On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 2:53 AM, Thilo Goetz <twgo...@gmx.de> wrote:
> I have found the discussion again that I was referring to.  It wasn't
> on this list, it was in the OASIS spec discussions.  Sorry about the
> confusion.  I don't feel at liberty to publish that conversation here,
> but maybe Adam would like to comment?  He and I were debating this at
> the time (nearly two years ago).

I'm not sure about what OASIS discussion you mean (is it about xmi:id
consistency?), but I thought the link that Marshall posted was a
reasonable summary of the discussion, including the concerns that I

The only sticking point I was really concerned about was the
invalidation of the FS handle held by an application.  But, it was
definitely not my intention to shoot down any work in this area (in
fact you'll see in that email thread where I explicitly said I'm in
favor of doing something in this space).  I just want to discuss it
and see if we can come to a mutually acceptable plan.

To address Eddie's point about Vinci services breaking FS handles
already - I consider that a bug, so am not happy using that as a
rationale to invalidate FS handles as a general policy.  And I'm
worried that users who haven't been using Vinci services (I bet we
have plenty of those) have built applications that rely on this
behavior.  I remember suggesting that we post on the user list about
this, but am not sure if we ever did.

If you do a GC approach, is there not any way to include
application-created FeatureStructures as part of the "root" set?  Or
to look at it another way, the set of FS's that you do the GC over is
only those created since the CAS was input to the current AE (possible

It seems like Marshall's angle (if I understood it) is not really GC
at all, but a model where an annotator decides to explicitly delete
FS.  I could be okay with that idea, too.  A GC model by definition
should preserve any referenced FSs, but if we say we have an explicit
deletion model where anybody can delete anyone else's stuff, at least
we won't confuse people about what's going on.  Current applications
that use existing annotators would not break (because the annotators
would not delete anything), and if a new annotator is introduced that
breaks the application, it's the annotator's fault for being too
aggressive in deleting stuff that someone else might still need.


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