I've updated the re-do of the website, as follows:

1) moved the "famous paragraph" up to the top on the first page  (this
is actually several paragraphs...)
2) Made the new picture on the first page float to the right, with text
on the left.
3) changed the left-side nav bar to follow Adam's suggestions, including
adding back the "home" link (the other home links are still there).
4) added a quick link to the user-list-forum and dev-list-forum - so you
get there in one click.

I didn't update the privacy policy page - I know it talks about google
analytics, but it says "may" - I put this in partially because it was in
Jukka's version, and partially to cover ourselves if we, at some point
in the future, decide to add this capability to the site.

Site is in the same place on people.a.o/~schor/website-candidate

Feedback appreciated :-).  -Marshall

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