Marshall Schor wrote:
> Olivier Terrier (JIRA) wrote:
>>      [ 
>>  ]
>> Olivier Terrier updated UIMA-1506:
>> ----------------------------------
>>     Attachment:
>> Marshall: I did a quick review of the code to:
>> 1. Fix the NullPointerException when running the testAnnotatorAggregated
>> 2. migrate the BSFAnnotator from the old-way JTextAnnotator_ImplBase to 
>> JCasAnnotator_ImplBase
>> 3. add a few generics to avoid warnings
>> Attached you will find a zip that contains the files that have been modified
> Thanks, Olivier; I applied the changes and will check them in soon.
> One question:  The POM for this project specifies that the Jar have
> included "resources", which then become available on the class path.
> The resources included are
>   BeanshellTestAnnotator.xml
>   BSFAggregatedAE.xml
>   BSFAnnotator.xml
>   RhinoTestAnnotator.xml
>   TEST.bsh
>   TEST.js
I see these are needed for running the tests.  I'm moving them to the
src/test/resources files.  That way, maven will use them for running the
tests, but they won't be packaged in the Jar file that maven builds.

Let me know if I'm missing something here...

Cheers. -Marshall
> Should all of these be packaged in the Jar by the build step?  I guess I
> don't understand the reason these should be in the Jar.
> The resources
> are also included, but these I believe do belong in the Jar.
> Thanks for your advice :-)  -Marshall

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