Eddie Epstein wrote:
> A JMS service is just a UIMA AS service, so no limitations with uima-as
> aggregates. 
Sorry, I was not clear.  It's not a JMS Service, it's a JMS Client
Descriptor as a delegate.  See the Jira, but this (at the time the Jira
was written) worked if the aggregate was async="false", and failed for
async="true" with the exception:

    Constructor threw exception;
        nested exception is java.lang.ClassCastException:
incompatible with

   In the scaleout doc Section 1.4.5. "Compatibility with earlier
version of remoting and scaleout" we say: A Vinci client service
descriptor can be used in an aggregate descriptor as before, and can be
used as a primitive analysis engine in a deployment descriptor We should
qualify this by saying here (or in "known problems") something like
"only if invoked from an aggregate that is deployed as an AS primitive"
If not in an aggregate we get:
Constructor threw exception; nested exception is
org.apache.uima.resource.impl.CustomResourceSpecifier_impl incompatible
with org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceCreationSpecifier

        Show ยป <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/UIMA-959>

> SOAP clients previously broke delta CAS replies, but the
> change that Bhavani made to "invalidate the mark" on CAS reset should
> fix that. Can't see how async would be an issue.
I think this may have the same issue as above, unless that has been fixed?

> Vinci services should still be broken for uima-as clients.
> Eddie
> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Marshall Schor <m...@schor.com> wrote:
>> In reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/UIMA-959, it says
>> that JMS and Vinci can be used within an uima-as aggregate marked
>> async="false", but fail if async="true".
>> The documentation has since been updated to say that vinci services
>> cannot be used with uima-as because they don't preserve feature
>> structure IDs, but SOAP does.
>> However, the docs don't say that JMS and SOAP clients can't be used
>> directly inside uima-as aggregates marked async="true".
>> Is this still an issue?  If so, I'll update the section 1.4.5 to say this.
>> -Marshall

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