Marshall Schor wrote:
Should the "nature" for enabling the Cas Editor,
<nature>org.apache.uima.caseditor.NLPProject</nature> be better
specified as org.apache.uima.CasEditor?
That would break backward compatibility and since
I planned to completely refactor/rewrite the project model code
I would prefer to rename it then after the 2.3.0 release.
Here's my thinking:  UIMA in general is used for "unstructured
information" - which may be text / language related, or may be other
kinds of things, such as image data, audio recordings, etc., not related
to "NLP" - Natural Language Processing.  The Cas Editor (I think) is
able to look at and edit CASes that may have nothing to do with Natural
Language Processing (is this right?).
Yes, I planned to add support for other SOFA types than plain/text
e.g. for images. Image support together with multi SOFA support could
be used to inspect/display a CAS which contains a scanned page as image
and the OCRed text.


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