Jörn Kottmann wrote:
> Marshall Schor wrote:
>> OK - sounds like this won't be on the fix list for 2.3.0 ;-)
>> And, given the value of being able to do this in selected cases, it
>> doesn't sound right, either, to change the arguments to find, moveTo,
>> etc from FeatureStructure.
>> So let's leave this as is.   
> I created a jira issue to change moveTo back to FeatureStructure
> argument,
> it was not changed yet because I misunderstood you.
> Which other methods are you referring to ?

The other methods that take a FeatureStructure for purposes of
specifying a location in an index:

For these, I'm not sure if the test for equality includes testing that
the "types" are the same, or just is testing (for sorted and set
indexes) that the declared "keys" are "equal".

The methods are:

compare (although the javadoc says the result is undefined if the FS's
are not of the type of the index, but I wonder if that's checked?)


> Jörn

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