           i am getting AnalysisEngineProcess exception annoatator
processing failed caused by java.lang.nullpointer exception........how to
solve this error i am getting frequently.here i will small code for u i
think u can trace my problem


**void* initialize(UimaContext aContext)

*throws* ResourceInitializationException



//Get config. parameter values

String[] patternStrings =


mLocations = (String[])aContext.getConfigParameterValue("Locations");

mPatterns = *new* Pattern[patternStrings. length];

*for* (*int* i = 0; i < patternStrings. length; i++)


mPatterns[i] = Pattern.*compile*(patternStrings[i]);



*public* *void* process(JCas aJCas)

*throws* AnalysisEngineProcessException


//get document text

String docText = aJCas.getDocumentText();

//loop over patterns

*for* (*int* i = 0; i < mPatterns .length; i++)


Matcher matcher =

*int* pos = 0;

*while* (matcher.find(pos))


TestType annotation =
*new* TestType(aJCas);





pos = matcher.end();

//getContext().getLogger().log(Level.FINEST,"Found: " + annotation);



plz iam waiting for reply form any one of u

On 9/4/07, Jörn Kottmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Done.  Joern, the CasEditor project doesn't compile for me atm.  Do
> > you have instructions on how to set things up so it compiles in
> > Eclipse?  I would prefer to make sure that things still compile
> > after I've applied your patches (so I know I haven't screwed up ;-)
> You need to generate the eclipse files with mvn eclipse:eclipse
> inside the CasEditor folder.
> After that it should have no errors, do not forget to refresh the
> eclipse workspace.
> I tested this a few minutes ago on my machine, please tell me if you
> still get errors.
> The CasEditor needs eclipse 3.3, maybe you are still using eclipse 3.2
> Jörn

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