Marshall Schor wrote:
Because we're releasing lots of new stuff, I think our webpages need some updating. Here's a proposal:

1) home page: add short paragraphs for uima-as, annotators, tools (CasEditor), simple-server - the set of things in the sandbox we're releasing this time around (this might be done over time, as things get released) To keep the initial view small, add a summary paragraph / list to show as the first thing at the top, with links to these paragraphs. 2) documentation page: make a table to concisely show docs - rows would be for different things being released, columns would be for things like pdf, html, apidocs, etc.

3) download page: make a table to concisely show links to download - same rows as above, but columns would be for things like current vs link to archives, binary, source, link to eclipse update site, gpg/md5/sha1 verifications (maybe, not sure...)

4) updates to the Project Team page - list more people, especially the contributors of annotators, and uima-as components (with their permission). Names only, no links/emails (for respecting privacy) unless specifically wanted. (Thilo links his to home page on Apache).

Another thing to add: the "how to do a release" for the various sub-projects. For now, I suggest just adding this to the main how-to-do-a-release. For instance, to release the uima-as requires a build process which includes running the tag script and then extracting/building the base uima before doing the uima-as build (because it depends on the local repository having the proper build of the base).


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