Jörn Kottmann wrote:
Hi Marshall,

a few weeks ago I tested cruisecontrol with the uima project
and it worked with our maven project structure.

Maybe you would like to take a look at it.
Great, thanks.
I'm still trying to get a sense of the communities.  I found this:
comparing CruiseControl version 2.6 (now at 2.7), bamboo 1.0 (it's now at 1.2.2), and
teamCity 1.2 (now at 2.1).

See also http://xooctory.xoocode.org/ - it's another CI open source project
whose team works on other Apache projects.  It has a section on comparison
about 1/2 down the page.

A quick look at Apache projects - I could only find one that was using CI (Harmony).

Still don't have any definite opinions, myself...


On Aug 15, 2007, at 9:01 PM, Marshall Schor wrote:

Saw another post (may be outdated) that said Continuum didn't handle "flat" Maven structures, only the "nested" ones - and we're using the "flat" approach I think.

-Marshall (hoping to get to continuous integration at some point :-)

Marshall Schor wrote:
More info:

Several posts on maven-user on the topic "is continuum dead" suggest another alternative,


and another says here's a matrix of various tools:


-Marshall (hoping that at some point, we'll get to continuous integration... )

Marshall Schor wrote:
If and when we decide that "continuous integration" is the way to go, Atlassian, the folks who did Jira and Confluence Wiki (which we're using) also have a continuous integration product, called Bamboo.

Several Apache projects are using it, here: http://opensource.bamboo.atlassian.com/


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