Hi Jörn,
Please see my comments in-line below.

- Tong

On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 9:09 PM, Jörn Kottmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We can make a list of Viewer features not in the Editor.
> Yeah that would be great. Please explain the internal requirements so
> that I (as non IBM guy) can understand the motivation behind the features.
> Then I would like to understand why it does not make sense to put
> these features into the Editor (if not clear).

I cannot remember all the details of the requirements.
Most of the requirements and feedbacks that I got so far were implemented
in the CAS Viewer 1-2 years ago. The best way to understand more is to
play around with the CAS Viewer and look at the user guide and
functionality comparison documentation.
The following are some examples of requirements:
 - ability to inspect the CAS by navigating the type system or
 the index repository (e.g., show the annotations of specific types, show
 the feature structures in specific index, etc.)
 - easy to inspect a large type system (a few hundred types)
 - color coding support as other UIMA tools (Annotation Viewer and CVD)
 and the ability to reuse existing style map file
 - multi-sofa support
 - provide APIs to reuse CAS Viewer by other tools (currently used by
 some internal UIMA tools and an IBM product)

Most of the requests are related to UI. For example, some users require
a quick way to see the feature structures without details (the CAS Viewer
provides a "flat" or "tree" structure to support this). The challenge is
to provide a customizable way to show the contents with a few mouse clicks
for different users.

>> It could turn out that a good read-write interface is different enough
>> from
>> a good read-only interface to keep them separate. On the other hand, there
>> should be common components that could be used for both. More discussion
>> needed.
> Please make a list of the components/parts you want to reuse. I will support
> this.

CAS Viewer and CAS Editor may have different goals and target users.
What I can think right now is, for example, the color coding and some easy way
to support big type system may help. Multi-sofa may have low priority.
One way is to get feedbacks from UIMA users about what are good or missing
with respect to the current functionality. Then, we can work together
to find out
what can be re-used.

- Tong

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