I did an experiment where I configered the maven POM for one of our Eclipse plugins to let maven's eclipse:eclipse update the PDE Manifest. However, I found a "bug" in how it treated -SNAPSHOT - it turned
2.3.0.incubating-SNAPSHOT in the maven version into a Manifest entry
2.3.0.incubating.SNAPSHOT (changed the '-' to a '.') When I posted a patch to the maven-eclipse-plugin to fix this, I commented that the thing I patched was Deprecated. I got a quick reply saying it was, indeed deprecated - we should be using some OSGi tooling from Apache Felix.
The comment on the Maven list says:

you should look into the Apache Felix bundle plugin. It has a
bundle:manifest goal that will generate the OSGi manifest, that's why
the eclipse pluign class is deprecated

Check "Adding OSGi metadata to existing projects without changing the
packaging type"

It looks like the tooling for generating OSGi bundles has advanced quite far, and may solve many of the difficulties we've had in building these kinds of things. Among the things it apparently can be configured to handle is our "library" plugin, containing jars from other places. I'll going to try and see if we can make this all work for our projects. If anyone else has insights, please post :-).


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