Marshall Schor wrote:
> This might be a good time to try to follow the draft procedure we have
> for bulk code submission.  This is documented on our website:
> In particular, there's a part to fill out a "form" :
> I put together these pages from a synthesis of other pages from other
> Apache projects.  Thilo - can you take a look and see if these seem OK,
> and maybe try doing the process, as an independent check, to see if
> things are wrong or omitted?
> -Marshall

Marshall, can you name your sources?  I've never noticed
this before.  We're not Apache Harmony, I don't know that
we need to implement contribution processes that go beyond
what's required by Apache.

A separate question is, do we think that the BSF annotator
is substantial enough that it requires a software grant.
I haven't quite made up my mind yet, mostly because I haven't
had time to look at it in detail.  It does look like a
large contribution, but as Olivier says, when you look closely,
it's not actually that much code.  A lot of it is third-party


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