Jörn Kottmann wrote:
> Thilo Goetz wrote:
>> Jörn Kottmann wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is there a reason why we do not use maven
>>> to build the SimpleServer war file ?
>>> Jörn
>> Sorry for the late reply.  The reason is probably
>> that I originally contributed the SimpleServer, and
>> I try to stay as far away from maven as I can.
>> However, please feel free to add whatever you feel
>> is best.
> We could move the web.xml sample to src/main/webapp/WEB-INF and
> change the packaging type to war then the build can produce a war
> file.
> A user who wants to use the SimpleServer has now two options to built,
> either with maven or with eclipse (which is easier because mvn
> eclipse:eclipse works).
> What do you think ?
> Jörn

Sorry, I have only recently started looking at the
simple server again.

I'm a bit confused by your question.  Are you suggesting
we provide a sample pom for SimpleServer users which they
can use to build individual SimpleServer analysis WARs?

Or are you suggesting we pre-build a sample WAR with the
whitespace tokenizer and distribute that?


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