The documentation for this has been posted to the Apache UIMA wiki.

You can navigate there by clicking on the wiki link of

and then on the Documentation link, and then on the
Documentation for Asynchronous Scaleout enablement of Apache UIMA <>
link (if you don't see it, please hit refresh in your browser).


Marshall Schor wrote:
Michael Baessler wrote:
Eddie Epstein wrote:
To support some advanced users of UIMA, we have been working on an
alternative general scalability mechanism for UIMA analytics. Our
goals were to provide a standards-based, much more flexible and
powerful capability than that offered by the UIMA collection
processing manager, with less software complexity. To this end we have
developed an architecture based on asynchronous messaging technology
conforming to the JMS standard, and from that built a small
scalability extension for Apache UIMA, which we call UIMA JMS.

The extension uses JMS and allows incorporating alternative JMS
middleware implementations.  The primary end-user interface to UIMA
JMS is a new descriptor, the UIMA deployment descriptor. This
descriptor references standard UIMA component descriptors, and adds
the configuration information necessary to specify which annotators
are to be replicated, where they will be deployed, how many threads to
run concurrently, how error conditions are to be handled and several
other details.

Our initial implementation uses Apache's ActiveMQ for the JMS
messaging middleware.  We would like to explore donating this
extension to the UIMA project, if this is acceptable to the community,
and would appreciate any comments or feedback

Sounds interesting, but do you have some more detailed information UIMA JMS? Maybe some user documentation or stuff like that?

Good idea.  We're working through how to make this available - we have
have a PDF doc which is a start; we might be able to post, perhaps as an attachment to the UIMA wiki. We're working on more documentation,
including more tutorial information.

Is this only an addition to the current Apache UIMA implementation (only additional components) or do we have to modify
the UIMA core projects to run UIMA JMS?

It is only an addition - no modification needed to the UIMA core.

-- Michael

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