Jörn Kottmann wrote:
Jörn Kottmann wrote:
Jörn Kottmann wrote:
By Broker: tcp://XXX2:61616)?randomize=false

The brokerUrl is:

It looks like that JmsMessageContext.chooseServerUri transform it

which is then later rejected.

Why does uima tries to select a server uri instead of directly using
the broker uri ?
I just removed the call to chooseServerUri, but I guess that breaks
the http case ? Not sure what that is about, maybe some who knows the code
could have a look ?

I did some fail over testing, the setup we have is a pure master slave broker. At the beginning everything is talking to the master until it fails (kill -9), then everyone
should talk to the slave instead.

Here is the log from my worker node:

INFO FailoverTransport - Successfully connected to tcp://XXX1:61616

##### Here I stopped the master broker process with kill -9 #####

WARN FailoverTransport - Transport failed to tcp://XXX1:61616 , attempting to automatically reconnect due to: java.io.EOFException WARN FailoverTransport - Transport failed to tcp://XXX1:61616 , attempting to automatically reconnect due to: java.io.EOFException WARN FailoverTransport - Transport failed to tcp://XXX1:61616 , attempting to automatically reconnect due to: java.io.EOFException INFO FailoverTransport - Successfully reconnected to tcp://XXX2:61616 INFO FailoverTransport - Successfully reconnected to tcp://XXX2:61616 INFO FailoverTransport - Successfully reconnected to tcp://XXX2:61616

The client is reading messages ids from a queue and is then sending them in a CAS to the worker nodes, well through a configuration error the reading failed after the master failed. So I fixed the configuration error and tried to restart the client, but it always gets a time out during initialize. But it sends a message to the uima as queue, but the message is not retrieved
by the worker node.

I used the activemq web interface to get some details about the message which is never

Command         2001
MessageFrom     ID:XXXX-51032-1257865414664-0:1:1
ServerURI       failover:(tcp://XXX1:61616,tcp://XXX2:61616)?randomize=false
MessageType     3000

Why does it reconnects three times ? The queue only has 2 consumers on the
activemq web interface.

The log output from activemq is only written to the console not to the uima.log file,
has the disadvantage that the time stamp is missing.


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