When looking at the InstallationController code I see some old method, where I think they are never used.

The InstallationController can be configured in two different ways to install a PEAR file.

The first way is to specify the PEAR file location with a target installation directory beside some other additional settings. I think this is the common way...

The second way is to specify only the PEAR file component ID with a target installation directory beside some other additional settings. When using this way the user will be asked either via command line or with a separate GUI to specify the path where the PEAR file with the specified component ID is located. I don't think that this API will be used by any user.

With the changes at the InstallationController for the "target installation directory cleanup" I don't want to update the additional parameters for both ways described above. I don't think that the second way is in use, so I want to deprecate it (or even better remove it completely ??).

What do others think about this? Does any know an user that use the second way?

-- Michael

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