Marshall Schor wrote:
Jörn Kottmann wrote:
Marshall Schor wrote:
I was testing the Cas Editor plugin, as a new naive user.

There is nothing in the documentation that says to create one or more
new projects, of a special type, for use by the Cas Editor - so I was
trying to use a plain Java project, and of course, nothing was working.

Part of the problem is that the label for the Cas Editor things in
Eclipse is "NLP".  I did not recognize or associate that with either
UIMA or the Cas Editor.  (So, for instance, if you say in Eclipse, menu
-> file -> new -> other you get a pick list with lots of things,
including one labeled "NLP".  Same with menu -> window - show view ->
other   same NLP entry.)

I think we should rename this categorization tag to something that uses
the words Uima, and CasEditor - maybe it should be a 2 level
categorization, the top one being UIMA (which already exists, and is
used by the Component Descriptor Editor), and a then "CasEditor".

WDYT?  (What do you think)?
You are right Marshall, they should be renamed to something
which is appropriate now, the naming is a left over from the first
days of the Cas Editor.

The reason they were not renamed yet for the 2.3.0 release is
that we should start a bigger refactoring effort to remove the project
model from the Cas Editor plugin and create a new plugin based on it
which helps users developing UIMA applications. A while
back we decided to do this after the 2.3.0 release.

Changing the names is not a big deal, but we should take into account
that they
might be changed again for the release after 2.3.0.

+1 for the naming you suggested.
If it's quick to do, maybe we should rename this for the 2.3.0 release. In any case, I think we need a paragraph in the documentation at the
beginning to tell the user he needs to create a Cas Editor project using
the wizard, before he can use the Cas Editor - that it only works in
that context.
The names are defined in the plugin.xml file, renaming is quick,
but I am not sure if it is possible to define a UIMA category twice.

The UIMA category is defined in the uimaj-ep-configurator plugin:


and in the Cas Editor it is defined like this:
<category name="NLP" id="org.apache.uima.caseditor.ui.wizards" />
and for the views
<category id="org.apache.uima.caseditor.ui.views" name="NLP" />

we could simply rename NLP -> to UIMA, but then we might have two
categories with UIMA.

To reuse the org.apache.uima.cpe.UIMA category I think the Cas Editor
must depend on uimaj-ep-configurator project.

What do you think about renaming "NLP" to "Cas Editor" and the Cas Editor project
from "Project" to "Cas Editor Project" ?

Another option in my opinion is to move the UIMA category to the runtime project,
maybe thats the right thing to do.


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