybe, especially if you could tie it
into other Apache projects like Felix (I think I got that name right -
I mean Apache's OSGi framework) and Tomcat.

But I think we need to first give a broader UIMA talk that shows some
interesting UIMA components and applications, before we get into more
specific topics such as this.


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