On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 6:55 AM, Jörn Kottmann<kottm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> public interface JFSIndexRepository {
>  FSIndex<TOP> getIndex(String label);
>  FSIndex<TOP> getIndex(String label, int type);
>  AnnotationIndex<Annotation> getAnnotationIndex();
>  AnnotationIndex<Annotation> getAnnotationIndex(int type);
>  Iterator<FSIndex<Top>> getIndexes();
>  FSIterator<TOP> getAllIndexedFS(Type aType);
>  FSIterator<TOP> getAllIndexedFS(int aType);
> }
> Is the above generification correct ?
> We could use FeatureStructure instead of TOP, I am not sure
> whats better.

Seems to me that TOP is better for JCAS, just like Annotation is
better than AnnotationFS.

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