
I would like to announce the fourth German Hadoop Get Together in Berlin. 
Although "Hadoop" is in the title, the topics are of course not strictly 
limited: If you have interesting stories to tell on scaling Lucene or UIMA to 
high traffic or large amounts of documents, feel free to contribute as well. 

This is going to be the fourth German Hadoop get together in Berlin. As always 
there will be slots of 20min each for talks on your Hadoop topic. After each 
talk there will be a lot time to discuss.

You can order drinks directly at the bar in the newthinking store. If you 
like, you can order pizza. There are quite a few good restaurants nearby, so 
we can go there after the official part.

Talks scheduled so far:

Lars George is going to give a presentation of this experiences setting up and 
maintaining a decently large HBase deployment.

We would like to invite you, the visitor to also tell your Hadoop story, if 
you like, you can bring slides - there will be a beamer.

A big Thanks goes to the newthinking store for providing a room in the center 
of Berlin for us. Thanks to newthinking there will be videos of the event 
online after the meeting.

Additional information will be posted on http://www.isabel-drost.de/hadoop and 
on upcoming.org: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1764187

One little change to the last three events: As there will be non-German people 
attending, the event will be in English.



Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each 
other.          -- Ann Landers
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'---''(_/--'  `-'\_) (fL)  IM:  <xmpp://main...@spaceboyz.net>

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