Thilo Goetz wrote:
> ...
> I have tried looking into those issues, but I'm a
> little puzzled by our whole eclipse plugin setup.
> The plugins are done in a way that looks very odd
> to me, but that may just be my lack of experience.
> None of the plugins (except for the cas editor)
> has a proper manifest.  They don't declare their
> dependencies, nor what they export.  The dependency
> management seems to be done in the features, where
> it needs to be done by hand.  Can anybody confirm
> or refute this?
The plugins are built by the org.apache.felix project's
maven-bundle-plugin.  The doc for how this plugin works is here:
(Darn - is down, so I can't confirm these urls, but here they
are anyway) 
(type org.apache.felix maven bundle    into google)

What is supposed to happen is that the "instructions" in the maven
configuration create the manifest.

If this isn't happening, then something's amiss with this process.

I'll attempt to rebuild this and see what happens.


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